Chapter 16 - Friend or Foe?

"The head was cut-off extremely cleanly. The other bodies outside seem to have been cut the same way."

"There are other people aside from us that are still alive?" She tilts her head to the side pondering.

Someone must've cut up all these zombies. They should know were inside, but why haven't they come to see us.

'Friend... or ... Foe' the thought rang in my mind.

He shouldn't be wary of us. He displayed his skill but cutting up all the zombies but didn't come to see us?

1, 2 , 3, 4 ... multiple bodies could be seen outside the door. Damn Yui, she attracted way too much.

All had their heads cut-off seamlessly as though they didn't even put up a fight, let alone notice the unknown person.

and then...

From a distance, a loud 'Scream could be heard around the corner.' It was so high-pitched it pierced my ears. But then, the scream stopped abruptly following a loud *Slam*

As if from natural instinct. I grabbed Yui's hand and raced out through a broken back window from the house.

"Shiki? Where are we going"

'Anywhere but near that scream. Whatever that thing was, it's not human. Let alone will it help us'

There were some bushes to hide in so we hid there first.

This thing, it should be the one that killed all those zombies..... We won't stand a chance if we cross paths.

As we stood in the bush, it steps could be heard all the way over hear. I'd estimate it easily being over 50 metres away but its step were still audible. With each step it took, we could feel the vibrations underneath us as though a some construction site was happening beneath us.

Not human... It ain't human.

50... 40... 20...

The steps were getting louder.


The house we were just in was obliterated as the creature swung its arms and demolished the entire building. Now, it looked like rubble from World War 2.

"What the fu-" Yui exclaimed,

I grabbed her and sealed her mouth shut.

Any wrong move could end us in an instant.

'H⚍ᒲᔑリ ⎓ꖎᒷᓭ⍑. W⍑ᒷ∷ᒷ ᔑ∷ᒷ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ||?!!' the sound came out from its mouth

(There's actually a secret hint here ^, to those that can decipher it good job!)

It was not something that we could comprehend...

Me and Yui were a good 10 metres away from the house. Unless our luck was extremely bad, we shouldn't be found. The debris from the house was thrown into another direction, so luckily neither of us was hit by a flying computer.

19... 18... 17....



What shitty luck was I blessed with.

Is this it?

This is definitely not something you would believe. Unless you saw it yourself, you would never believe even if I were to repeat it over a thousand times.

15 metres high, 5metres in length, it's enormous figure was enough to outclass the house we were just in. A oversized gorilla the size of a small house, it was bruised all over and infact, you could even see its bones in some places.

A zombie Gorilla, oversized to god knows how many times its usual size

We're screwed

5 metres left

I signed my will and thanked god for at least giving me a second chance at life, although it was short lived.

1 metres



0 metres

-1 metres


-2 metres


-5 metres



When it finally walked away I looked down at Yui.

Oh fuck.

She was already foaming from her mouth.

I think... I suffocated her.

*Flashbacks to when I sealed her mouth(and nose) with my hand*

My condolences, just before her death. She was peed on by a squirrel, and was drenched in zombie blood.

I wiped a fake tear from underneath my eye as I prayed for her success in heaven.


"What the fuck do you think you're doing"

She grabbed me with both hands by my shirt collar and forced me on the ground.


(P.S. from Shiki, that was probably the quietest scream I even heard)

(P.s from Author ^ prob cuz ur in the open and she has a brain)

(P.S from Shiki 2, and I feel light headed from that slap...)\


"HOW CAN YOU DO THAT TO ME~~!" she said, while grabbing my collar and shaking me around.

"Yuii- Stop look at the position we are in", I shoved my hand in front of her

We we're out in the open, we should find a suitable place first in order to talk things ou-

YUI POINT OF VIEW-----------------


Yui thought about the situation she and Shiki were in before her face flushed red.


This position, was one that was quite precarious...

Yui who had forced Shiki onto the ground, and her clothes still soggy from the zombie blood.

NORMAL POINT OF VIEW--------------------

Yui immediately backed off upon hearing that and pouted.

I didn't expect her to actually do it...