Chapter 6 - Shopping for a Weapon

Shiki wakes up, stretching his arms as he yawned. This was the first time he was able to comfortably sleep. His bedridden past was finally gone, back then he would always wonder whether he would die in his sleep, never to see his parents yet again.

I walk towards the fridge and grabbed some leftover bacon from yesterday to reheat in the microwave.

Damn, this place really is bliss for a school dormitory, it was stacked with many things for a stay at home person. A microwave, a stove, heck! They even provided a mini-fridge. It was like living the dream under a rock.

Overnight, the amount of infected usually drop whereas the amount of recoveries rose.

And as expected

*102 New Infected*

*152 New Recoveries*

*100 DNA Points Gained*

I plate the bacon and placed it onto dining table. And grabbed a packet of cereal crumbs and poured some onto the plate. Despite the weird combination, it actually tasted pretty good, too good in fact! (Do not try this at home)

Shiki munched down his good before chancing upon a written note on the wall.

It read


Good Luck, you can now survive on your own.

But you have to take care of yourself from other people. If you yourself died, of course it's game over as well.


I pondered over the note for a bit, someone had managed to sneak into my room! When I was asleep! I rushed to the door, it was actually picked open, the pin used to pick it open was still there, inserted into keyhole.

So much for this safe as hell school dorm.

This must've been the person who wrote the letter, it seems they are on my side so I needn't worry much.

And I still need to stock up on some weapons, it was necessary to take care of my own self. But the normal gunshop wouldn't do, it would be conspicuous if someone my age did borrow a gun. And there was a chance that perhaps the Drug Store has some weapons that I could use, I didn't really get to take a close look at the items on sale last time because of the rush.

It was time to make my way back there as I wore a disposable mask and walked out my front door.

Simple as that, a quick 15 minute walk and I was back at the store. The owner recognised me and showed me back into the actual store.

"It seems you managed to survive boy, congrats" he said.

"Oh it's no big deal, without your help I wouldn't even be standing here today" I replied

He blushed red for a second and immediately went back to a stern face.

Wait did he blush? Er, never mind

Shiki proceeds to ask if there were any available weapons he could purchase for himself, giving the owner a maximum price range of about 350 - since this was his current amount of points.

The store was absolutely fascinating, having weapons, evolution perks, prototype cures and and even having an actual gambling area.

The owner showed me to a section, it was slightly worn down compared to the other futuristic spots in the area. I guessed my 350 DNA Points was little to offer. The area was somewhat similar to a Jewelry store, with weapons encased in glass cubes.

Adding on to the mordern weapons of mankind, there were syringes and stapler guns. Although the syringe was actually the most expensive one, amounting just barely 1000 DNA Points.

"Boss, what does this syringe do?"

"It's like a water gun in the form of a syringe, the ammo usually stored in it should be a cure for another disease if you have found out the cure recipe. But it's not normally used by you guys, it may kill you f you managed to spill some of yourself since some diseases share similar cures."

"You guys?" I asked, cantering my focus on this unknown group of people.

"Oh yes, by 'You Guys' I mean the disease Controllers."

I nod my head with understanding, so there must be more people like me. I still didn't understand why I became like this though, was there any requirements to becoming one of them? It was strange enough that I was chosen.

A pistol caught my eye sitting by an obscure corner on the left side of the section.

"Does Mr Black want to purchase this item?"

I nod my head before stopping my tracks and preparing a battle stance "Wait... how do you know my virus name?"

"I peeked at your status table the last time you came, it's only normal that I would know your name. Fret not, I won't tell another soul." The boss said.

Wait what? They can see my screen? Wasn't everyone unable to see it???!!

Shiki was clearly in a panicked state, he didn't know whether his class had seen his screen. If so, his identity would soon enough be revealed to the world.

"You must be thinking that no one can see it but only Disease Controllers can see another users screen. You should probably try to hide it more carefully, exposing data may lead to others developing a cure against you."

Shiki's face flushed red in embarrassment, he was being taught as though he was a little kid.

"Yes, I'll take the gun over there"

"My you have good taste."

That gun was a Glock-18 in a somewhat usable condition

With that, 300 DNA points were deducted from Shiki's account, he felt as though his pockets have been emptied, although it was only in a virtual sense.

The same 15 minute walk back home, only to arrive at yet another scene outside his house.

Two cops stood outside his door,



Name : Black

Type : Virus

r0 - 1.1

Infected - 250+

Killed - 8

DNA Points - 51


Coughing 1

Drug Resistance 1

Environmental Resistance 1

Mosquito Infection 1
