3. Ranting - 265 IQ in an Otome Game

Name: 265 IQ in an Otome Game

Ranter: Satoshi

Rating: 2/5.

Status: Dropped by the fourth chapter.

Oh boy let's get into it...

1) The amount of utter cliché in the story has stunned me speechless (not in the good way) and when I say that, you know it's a lot of clichés because I've read a lot of stories on Wattpad. This story, in particular, had so much clichés stuffed into it that I just had to make a checklist. Keep in mind that I've only read the first four chapters, so take what I said with a grain of salt.

MC Cliché Checklist: MC has an insanely high IQ despite being so young? ✓

MC is absurdly idiotic despite having said insanely high IQ? ✓

MC is incredibly dense? ✓

MC is OP? ✓

MC defies reality within the first five chapters? ✓

MC has an abusive family member? ✓

MC has a mysterious and tragic past? ✓

MC becomes a member of the royal family upon reincarnation? ✓

MC is unique in appearance?✓

MC is a villainess or an 'evil' character? ✓

MC has some kind of beauty filter that attracts anything that is male? ✓

MC is emotionally stunted? ✓

2) Grammar and spelling in this just... isn't it. I understand if the Author wasn't fluent in English; the book would have improved if the author had a beta reader + editor, or had something like Grammarly before they would even think about publishing anything. You have spelling mistakes everywhere, irritating sentences that don't make sense grammatically and you've got the most random capitalized letter in the middle of the sentence like this: todAy iS friday.

3) The characters in this book are so one dimensional they're flatter than a paper. You have characters that are strictly a certain stereotype and they stay like that throughout the whole story, which grates the hell out of my nerves. For example: MC that doesn't bother to think beyond what the author writes down. Once things are written down by the author, the reader is forced to think like that too which is just....

4) The structure of the story is all over the place. I can't understand what's going on, not just because the Author skims over certain aspects of the world inside of their book, but also because it's just jumping everywhere. First off, the perspective that the reader is in, switches randomly mid sentence. It just doesn't make sense; it would have been better to stick with the perspective they're most comfortable with (and then, on a different chapter, just sprinkle in the perspective of other characters). This would have made it easier to keep track of whatever is going on.

5) The premise of the story isn't uncommon. Getting reincarnated in an otome game as a villain is as normal in Wattpad as the sky is blue. Sure, I expected the clichés, but I was hoping for something different to happen like, I don't know, the main character actually facing the consequences after uncovering her high IQ? Like the villainess, pre-reincarnation, actually being a competent person in magic and studies etc., so the MC would have to catch up to the original's genius self?

Like the original characters family, friends, etc. suddenly realizing how different the MC is and trying to do something about it. Reincarnation, transmigration, whatever. I was hoping for something different to happen, but so far, I saw nothing that differed from the rest of the bunch.

Misogyny? Check.

Nonsensical reactions to the MC's prowess for the sake of advancing the plot? ✓

This had potential. I would have hoped that it would have been a well written book with the MC using their intelligence besides doing... whatever. Again, this book had potential but it just wasn't executed well.

In summary, I think it's okay. I went easy on it. Anyways, don't think when you read this. At all.


No need to think when the MC does the most thinking in the story. In addition, don't look too deeply into this. Don't even think about how much this doesn't make sense. This book had potential that's been kicked to the curb.