Politics No. 040

Kira took a long look at me from behind her desk. She then turned back towards the window and stared out over the settlement.

"Bratan, you can't understand how our country works, how each of the settlements are connected and supplied. They are sending them out, scientists have to be flown to Leningrad, so you will have a few days, it wouldn't be a smart move, you would have to have incredible luck to be able to accomplish your goals. So tell me this" She turned to face me, "Is it possible to be done in four days. That is the most I can get you."

She stared at me as she sat in her chair behind her desk. She had a choice, do what was right for the moral of the settlement, or do what was safer for the settlement's livelihood.

I thought of the place where I had found the cars. It would be a stretch, but possible.

I mulled it over for a few minutes, the air in the room was thick, and there was no way out of this unscathed, there would be losers, and there would be winners. It's just who would I place my bet on.

Another minute passed before I spoke, "We can do it, we would need the two Gaz's, but we would need an extra vehicle for supplies and transporting the parts, extra wheels so they can be towed back, food and water as well as ammunition. It would take about 20 people, more than what was originally planned for. But, it would be possible to complete under those circumstances, we might get lucky, or we might not."

Kira listened and mulled over the possibility. For a minute the air was tense as Yaromir, Borislav and I waited for an answer.

Kira then stood up and looked at us "Alright, get whoever you need and leave as soon as possible, you will need to be back by September 19th, five days technically, but it is," She checked her watch, "1:34, you will probably be leaving tomorrow, so four days. If you stay longer, the risk of backlash will be incredible, and I will have to deal out punishments. Understand?"

She looked at each of us, we were shocked that it had been approved. Then the realization we were now on a racing clock hit us, and we all nodded. Borislav began to leave as Yaromir and I still stared at Kira, she then spoke up.

"Go! Make sure to do checks and get everything you need, the sooner you leave the better!"

Yaromir and I both turned and ran out of her office, Yaromir ran downstairs as I stopped and looked at my gurney. I walked over to it and kneeled down looking at what was left of the Bukavec. I grabbed the skull and ran downstairs. I ran out the front door and heard Stefan wish me luck. I ran to across main street as fast as I could.

People were staring as it was out of the normal for people to come running out of the main building. I ignored the looks as I ran down the garages. As I got to garage one, I could see garage two and three were open, with Yaromir and Borislav working on prepping their car and four guys working on another car.

As I got to my garage it was still closed so I popped the garage door up and got to work.

I sifted through all my gear and took inventory of what I had.

The list came down too,

Weapons and Ammo;

2- Ak-47

1- Mosin

1- Markov Pistol

2- Knives

1- Molotov Cocktail

30 Rounds of Ak ammo

17 Rounds of Mosin Ammo

67 Rounds of Pistol Ammo

Food and other items

1- Bar of soap

1- Set of cloths

1- Set of body armor

1- Military Uniform

3- Gallons of Water (Glass gallon jars)

6- Cans of Meats

2- Bags of Rice

1- Bag of Buckwheat

1- Pot

1- Pan

About half a Kg of salt

Some newspapers

Some Cloths

A full tank of gas and two 5 liter containers filled with gas.

After that quick check I went and checked the engine and the interior of the car, both were in good condition. Tire pressure was good, and the suspension looked like it was ok.

By the time I had finished packing my car and going down the list it was already sunset and I would have to go and check in to figure out what else we would need.

I left my garage and went over to Yaromir and Borislav. The two of them were packing their car and checking the interior for the last time. As Yaromir got up and out he saw me and waved me over.

"Bratan, we will need to get more people, we have ten guys in the workshop who are coming to tow and crew the Gaz's and drive the extra car, but we need to get some people to come with us for a few days and look.

We will probably need to pay them as well, I know you said there were a few cars, so I can get 2 or 3 of the people we talked to and convince them to come and help, but that leaves 8 spots open, I think I know a few people who would be willing, but they might not say yes on such a short time frame, no one would."

I looked at Yaromir, "That's alright, 20 is a lot, if the Gaz crews could help look, we could leave one guy behind to guard the trucks, and the 3 guys to work on the other cars, we would have 9 guys looking, plus most likely they are on the way there, so I was hoping to search the side of the road as we went to the base. That way it is more likely we complete all of our objectives."

Yaromir looked at me with a sense of intrigue and smiled.