Bukavac No. 031

I sat in my car for a while after that. A Bukavec. I had never heard of a beast by that name, I had heard Yaromir talk about the boars, and he didn't have even a look of fear. But this creature, he was afraid, the greatest kind of fear. The fear if a man staring death in the face.

I decided I would search for it tomorrow in a way that no one would find out. But that would require a nice rest.

-Morning- 0600

I woke up and stretched, my back was stiff from the seats. I need to make sure to get some kind of comfortable cushioning to help me sleep or my back would be stiff, and a stiff back means that I can't be as efficiently fighting.

I got out of the car and stretched my back out as it would be important for my journey. I checked my stuff and made a list of my inventory.

I had 3 magazines of AR ammo, 6 clips for Pistols and 3 Mosin clips.

I holsterd my pistol, and slung my Mosin and AK-47 over my shoulder. As I left I packed 2 gallons of water, 3 cans of beef, and 2 pieces of bread for my trip. As I left my closet I saw Yemelyan and Venedikt. As we made eye contact it became incredibly awkward very quickly.

Venedikt broke the silence after a few seconds, "What the fuck Bratan, why are you strapped! Why so many guns! Answer me you idot! There better be a good reason for this!"

I wasn't necessarily shocked by his reaction I waited for a few seconds, as it looked like I was heading off to fight an army.

I paused and then mumbled like a 5 year old caught with his hand caught in a cookie jar. "Uhm, I was a going to fight thaaat, uuuuhm, what was it? Bukavek, yeah I was going to go kill it!"

They both looked at each other and then back at me, and then they both broke out laughing. I was just staring nervously. They then took their gaze back on me and said, "Without Molotov's? Or a torch even? Oh Bratan your heart is in the right place but you lack the knowledge, a few bullets may slow it down, but it won't kill it. And before you say I will just shoot it more, no no no! You have to burn it completely to ash and disperse the ashes or somehow drown it and then burn it, but that would be a death sentence!" They continued laughing at my naiveness as I grew bright tomato red in the face.

"Well, how was I supposed to know! I'll go get some and then leave! I'll get outside of the walls and wait for that demon and then kill it!"

They both looked at me, then Yemelyan was the one too speak up, "Bratan, Bukavecs are humanoid creatures that live in swamps, we are partially surounded by that terrain, and they have an acute sense of smell similar to that of a shark. If they smell you you would barely be able to out run it in a car Bratan! A CAR! It has horns the size of a large 14-point buck with no skin on its bomey face. You would have to wait for days and have a group ready to spring out of the base with Molotov's as they wouldn't be damp just don't try anything, It would be terrible to lose you on a risky suicide mission like this!"

As Yemelyan was describing about the demon that I was about to slay I quickly made two Molotov's in my closet and strapped them to my back. "You said it was risky, so there's a chance that I can kill it."

Yemelyan was flustered, "Bratan! You know that is not what I meant! Don't do it you would get in trouble and even Borislav might not be able to help you then!."

I tossed Yemelyan the rest of my Rubles and calmly said, "Here, don't tell anyone, if you say I'll be dead you can make more use out of it, I'll be back in 2 days or I'm probably dead." I mad a peace sign as I walked out and ran towards the nearest wall and left Yemelyan and Venedikt behing with my car.

I covered the 80 yards to the wall in less than 30 seconds and got up the wall with the use of a ladder left behind accidentally.

I was over the wall and the fell from about a height of twelve feet over the ground. I crouched down and scanned the area with my Kalashnikov rifle. I crouched down and ran, crossing about fifty yards of swamps to a small dryer island. I got down on my stomach in a small group of bushes and scanned the area before continuing. I had a plan, it was risky, but it would work.

I would set myself up in a position where I had my back against a solid object that couldn't be climbed. So I would only have to worry about 180 degrees of area that I had to watch. I would use my Kalashnikov for most of my time. It was my second largest slug at 7.62x39mm and if it came down to pistols it would be brutal. My Mosin fires 7.62x59mm ammo so I would use it against the Bukavec. But I only had 15 shots, so I want to make sure they all are worth it. I continued to crawl along the little island and continuously checking my surroundings.

There were a few trees here and there and it was dawn so. I set my self up next to one of the larger trees and I climbed up it into the canopy of leaves, and waited, waited for the creature so I could kill it and add its horns to my collection.