now im going to do point of views so no more narrator unless absolutly nessasery. and we are starting with ava, so avas point of view. i am standing in my room looking at myself in the mirror. thinking today is going to suck and the reason why is because ever since dad died i get abused every day. by who you might ask and that is from my family and by family i mean my step mom and step sisters.
my hell started six months before my father died. it wasnt everyday it was only if i did something wrong like talked aback,didnt do dishes ,rude to my new siblings etc. you know normal stuff to get punished for. so dad never questioned the "displine" i was getting in his mind he had a partner to help raise his daughter so he just never said anything and the reason he wouldnt question the beatings was because it wasnt really a true beating it would be a slap here or a slap there, no dinner, dont hang with friends. you know normal punishments well i guess not normal dad never slapped me well thats a lie he did once and he was drunk as hell but he never did it since. my mistake was to let my guard down when dad died i assumed that the punishments if i got them would be the same and i also assumed that dad got a women that was going to be a good mother to me after he died. but wrong i was after the death i started to get beatings everyday and for no reason at all. i could just breath on my out of the house to go to school and i was dragged back in and beaten or if i was a second later returning home than her daughters than i would get a beating or if she was just in a bad mood then you guessed it i got a beating. my favorite ones that i got after school where wait im mean favorite i mean the stupidist reasons ever anyway the reason where. i didnt tell her i arrived home, and get this told her i arrived home. yah so no reason was needed if they had the itch to beat me i got beaten and i got beat yeaterday for the most stupidest reason ever in the history of stupid reasons ever, i was hungry i snuck in the kitchen and got an apple i hadnt ate in a few days and i was hungry.