

The sound of a bell ringing sounded in the whole school, indicating the end of lunch.

Han Xiao sighed mentally, 'Haa...what a waste, the whole lunch was wasted due to them...'

President Zu stepped back with a look of horror, 'I had wrongly accused Student Han...!!! No!! Why did I foolishly stand in his way!!?'

Loud cheers erupted from the students who were with Han Xiao as they heard the proclamation made by Feng Yun's ex-girlfriend and those who stood against him showed despair.

Yan Feng shook his head seeing those reactions. He felt disappointed with his own classmates and others, 'Haa...should have known better, how could I thought that there would be some people with enough brain in this school and even some teachers are foolish...'

Yao Ji turned toward Han Xiao and asked with a sweet small smile on her face, "So, how did it feel to be proposed by someone who hadn't even broken up with their boyfriend yet?"

Han Xiao sighed hearing that question and answered in a defeated tone, "I don't know what to feel about this..."

Yao Ji's smile deepened but stayed quiet and thought amusedly, 'From his is clear that he is enjoying the situation in front of him, Haa...when is he going to start and be honest with himself...

Yao Ji had known Han Xiao even before Yan Feng when they were only 10 years old as both the Han Family and Yao Family had deep interactions with each other so they both met pretty early.

But as they grew, the interactions became less and less, especially when Han Xiao was way too busy acquiring more skills, but it changed when he turned 14 and decided to live away from the family, and Yao Ji at that time just entered the acting carrier in Sichuan Province letting both of them meet again and have a fresh start.

"Yes! How could Student Han do something so deplorable!!"

"Hahaha, I already know that Student Han is innocent!"

"I want to have your babies, Prince Han!!"

Han Xiao, Yan Feng, Yao Ji, Yan Xi, Liang Li, all looked towards the students to search for the one who just screamed those words but they were not able to find the student as many students were cheering and the crowd that was formed made it more difficult for them.

'Who the hell was that?! First, this girl is nearly becoming Yandere! And now this...what had I gotten into after transmigration here?!' Han Xiao thought worriedly. He knew that women could be most dangerous creatures in the world depending on the circumstances...

Han Xiao turned his sight towards President Zu and then at the students who had their heads hung down and spoke in a completely calm tone, "I would request you to know about the situation first before screaming and condemning someone like this. I had done nothing wrong but you spoke about me like problem, I could tolerate it, but remember that, you have lost all of your value in my eyes, and President Zu, it was including you."

President Zu opened her eyes wide. Lowering her value in the eyes of Han Xiao was the same as in the eyes of the Han Family, which was the last thing she could afford to do.

'No! I need to calm him down! else the deal will go down! And worst of all would be...No! I can't let my family control me! I need to calm him down!' President Zu racked her brain as she realized her situation.

There was the situation of strong eating the weak in the top families and every child of those families needed to fight for resources but if one of those children offended someone from an even upper ranked family?

...The light punishment would be just getting home confined for some months to a year, and the middle would be being killed to calm the anger of the other party but the worst was getting sent to the other party as a way of boot-licking and compensation, and it was true in the case if another party was a male.

President Zu body trembled to look at Han Xiao and she had the urge to kneel right now, but if she did that, she knew she was going to suffer even more as Han Xiao had kept his identity hidden, no matter what, revealing his identity was the last thing she would do.

"It is interesting to see her trembling like that, isn't it, Darling?" Yao Ji whispered in Han Xiao and at the end blow in his ears.

'And here is her teasings...Haa..' Han Xiao thought.

Han Xiao kept his sight at President Zu and spoke slowly, "No, it is not. I want everything to end right this instant."

"I see...then should I do it?" Yao Ji asked back with a glint of light passing through her eyes, 'How long did he think he could ignore my hint?'

A thoughtful look appeared on Han Xiao's face before he nodded his head, "Finish it quickly, the drama had been ongoing for nearly 45 minutes and I am hungry now."

"Should I do it?" Yan Feng interjected in their conversation with a bright smile, the smile which Han Xiao felt completely different from Yan Feng's usual smile, and at the same time, he moved away from Yao Ji a little as he just realized that she had her face directly beside his and her breasts were about to touch his arms.

'Tch...' Yao Ji internally clicked her tongue glancing in Yan Feng's direction.

"You could, Brother Feng, but also hit those two minions." Han Xiao answered while moving towards Yan Xi, Liang Li, and Mo Ling.


Yao Ji turned towards Yan Feng and clicked her tongue loudly this time, "Tch...why can't you just focus on your own work? And not to interfere in mine."

A confused look formed on Yan Feng's face as a glint passed through his eyes, "What do you mean by that, Senior Yao?"

"Don't try to play innocent with me. I know everything about you." Yao Ji retorted back and started to move towards Han Xiao.

Yan Feng's expression darkened before returning to normal and turned towards President Zu who had tears in her eyes thinking about her future.

'No need to overthink, you could handle everything. Just remember that.'

With this thought, Yan Feng started to walk towards the anxious and crying President Zu with a confused feeling forming in his heart.

'Why is she so anxious...isn't she the rich princess of Lei Family? Or is it because the Model Student got the situation wrong to the core?' Yan Feng wondered and strolled towards his front while the students who stood in front of the minions to protect them already moved away.