
Feng Yun boiled in anger. He wasn't able to believe that he was called that. He had his pride for being the top ace of the Basket Ball team, but all of his pride was crushed the previous month when his girlfriend proposed to Han Xiao. He had been looking for ways to beat Han Xiao but nothing worked as he was never able to find out where Han Xiao lived or even once did he see Han Xiao out of the school.

'Wait...I could beat him today as I have a reason!'

With that thought, he turned at his minions and nodded at them with a grin on his face, and as though they understood his gesture, the minions nodded back.

Now, Feng Yun could beat Han Xiao as he had a valid reason, else he can't as this was an elite school, and the only reason he was here was because of his talent in basketball, and his father's connections, and nothing else.

Minion 2, who was quiet till now turned at the group of students with some teachers mixed in it, and a vicious grin formed on his face before vanishing.

"You all could see how Student Han is speaking wrongly to Boss Feng! And Boss Feng did nothing wrong! It was Student Xi that got in his way! Not the other way around!"

Every student listened to the words of Minion 2 carefully and while some young teachers were about to step forward to resolve the conflict but the old teachers stopped them and looked at Han Xiao with a fearful gaze.

Han Xiao passed Yan Xi to Liang Li, who gave shoulder support to Yan Xi and help her stand.

Liang Li glanced at the trios making her Young Master's reputation go downhill, then at her Young Master who was amusedly looking at what the trio tried to do and asked with a venomous tone but her voice was low, "Young Master...Please let me do it."

"And make a pool of blood appear here too?" Han Xiao rolled his eyes at Liang Li's question and continued, "You do remember what happened last time, right?"

Liang Li hung her head down, as a way to avert her eyes while Yan Xi looked uncomfortable hearing their talk.

Even though she was the top rank world hacker, but her accomplishment remained there. She never appeared in the limelight and never saw the cruel reality with her own eyes, so she was uncomfortable with the mention of blood by Han Xiao.

"I will permit you to protect me against normal people if you could do that without killing anyone. Else, don't ask." Han Xiao reprimanded in a low tone. He didn't want to see a pool of blood forming in his school.

Seeing her nodding, Han Xiao turned around looking at the show in front of him with an amused look in his eyes. He enjoyed it, seeing others trying so hard to bring him down...only to fail.

'I wonder, what their reaction would be when they failed miserably?'

With that thought in his mind, he continued to observe Minion 2 trying to make others hate him.

"This is bullying! Boss Feng is the innocent party! But Student Han blamed him! And not only that, Student Han even made Boss Feng's girlfriend cheating on him!!"

Feng Yun who was watching the show of others showing different reactions in Han Xiao's direction had his eyes wide open when his Minion 2 revealed the past of him and his girlfriend.

'This fool...!!!! How could he speak about that?!' Feng Yun angrily thought. He had kept the reason for his breakup a secret but the fool of a minion revealed it...!!

Han Xiao snickered. How could he not see the reaction shown by Feng Yun? But he didn't care and only felt amused.

"How could Student Han do that?!"

"Student Feng and Student Chu Hua were perfect partners!!"

"So this was the reason for their breakup!!"

Students started to bicker among themselves while some even loudly while glancing in Han Xiao's direction.

Feng Yun who saw that smiled, 'It looked like this worked...well, I will give my minion reward for this, he made things quickly done for me...'

How could Feng Yun not know how difficult would it be for him to break Han Xiao's reputation but his Minion's words made things easy for him, even though he would have his reputation downgraded but he was ready for that if he could take Han Xiao down.

"Right! So Does Boss Feng have the right to beat Han Xiao or not?!" Minion 2 asked loudly with a vicious glint passing through his eyes.

"Yes!! Beat him!!"

And just like that, it became a game. With those who had the same accident as Feng Yun in the past screaming. They were happy to see the demise of Han Xiao.

"No! It was your fault for not giving your girlfriend enough satisfaction! If she loved you, then she wouldn't have left with Prince Han!!"

But there were still some supporters of Han Xiao left in the crowd, whose face Han Xiao remembered clearly.

'Since they stood for me, and if they stayed on this same path in the apocalypse time...then I may consider saving them...'

Even though Han Xiao had supporters, but not much as many First Year students had gone on a school trip, and first-year students were his main fans.

Feng Yun getting the reaction he wanted from the students turned towards Han Xiao with a smug grin on his face which quickly dissolved when he saw how unfazed Han Xiao was from everything.

'This bastard is flexing again!!'

Feng Yun knew that he would never be able to defeat Han Xiao in terms of popularity fairly, but he knew he could defeat Han Xiao physically or that's what he thought. And at the same time, he also knew that he would never be calm if he was in Han Xiao's position, making more jealousy rise in him.

He wanted to be the top, but Han Xiao stood in his path like a wall, and not the one made of stone, but made of diamond. And the shine from the diamond wall obstructed him every time he wanted to cross that wall.

Han Xiao glanced at Feng Yun and shook his head, 'This is the common result in any school for rich people. Everyone is filled with pride to the brim but they have no noteworthy quality in them. Basket Ball talent is good, and you could gain the affiliation and play on an international level but after your prime age is over, you are a waste. The only thing you could do was to teach others how to play...but sadly this sports type person benefitted most from the apocalypse too...'

"Student Han, are you ready for a beating?" Feng Yun viscously asked while forming a fist in his right hand and rubbing it over his left palm. He seemed way too eager to beat Han Xiao.

Han Xiao shook his head and spoke in a calm tone, "The one who was going to get the beating would be you."

His every word hit Feng Yun in the heart like thorns which rose his anger even more.

'I am going to beat him to a pulp! and remove that calmness off him!!' Feng Yun thought as he charged at Han Xiao.

Yan Xi and Liang Li had already moved back and observed everything. While both had a relaxed expression on their face, not even a little worry was evident on their faces.

"How long would Brother Han take to beat him?" Yan Xi asked after standing on her foot, without any support. She had already moved away from Liang Li when they moved back.

Liang Li peeked at Yan Xi before answering in. a low tone, "I think around 3 minutes while taking care of his surroundings."

"I think 4 to 5 minutes though." Yan Xi replied.

Liang Li shook her head and continued with a small smile, "How about a bet?"

A curious look formed on Yan Xi's face as she asked in an interested tone, "What is the stake?"

She was a hacker who did many risky hackings in the past, so she was naturally interested in the bets too.

"The loser will fulfill the winner's request, but only one." Liang Li answered with a glint passing through her eyes.

'Should I go for it? But why do I have the feeling that I am going to lose?' Yan Xi thought, she felt the fact that Liang Li was this much confident to be weird but still nodded and answered, "Sure. Don't forget later on."

A smirk formed on Liang Li's face as she turned toward Han Xiao's direction.