Chapter 5 - Discovered

*2 New Deaths*


A sudden mutation? now? And a lethal one at that

This isn't good.... I need to not attract attention and build up a steady amount of infections, if everyone dies off now, I will die as well

Why now? I just wanted to have a proper meal

How do I fix this? Is there a way to undo the mutation?

The TV by the side starts playing some news

"Two deaths unnatural deaths confirmed inside bus near bus interchange. Autopsies will be performed to find out how the body died"

Shit! So fast? I'm going to get discovered, I have to undo this mutation somehow... I can't just let it be.





Genetic Progress


There it is!

Genetic progress



Coughing 1

Drug Resistance 1

Environmental Resistance 1

Mosquito Infection 1

Total Organ Failure 1


I tapped onto the "Total Organ Failure" option

*Do you want to devolve "Total Organ Failure 1"?*


*Costs 500 DNA Points to devolve, tap to continue*


I frantically tapped the screen, hopping for a positive outcome

*You do not meet the required amount of points, devolution cancelled*

Oh no, there must be some quick way to gain points right now... Think... Think....




URGH! I got nothing

I have to sit here and wait for people to get infected to get points... what do I do

By 9pm one specific news title hit headlines on the television

"New lethal Virus confirmed, type of spread unconfirmed, Low-risk"

*172 New Infected*

*84 Recoveries*

*6 New Deaths*

*300 DNA Points earned*

Finally... it only took a few hours...

*Costs 500 DNA Points to devolve, tap to continue*

*"Total Organ Failure" has been devolved*

Now people know that I exist... I must be more careful now. I'm lucky the entire Japan currently has their eyes on FOV-2

I take a look at the radar

There seems to be a obvious increase in black and green dots and what's this, 1..2..3 ... 8 red dots. I'm guessing these dots represent deaths.

3 of them are from the school dorm?? oh shit

I need to play it safer, saving up points in the event of another sudden mutation. Furthermore, there are so many clusters in this school that makes it seem like the infection originated from this school. (Well this is true)

Tommorow I should be having a few online lessons... Guess I'll need to waste my time again.

And I have been thinking though... since I die when there are no longer any ongoing infections, does that also mean infections stop when I die myself? If this is true then... I found out one way to take out FOV-2.

By death that is....

And how do I do that I Guess I need to get some weapons as well...

Wait hold on... these red dots.... they are the rooms directly beside me. I wear a government provided mask and rush to open the door.

*-Knock Knock"

I open the door only to find two policeman waiting outside

"Excuse me, do you happen to know anything about your the students beside the dorm?" One of them ask.

"No.... I've been cooped up here since this afternoon."

My body begins to tense up as I remember that the 3 students must have definitely died due to "Total Organ Failure" That was way too fast, they just died not too long ago and the cops are already here..

"Oh I see, there happens to be 3 unexplained deaths around this area, you should probably be careful. The students died not too long ago, will need to check you students later."

Escaped... just barely

They must have some tracking mechanism that tracks deaths, like if they didn't how would they even know the students just died. I didn't even hear them up till they came to my room, they must have know where the students died at.

It seems I need to eventually choose my deaths carefully, if not I would expose my own position.

Exercise caution he said, "I sure will"

*200 New Infected*

*93 New Recoveries*

*No new deaths*

*You gained 200 DNA Points*

It's about time, I should head to sleep soon. I wolf down the food and quickly lie on bed.

Man... it's been a while since I've lied down on such a comfortable bed, it's so much better than that stuffy as hell bed in the hospital.

Staring at the sealing as I recall the past life I had with my own family, before the initial FOV-2 outbreak. I miss those times, but they were taken away from me.

I must.... m-must exact my revenge

*Shiki falls asleep after muttering the words of revenge

"It seems he finally is getting used to being a virus, we don't need to help him anymore."

"For now"


Name : Black

Type : Virus

r0 - 1.1

Infected - 300+

Killed - 8

DNA Points - 251


Coughing 1

Drug Resistance 1

Environmental Resistance 1

Mosquito Infection 1
