Happy new year! (Teaser Chapter)

[ Volume 2 - The unveiling of the world's roots ]

With the unveiling of the Root domain, the hidden powerhouses in Zone Y have started to take action. Will the Root domain become a cradle of opportunities for Zone Y or the reason for its doom? Let's find out what is in store for Vikram as he struggles to hide Kane's death, and establish his own force in the rapidly changing world. Is he powerful enough?

✓ [Bonus Chapter]


{ Jan 13, 2203 | Home | Zone Y }

On the quaint terrace amidst the cold midnight breeze of the Winter Solstice, the terrace was sparsely decorated with Diyas, flowery decorations, and lights.

A bunch of sweet boxes were kept on one stool burning beside the tandoor-like fireplace as the Winter wind made every breath turn foggy.

"This is the first time we are celebrating New Year since dad and mom left"

Maya said in a soft voice. She refrained from letting tears come out and destroy the little makeup she had put on. Although, she still couldn't hide the malnourishment despite the effort.

She was wearing a traditional 'Desi' attire with numerous engravings of jewel-like stones that Vikram had gifted her. And because it was her dear brother's gift, she didn't mind dressing up despite it taking all her effort to move in the heavy dress.

While happily filling the Diyas with mustard oil - an old Dovici tradition, she constantly thought about Vikram's Evolution from a couple of weeks back and fearful thoughts arose in her heart.

It was the most horrifying experience she had to go through in her 12 years of existence, and that was including starving for days during their days in the slum.

'Thank you Goddess for letting Bhaiya successfully evolve'

'Thank you for giving him a second mutation'

She prayed internally while lighting the Diyas as she folded her hand in a Namaste.

Carefully lighting the white-blue sky-lantern, she raised it above her head, and before releasing it into the air, she sneakily glanced at Vikram and smiled gently.

'Transfer all his misfortunes onto me and never let anything bad happen to him'

She echoed her wish multiple times in her heart like a stuck cassette before finally letting go of the lantern.

Sitting aloof on the rocking chair in the distance, unaware of Maya's existence as if she didn't even matter, Vikram was staring intently at the popular posts on the public forum on his Dais watch.

[ ... Karma Strikes Again! Who is the vigilante-?

[ ... What are Domains and why Zone Y should care?

[ ... Karma is a B*tch-! He is everything that is wrong with the lower class-

[ ... Discussion: Is Karma a result of the elites' oppression?

He was checking out the association's social-media-cum-information-network that consisted of all the popular news from around Zone Y.

Recently a lot of stir had been made over the social network due to certain events related to a masked vigilante and leaks of Root Domain opening near Zone Y.

No official news channel existed in Zone Y due to the lack of Zone's development. And the only "good enough" source was the forum. Vikram had made it his habit to check the forum daily ever since he got his Shika License and got access to Association's forum.

Rarely, there would be news from other Zones popping up in the Forums, but such news was almost always a week late and would be second-hand information from travelling Shika(s) at best.

However, despite the lack of strict guidelines and standards in the Forums, there were still some popular handles already established that had higher viewership and credibility.

One such channel was known as BhendiTV. It was an official network channel of Bhendi Corporations, one of the largest conglomerates of Zone Y, and even their monthly subscription fee was a ridiculous 100 Union Coins (UC), although for Shikas that amount was not even worth mentioning.


As Vikram opened the BhendiTV handle on his Dais watch, the temperature around the terrace suddenly dipped by a few tens of degrees.

~Jane! Calm down-! Do you want to freeze me to death-!!~

He said annoyingly at the translucent person standing behind his chair.

As the ghost heard her 17-year-old master's complaint, a sense of embarrassment suddenly washed down her face.

~I'm sorry Master! For some reason I lose my calm when I see that person's face~

The ghost whispered back while staring intently at the currently opened post on Vikram's Dais watch.

[ ... Bhendi Corp on High Alert!!

Although their conversation happened in the physical world, only Vikram was affected by her powers and voice. Maya in the distance only felt slight goosebumps and that was all.

~Still! Control yourself. You belong to me now, and all your grudges are my own.~

He whispered turning to the long-legged lady ghost standing behind him in a red-velvety dress, her charms, even as a ghost, could easily kill the faint-hearted.


Vikram had gone through a lot of changes in the last couple of weeks due to his evolution to 3rd stage Body Level.

Not only he had become stronger physically, but he had also gained unforeseen benefits from his evolution.

'Even though it hurt like hell, the evolution was worth it.'

He thought thinking about the past couple of weeks of development.

One of the most significant changes was that he had awakened a new mutation called [Paranormal Species (D) ], making him a Dwij.

Literally meaning "Twice born", Dwij were a special class of Shikas who had awakened two mutations instead of one. Such Shikas were not only rare and often belonged to the elite bloodlines, but they were also considered a more valuable resource due to their two-for-one factor.

Activating the [Paranormal Species (D) ] mutation made Vikram able to tap into different realities and peek into the "Ghost Realm" that existed right beside the "Physical Realm". It was a type of Primitive mutation that changed the fundamental structure of the Human Genome and made them a part of separate species, like Beastmans.

In Diaspora, just as there were Domains that were like parallel Universes on their own. There were certain Realms (of existence) that were common throughout different worlds, like the Physical, Ghost, and Spiritual Realm, etc.

A general theory was proposed by one of the scholars Shika centuries ago that the supernatural power of Genes emerged not from the World, but from the Realms.

Realms were also the reason why Shikas, despite being part of the Blue Planet ecosystem, were capable of going into multiple Domains without severe backlash whereas unawakened Humans could not.

The theory suggested that since Realms were common, Shikas being able to enhance themselves with Gene Power belonging to the Physical Realm made them (in theory) a part of the same Realm of a different world.

For example, a living being, irrespective of their origin Domain, would be part of the Physical Realm and similarly, the Etheral lifeforms like Spirits of the Blue Planet or Yakshas of the Root Domain were part of the Spiritual Realm.

Although Vikram's new mutation was only a D-rank and nothing to brag about in front of similar mutations like Spiritualist (B-rank) and Illusionist (C-rank), it was still a welcome addition to his arsenal.

With his new mutation and upgrade of his base Mutation (Dystopian Resident), Vikram had also learned new Abilities.


[ Paranormal Contract ]

Being related to Paranormal species allows you to not only communicate with the metaphysical but also form contracts with them and borrow their power.

Current Limit - 1 Bond

Max Bond Level - Spirit (low)

[ Peasantry* ]

Having gone through an evolution, the host's status has enhanced from being a low-class unpaid labourer to a peasant with possibilities.

Chosen Trade - None

Benefits - None


Even after reading it multiple times with and without the novel's knowledge, he couldn't understand what his second ability did.

'From a "low-class" to a "peasant". What does that even mean?'

'... Are you saying that I only had the status of a slave before the last evolution?'

Vikram had a visible frown on his face whenever he thought about the implied meaning of his second Ability. Being labelled as a "slave" by the System didn't sit well with the proud General, but it wasn't like he could directly talk with Akashvani and register his complaints.


"Bhaiya-! Is everything okay?", Maya called. She looked concerned as Vikram was making some really grim expressions at the moment.

"Not right now, Ma-"

Before he could finish his sentence, however, the siblings were graced by someone they had been expecting since an hour ago.

"Does this lowly friend still have a place on the table?"

"... or should I find other siblings to bother??", Casper smirked as he exited from the stairs holding a neatly wrapped gift in his hand.

"Brother Casper!", Maya was delighted to see her brother and went running to him with a wide grin. Although she loved Vikram the most in the world, Casper was a close second.

Casper had come to celebrate New Year with the Dovici family that they had planned in advance months ago, even before Vikram's arrival. Although, the original planner was long since dead.

"... However, I doubt that there would be other siblings with such a deep brother-sister complex as you two. Hehehe"

Vikram's face brightened when he heard Casper's voice but quickly turned stoic right after, erasing any hints of emotions that had surfaced for a blink.

Even Vikram's discontent at Casper's remark was not visible on his face; almost as if he didn't cringe at all at being called a Siscon.

Many in his previous life had said that if not for being Empire's royalty, Vikram would have made it big in the theatre industry. He could, after all, cry and smile at the drop of a hat.

As he saw the carbon copy of his dead best friend walking toward him with open arms, Vikram flinched but embraced him nonetheless.

'whatever', he thought.

He hadn't softened in the last two weeks, in fact, contrary to that, Vikram had been very active making shady deals and murdering people in the garb of the night using his newfound powers for the last couple of weeks.

"Happy New Year, Avi"

But Vikram had for sure softened towards Casper due to a variety of reasons. One of them was that the current Casper had the same face and personality as his dead best friend.

The only thing Vikram was finding hard to still adjust to was Maya.

Even if he had decided that he would return her favour of helping him successfully breakthrough during the two days of the excruciating Evolution process, it was a different matter for Vikram to come to terms with Maya's frail personality.

He almost instinctively hated her because of his upbringing as a rogue Prince and the life of a Warmonger General that was shrouded in blood and unwavering strength.


After Casper and Maya completed lighting the terrace as if they were challenging the Sun, they got together, shared sweets, and chatted until midnight.

Casper moved in with Vikram without warnings. Apparently, Casper and Avi were close enough to sleep on the same bed.

Having bled through war for countless years, Vikram was used to worse situations than sharing a room with another guy, so he too quietly followed without arousing suspicion from his friend.


{ 3:00 AM }

Casper was dead asleep as if poisoned.

~Let's go~


Jane jumped up in excitement.

~I feel like I'll be reborn after today~

Her translucent body morphed and shrank to the size of a visiting card before latching onto her master's shoulder.

~Hmm! Don't worry, I will let you savour every moment~

Jane looked up at Vikram in anticipation with her tiny dot eyes.

~I've told you, You are my property now~

~... and nobody messes with what's mine~


Both of them disappeared from the room leaving behind only a trail of furling curtains that periodically broke the pillar of light cast by the two dimly lit moons.

~Karma comes around for everyone, eventually, and without fail~

His last whisper was heard only by the static winds left behind by his shadow as the masked vigilante was back in action for one last night of revenge.