
Chapter four:

Engines roared and guns fired as the battle of Kashyyyk began. Vader and Venus stood behind the lines waiting for the signal of the Imperial Commandos.

In their camouflaged uniforms the Commandos snuck behind enemy lines without a sound. The leader signaled to one of his subordinates to aim his rocket launcher towards the gate switch. He aims. Swoosh. The missile left and blew up the switch but the gate did not open. Gun fire then rang out from the Wookies and Commandos.

This is FX-12. There on to us they had a decoy switch were going to...

Just then a Wookie helicopter appeared before them with a Wookie who had a chain gun in his hands. He smiled and growled.

FX-12 are you there FX-12." The lieutenant could hear the gun shots in the background. Inform Lord Vader."

Darth Vader watched as the wall still stood. He started to get pissed when they came back he would kill one of them for taking so long.

A Stormtrooper walked up behind Vader and said. Lord Vader the Commandos have been killed."

Vader responded with. Then I will do it myself." As Vader began walking towards the Wookie stronghold Juno ran up to him.

Master let me go." Juno Eclipse said.

And why do you wish to take my place?" Vader asked her.

I sense that you do not trust me Master that I am a liability to you. So let me prove my loyalty and strength to you." Replied Juno Eclipse. Vader stood there for a minute and at that moment saw himself when Obi-Wan was teaching him.

He sighed and said. You have one minute then I will take over. Take that detpack over there and this." Vader handed her his lightsaber. You'll need it and may the Force be with you." Juno bowed and said. I will not disappoint you my Master."

With that Juno leapt into the air and on to the battlefield. For the first time in a long time Vader trusted someone besides himself in battle. She had learned a lot in a short amount of time. As he looked on he knew he would have to join the battle or the troops would not survive. He hoped Venus would destroy the switch before then.

Juno Eclipse jumped into one of the huts attached to the trees and ignited the crimson red lightsaber and destroyed all of the Wookies inside, while using Soresu the third lightsaber form and the defensive form. She would have to sneak in from the side because no matter how powerful the crimson red lightsaber was it could not deflect hundreds of blast at once. She jumped from pillar to pillar and on top of the fortress the Wookies had built without a sound.

Vader couldn't stand there any longer if he did the Wookies would get the upper hand. He jumped and glided down to the sands of the battlefield.

Vader had entered the battlefield and entered the battlefield and he would make sure that knew it.

He used the Force to push about 20 Wookies back. He grabbed one Wookie and choked it until it became unconscious and then let it go. Vader was powerful but he couldn't take on a army.

Venus was the Empires only hope.

Juno Eclipse felt it was time and jumped down and battled Wookie after Wookie getting scratched and shot a couple of times but she still battled on until out of the corner of her eye she spotted the gate switch.

She threw the detpack and detonated it. The fortress wall then fell. She had done it with time to spare.

A shot rang out and grazed her shoulder. Juno Eclipse yelled and gave the Wookie an angry glare before she used Force Lightning to kill the Wookie.

When she looked out over the barricade she saw hundreds of Stormtroopers jumping off ship's and capturing Wookies. Vader saw the wall fall and looked up to see his young apprentice bruised and breathing hard.

Juno Eclipse looked down at Vader and he nodded.

They had won.