Chapter-2[Apocalyptic Adventure]

Teacher Liu panicked!

She was not expecting to be replied like that as even though she felt both Han Xiao and Yan Feng be scary, the first one never talked back.

'W-what happened?! Ha...what should I do?!'

Her panic increased, even more, when Han Xiao's deep abyssal black eyes stared into hers.

She felt like looking into an Abyss that started looking back at her.

The blue-haired girl that was sitting on the table to the right of Han Xiao looked at everything calmly but her eyes showed worry when she saw Han Xiao sitting with her arms crossed over his chest, and his black eyes looking at the trembling Teacher Liu, 'Did Young Master awakened some weird hobby of humiliating girls?! NO!! I need to take care of that!! But I need to take Young Master out of here first!'

"Hey! You are making Teacher Liu feel uncomfortable!"

Yan Feng interjected after coming out of his initial embarrassment and gallantly stood in front of Teacher Liu, protecting her from the vile stare emitting from Han Xiao.

Teacher Liu blushed to see Yan Feng showing care for her like this.

Mo Ling who was red in anger looked at Teacher Liu like she was looking at her biggest enemy.

Meanwhile, the other girl who was with Yan Feng had an amused look on her face as she saw the show unfold in front of her eyes.

'Is this the power of Harem Protagonist?'

Han Xiao wondered as he shook his head while looking in Yan Feng's eyes, "No, I just want to know where my fault is, nothing else."

The light blush on Yan Feng's face deepened looking into Han Xiao's eyes making the latter cringe at that.

'I am starting to get more and more of these bad vibes...'

"I just wanted Teacher Liu to point me my mistakes, but if it made you uncomfortable, then I am sorry."

Han Xiao looked at Teacher Liu apologetically.

He knows how much of a cowardly Teacher Liu was from the novel.

Her character in the start was cowardly and not only that but she was also shown having no serious quality other than lecturing the students to be righteous and other stuff. But her character development was best till he had read.

Teacher Liu stepped forward with a scared expression, and her hand was holding the sleeves of Yan Feng's shirt.

Mo Ling showed even more jealously seeing that and started to bite her nails.

'Should I take Young Master out of here? But he seemed alright now...maybe I should wait for a little and observe for now.' The blue-haired girl thought with anxiety and worry eating her.

"No! Student Han! It was my fault too! So, I think we should wrap this here and start studying!!"

Teacher Liu then hurridly clapped her hands and sent the students back to their seats and went towards her table in the front but not before giving Han Xiao a scared look and Yan Feng a grateful one.

'What is the difference in treatment?'

Han Xiao silently thought before he started to gaze out of the window.

The sunlight fell over his body as it was only the month of July, so the sun was high in the air, the sound of bird chirpings even entered the classroom making Han Xiao feel relaxed.

Yan Feng was sitting at the table behind him and on Yan Feng's right was Mo Ling sitting. On Han Xiao's front was the other black-haired girl who came Yan Feng was sitting.

The class continued without any problem except the girls having their gazes wandering at Han Xiao and Yan Feng occasionally.

After the class, Teacher Liu called Yan Feng.

"Student Feng, could you help me take these things to the staff room."

There was a look of pitifulness on Teacher Liu's face as she pointed at the pile of files placed on the table.

'And our righteous protagonist will be saying, ' Han Xiao amusedly thought.

It's not like he was against a righteous protagonist or anything, he was just way too used to reading about the protagonist that he know what Yan Feng would speak.

"Yes, Teacher Liu! I will help you!"

And just like Han Xiao speculated, Yan Feng spoke the same and stood up to help Teacher Liu.

Han Xiao silently shook his head and again began looking out of the window, gazing at the beauty of nature that was going to be destroyed soon.

'Apocalyptic Adventure, the novel which started with the Mana or some similar energy washing over the world due to cosmic radiation or cosmic incident happening in the space, the real reason was not mentioned in the novel.'

Han Xiao silently thought about the novel, the only novel he liked reading in his whole past life.

Apocalyptic Adventure was a novel that started with some energy washing over the world.

Every living being gained some type of skills, talents, or have their physique upgraded. The first week it happened, chaos encased the whole world.

Why? Because not only humans upgraded, everything did. From plants to animals, simple things became treasures. The dead rose from the grave. It was nothing but chaos.

'And Protagonist became the center of everything.'

The protagonist, Yan Feng was someone who excelled in martial arts and stuff similar making him the perfect leader and Han Xiao was someone who walked on a different path.

He separated from his whole class after the first outbreak and was never talked about in the whole novel except Yan Feng remembering about him.

'But to think that I became Han Xiao of the novel, but that was not all. My real identity was even more dangerous. Han Family, one of the top families of China. Han Family owned everything, from properties to shares in every type of market, but they were of no use in front of the apocalypse.'

The blue-haired girl glanced at Han Xiao from the corner of her eyes, 'What happened to Young Master? He even lied about being called by Family but the Master hadn't called him at all...'

Han Xiao turned his head as he felt the stare on him and saw the blue-haired girl averting her eyes.

'Liang Li, my attendant, and bodyguard. And from the looks of it, she had been observing my behavior being weird, kinda understandable as the previous Han Xiao was completely silent. '

That was his character but hidden inside, he always felt lonely.

He had everything, from talent to wealth but there were only some people who understand the true him.

Han Xiao mentally sighed.

He had way too many things to do now before the start of Apocalypse but if there was one best thing, it was that he transmigrated into a rich character, even with a week available to him, he could do many things.

Han Xiao then shifted his gaze to his front, where the other girl that came with Yan Feng sat.

'Yan Xi, the twin sister of the protagonist. An expert war analytic. But she was nothing more than a military freak. She loved the military so much that she created her own in the novel with the people that she and her brother along with his team and named harem saved. In short, she was a hopeless character if the world hadn't changed. And also, Code name-Xi...'

Han Xiao turned towards the door which opened now with Yan Feng entering the class and behind Yan Feng was a fat bald man wearing a black suit.

'Villain-1, the cliche teacher villain who got overpowered skill, but before that, the teacher was ridiculed by others to the limit. I guess nothing new.'

Yab Feng entering the class walked towards his seat and sat behind Han Xiao and whispered after placing his head on the table.

"Why is this fatty taking our lecture today?"

It was understandable for him to be confused as the lecture now was supposed to be taken by another teacher.

Liang Li peeked at Han Xiao and Yan Feng silently.

"I don't know. Should I call the teacher to know about it?"

Han Xiao whispered back and asked with a slight smile. Yan Feng quickly shook his head.

"And you want to stand out of the class?!"

"It sounds interesting..."

Both Liang Li and Yan Feng opened their eyes wide!

Han Xiao, the model student spoke about staying outside of the class is interesting!!

"Are you alright, Brother?"

Yan Feng asked with genuine worry. He had been friends with Han Xiao for more than 4 years but today, he found his friend's behavior weird.