
I could feel someone staring at me as I woke up.

"Jess, I told you it's creepy when you just sit there looking at me in the dark," I reminded my roommate of 2 years.

Jessica Ramos was practically my best friend. We met my freshman year of college and often had lectures together. So when her former roommate graduated and she needed to split rent with someone, she quickly conned me into sharing an apartment - and life - with her. She was a bit of a nutcase sometimes but I could not have made it through the last two years without her. It helped that she and Trey clicked right away.

"I heard Mr. Tall Dark and Yummy has been asking around about a certain fake redhead," she says as she climbs into bed with me.

My eyes roll so hard that I'm worried they're going to get stuck there. "Are you talking about Rome? Trey's neighbor?"

"YES, BITCH! Who else? Unless that's your type, baby girl, I don't judge. Although, Raúl reminded me in Astronomy yesterday that your pussy really wants Trey," I can feel her arms wrapping around my waist.

Jess was lucky I loved her or I wouldn't let her touch me as she pleases. Also, she's still adjusting from a recent breakup and loves cuddling with me for some reason. (Mostly because I take care of her drunk and high ass when she's in her feelings every night.)

"We ran into him at that club I told you about. Then in front of Trey's building the other day. Not gonna say he isn't appealing, I just don't wanna get involved with a guy that has literally fucked his way through the girls in his major," I feel her rest her cheek against mine, "Trey really doesn't want me to get involved either."

"Ohhhhh? I'm sensing some feelings on his end," she squeezes me.

A low hiss leaves my lips as her nails stab into my stomach, "Jess, too tight."

"Sorry, Cassie," she pats my boobs, "but I think Raúl is right. There's one thing with being a protective friend and there's another when he's literally telling you not to hang around another guy romantically."

"Well, he didn't seem to care until that guy got handsy and aggressive at the club," I argue.

She sighs softly, "Cas, I still think you should talk to him about it. Before you actually get hurt just carrying these feelings around. I worry about my baby."

My eyes move to my clock and I shoot up in bed when I see the time, "Shit, I'm supposed to be getting ready to go shopping with Trey."

Jess laughs, "Shopping? Cas...does he watch you try stuff on?"

I frown, "He has a good opinion sometimes."

She shakes her head at me, "You're both idiots. He probably openly checks you out because you're so comfortable with him. And you're letting him!"

Yeah, right.

"Look I gotta get ready. Did you wanna come?" I ask her instead.

She smirks, "Wouldn't wanna intrude on your date, slut."

I send her a glare as I grab my towel and head to the bathroom.


The entire time we were at the mall, I could feel his eyes dropping to my chest. I hadn't bothered with wearing a bra today but he didn't normally pay such close attention to me.

"Trey, stop being weird," I teased.

He pretended to look at something instead of my chest, "Sorry. I didn't mean to stare. They're like...out there, you know?"

"Yeah, I do know. I was lazy and didn't wanna wear a bra."

It's quiet for a moment and then he clears his throat, "I um... I didn't know you had piercings."

At that, I blush, "Yeah, I got them when Jess and I went to get my tattoo."

"You got tatted?" He sounded surprised.

"I didn't tell you?" My fingers brush over the soft fabric of a graphic tee. "This looks your speed."

He glances at it, "They got that in large?"

I look through them, "Trey, really, stop being weird."

"I just got blindsided, okay?"

My lips thin, "What does it matter if I told you or not?"

"That's not what I mean, Cas."

"Then what do you mean!?" I can't help getting worked up. My eyes are probably crazy right now with the way he's looking at me. I've never snapped at him in public or this seriously for that matter.

He licks his lips, scratching his head as he looks for something to say, searching for the right words. "You usually tell me everything. I guess I assumed you would tell me about that, too."

I return to finding him a shirt. "I don't tell you everything."

He snorts, "You keeping something else from me? I don't think anything could top the piercings or the tattoo."

My heart thuds loudly, but I ignore it as I instead throw the shirt at him, "Here," I move away from him, legs taking me far away. Breathing deeply as I move into the underwear section. Eyes moving over the thongs. My fingers dancing over different fabrics. As I pick one up, I see Trey across the store from between the racks, but he's not alone.

My throat chokes with emotion, breath shortening, as the girl obviously flirts with him. Her lips pulled into a cute smile as Trey probably butters her up.

Don't pull out your phone. Don't pull out-

Words die on my tongue as she pulls out her cell phone and he types in his number. Her fingers brush his arm as she says god knows what to him. But he throws her that charming grin and it breaks the last fiber holding me together.

I grab thong after thong, then lace and sheer bras. Jess taught me retail therapy the first time she found me crying over his stupid ass. And right now, I needed to be done with this.

Be done with him.

Done with the feelings.

I need a drink and to let loose at a club.

I marched up to the register. The cute girl behind the counter giving me the standard salesgirl smile until she actually looks at me. Her eyes flickering over me for a second. A genuine smile sliding over her lips. Her hazel eyes quickly fill with interest as she looks at my items.

"Find everything okay?" She asks.

I mumble out a quick 'yes' to appease her. But she let's out a small laugh.

"Did I read you wrong?" She continues.

I frown at that, "I'm sorry?"

She scans each thong slowly, her long, slim fingers running over the thin waistband on some. It honestly is a little intimate the way she's doing it, like she's....

"I can imagine these are going to look great on you," she says, breaking my train of thought.

I blush, "Oh, thanks."

Her eyes fall on me again, "I mean it. I don't think you should hide an inch of your body." Did girls' voices normally turn that sultry? "I know if I had a girl like you, I'd make you feel just as sexy without any clothes on."


"Oh..." I breathe out.

She smirks, "Is this all? Or did you want me to add your number to my phone?"

I've never....

"Cas, you didn't tell me you were done already," Trey's deep voice interrupts, breaking my haze.

"Huh? Oh, sorry. I just... I saw you were busy," I reply carefully.

His eyes move to the counter, "Holy... Cas? You um... you sure you wanna buy all that?"

"Why not?" I ask instead.

"I didn't mean anything by it. I just.... are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I pull out my card, "Are you getting the shirt?"

Hazel eyes flicker between us, "Oh, I'm an idiot. Should've realized you two were together."

I make a small sound in denial, "We're not. Just friends."

Trey is quiet as she leans forward towards me. "That right?"

My cheeks fill with color. "Yeah, why?"

"Let's just say I'm very interested in you. I'm going to a club tonight, you look like you wanna dance. How about joining me?"

I swallow my nerves, "why not?"

"I'm Kai, and you?"

"Cassandra, but I go by Cas."

"Well, Cas, why don't you give me your number and I'll text you the details later?" She slides me her phone.

"Sounds good," I smile at her.

She rings up my purchase but holds out one thong. "These are free, as long as you wear them for me tonight."

My eyes widen, I glance at Trey who is glaring at his phone, "Maybe I'll leave you guessing." I flirt.

Her eyes glimmer, fueling with more interest, "Not so shy now are we?"

I grin, taking my bag, "Thanks."

"Please do come again," she adds lowly.

I walk out, heart pumping wildly in my chest. I hear Trey behind me.

"I need to go buy condoms, I'll meet you at the car."

And just like that, my heart cracks once again.
