Break time

--->A few minutes before the exam...

"Yeah, what's up Con Job?"

"You gonna be calling me that from now on? Ah *ruffles hair back* do what you want. I just wanted to ask for your contacts, I believe we have a fairly good chance of passing the theoretical exam since I can get a gist of your prowess from what you've shown. So just need your contacts I don't want to be seen often especially cause the bidder who's giving a technique to us shouldn't know who it's really for."

"Sure what's your element?

"I'll tell you after the paper..."


"Ah the paper is done I hated that feeling, I don't get that stressed often." Rubbing the beach of his head Connor looks up and grins since he believes in his prowess and practice, there isn't a doubt in his mind he should get above 95% when the scores arrive allowing him to go on to the next stage.

There is groaning in the rest of the hall, and everyone seems almost physically tired from just writing. Connor is sitting on the center edge of the class and Sohan was sitting in the front. Connor notices that Connor is putting up a calm mask as Sohan looks in Connor's direction to show a thumbs up, but his eyes are telling a different story. He's far more disgruntled than anyone else there.

"He almost looks like he's about to tear up behind that thing hehe~" Connor was decently pleased it seems that he was under a lot more stress than he first appeared. Maybe it's the same reason behind why his parents or any guardian is not there; Connor wouldn't feel pity for the boy he did bully him for almost 5 years after all.

"Nine-year-olds sure can be rough."Connor nods in thought about his past experiences. After his discussions, Sohan behaved a lot calmer on his exterior but from experience, he understood that he had blood boiling inside of him, it was becoming so hot for him that he was becoming unable to withstand his own burning emotions. Once again, however, Connor doesn't care Sohan's pain is his pleasure he'll inflict it on him by himself later.

The orange-haired little girl entered followed by the spiky blue hair guy with sharp-looking. sunglasses on. "Come! You've managed just fine for young ones like yourself, we're heading outside leave quietly..."

Everyone stood up from their seats and picked up their stationery with them following the lead of the little lady. Of course, no one ever stays quiet, there were whispers in the line cause who heeds the words of a teacher when walking in line. The man and the girl open a door after a simple retina scan and examinees reach an open field.

The same one Connor had come to before and met the twins Mercy and Percy. Connor was fine with seeing the light of day but was surprised to see that it was only the afternoon. Just like Connor was shocked to find the unexpected time difference from inside to outside and vice versa.

They left at around 10 a 2 or so hour flight in the magic bus and have been there since. Normally it should be around evening time since they were in there for 6 hours. Though there were no windows, only those strange rippling glass panes.

Looking at their now reactivated devices in their palms, it was only around 1 pm and they were receiving messages from their respective caretakers.

Connor receives a message from Faye written "I'll see you late k? They'll be taking care of u for the time being till tomorrow~"

"Well, she seems dandy to have me off her hands *sigh*"

Shaking his head Connor continues while everyone has a genuine look of curiosity the two leading them had gone way ahead while they were distracted. Connor speeds up to catch up and soon others follow, when they stop in place they're on the far edge of the ground where sparring had taken place between students.

Here they find multiple hotel-sized dormitories appear from the ground. Though they might be the size of a grand hotel with hundreds of rooms the place itself looked rather ordinary, with no glaring chandeliers and glowing marble floors.

It had a very plain appearance but well at least compared to the rest of the school which seemed to be built on any expensive-looking material a person could use. After a little bit of observation and orangey, the little girl starts talking.

"Okay, I guess it is about time I introduce myself my name is Amber Ross I'm a professor at this academy, what I teach is a secret for now. This man next to me is Dalil Kant he is my assistant and will be the one to guide and supervise you if you become a student of ours. He was as you know the one to supervise this paper which will be corrected by me... any question?"

*Someone among the crowd raises their hand*

"Yes, what is your question?"

"Can we know who is the one who one who hypnotized us, and are we still hypnotized?"

"For the first part that's for you to figure out it can be one of us or both, yes you have a minor hypnosis used on your subconscious but as you may have realized there's a time difference between out there and in there, it helps your mind to stabilize."

"Can we know how there's a time difference?"

"No, I can't tell you who's the mind behind the matter yet since you're not students. Even though you didn't ask the time difference is that the inside CAN move 8 times faster than the outside world."

Connor asks," Can?"

Amber smiles "yes it can 8 times is the limit and only for an hour in the outside world, you all were in there for 45 minutes out here."

"Anything else?"

This time Sohan asks sluggishly, "Were we hypnotized consensually? Cause I don't remember that kind of thing being discussed."

"Well... No, at least not by you guys we contacted your caretakers a few days prior, and the realm-cross council the ones who run all the joints around the world and practically the government, well there's no need to elaborate further. We've done it legally is basically what I'm saying."

The lot looks disconcerted at the fact that without their permission they could be legally allowed to be hypnotized but they accepted it for the time being. Dalil the assistant started talking.

"Okay well, your practical exams will begin in two days while we reshape and reform this sparring ground and see who passed the written papers threshold. All of you can explore during the mean time, there is a gym, a pool and a library as well make sure to secure your timings cause all of you would not be able to fit in each place"

"Here are your door keysThere are 2 beds in each room, so if you invite someone to stay it's fine, for you older kids no playing together at night if you catch my drift?"

Everyone nods and receives their room key from Dalil and most chose to rest for the day.