Fayanna Li slightly narrowed her eyes, checked Mo Yanyue's pulse one more time, and finally concluded. This man was a cultivator, but he didn't seem to know that himself.

As someone who already had the talent to become a cultivator, even if he didn't know about it, his body was still better than ordinary humans even if they didn't practice at all.

Fayanna Li remembered, in her first life, when the brothers of the Mo family lived a very bitter life. At the time, she was busy escaping with her two babies from the killers. Fayanna Li remembered, only Mo Jinran was still alive and well.

As for Mo Yanyue herself, Fayanna Li only knew that she used to be a special soldier with a high rank. But on a mission, there was an accident that resulted in his legs being completely paralyzed. As a soldier, he must have had many strong enemies surrounding him.

Knowing that he was disabled, all the enemies came one by one to avenge them. His two younger brothers did not let go of their grip and ended up in the death of him and his second brother on April 19, 2012. That means they will be dead in two days!

As for Mo Jinran, Fayanna Li glanced at Mo Jinran, who looked sadly at the faces of his two brothers. Like a puppy with a gentle face who would in the next second turn into a ferocious wolf. Who would have thought this cute guy would end up with a miserable death.

Fayanna Li smiled. She got a lot of blessings. Mo Jinran, four years later, will become the national film emperor loved by all Chinese girls. Every agency will be scrambling to please him. Unfortunately, Mo Jinran suffered from severe stress and eventually died by suicide which made all the Chinese girls cry madly along the way. And as for the second brother of the Mo family, Fayanna Li didn't know much about it. He's too busy to hide like a mole and doesn't know much behind the scenes.

Returning to Mo Yanyue's body, Fayanna Li spoiled her eyes. Years of being a soldier made his skin turn into a very masculine wheat color with strong abdominal muscles and arms full of strength.

Fayanna Li couldn't believe it, someone, who had quit the army, and it was still someone who had been crippled for two years. Her muscles were still that solid. Truly a very beautiful sight.

After a while, Fayanna Li pulled out the acupuncture needles on Mo Yanyue's body and took an internal wound healing pill that was a slightly higher grade than the one given at first. This man would die in two days, and the reason this man died was likely due to the heavy injuries that had accumulated and were not treated properly, plus the new injury. Then die.

Fayanna Li thought for a while and finally took out one acupuncture needle and stabbed the needle into the acupoints on Mo Yanyue's head.

Due to the intense impact, the internal force protecting the head completely collapsed and caused some nerves in the brain to be slightly disturbed. The blood vessels that were nearly destroyed were improving, and the bleeding managed to stop after administering the internal healing pills. It's hard to believe, without surgery, Fayanna Li just stuck the needle. Mo Yanyue's eyes slowly shook and finally opened.

Fayanna Li immediately smiled when she saw the handsome man who was in a coma slowly wake up. Receiving the cold eyes that escaped Mo Yanyue's gaze, Fayanna Li fell silent. It is worthy of being called a special soldier, prudent at every opportunity.

Mo Jinran, who saw Mo Yanyue wake up, immediately shouted with joy and excitement. "Mo Yanyue, you really woke up!"

Mo Jinran's eyes were bloodshot, tears leaking from the corners of her eyes. Looks very moving.

Fayanna Li held her breath, and it wasn't an exaggeration if a man would later become a national film emperor. His handsome face was enough to make Fayanna Li let out a long sigh, almost tempted.

Getting up and walking towards Mo Yunqi, seeing that his injuries weren't too severe, Fayanna Li slightly narrowed her eyes. Assessed his body condition with a glance and sat on the side to check his pulse.

Fayanna Li's eyes narrowed slightly, and she didn't expect that the Mo family was not ordinary. Maybe it holds many secrets. Otherwise, where did this type of poison get into Mo Yunqi's body?

It wasn't difficult for him to cure this type of poison if it was him when he was in his third life. However, now, his body hadn't even started to cultivate yet, while the antidote for Mo Yunqi had to be made with spiritual power. This man seemed to have to wait for him to cultivate.

Fayanna Li took out a mid-grade poison offering pill and gave it to Mo Yunqi. Inserted the acupuncture needles on Mo Yunqi's acupoints and stuck the needles on the top of the head to force this man to wake up.

The reaction from the pill was enormous. The organs in the body that were previously injured were slowly improving. Seeing the awake Mo Yunqi, Fayanna Li glanced at Mo Jinran.

"I have kept my promise, helping your brothers. Now, shouldn't you go with me?" Fayanna Li's smile was in stark contrast, gentle yet full of firmness. If Mo Jinran refused to come with him, he would not hesitate to break his leg and render the man unable to walk within three months.

She saved someone's life, and she wasn't the mother Mary who had a million affections in the end. For now, he doesn't plan to do any charity.

Mo Yanyue heard Fayanna Li's words, her body stiffened. Looking at Fayanna Li's face was very beautiful, with a hidden devilish smile. "What did Mo Jinran promise you?"

With a small chuckle, Fayanna Li looked at Mo Yanyue's stern face. "His soul."

Mo Yanyue's eyes widened in disbelief, looking at Fayanna Li with a strange expression. From the moment he woke up and saw Fayanna Li's face, his first impression was that of a woman with a myriad of mysteries. When he heard her words, Mo Yanyue was certain about her first guess.

"You are a cultivator?" Mo Yanyue signed Fayanna Li's face with a straight and complicated expression. But when that facial expression reached Fayanna Li, she could only see that Mo Yanyue, when she was surprised to see such a cute facial expression.

"The genes of the Mo family are really very good, the faces of you brothers are very handsome." Fayanna Li judged frankly, her expression slightly amazed, only then answered Mo Yanyue's words. "You could say that, interested in the world of cultivation? If that's true, come with me and I will make you someone strong enough to protect your brothers."

Be it Mo Jinran or Mo Yunqi, and they didn't know anything about cultivation. In modern society, cultivators or cultivators have turned into people's legends, and it cannot be proven for real whether they exist. But seeing her brother asking about the cultivation of Fayanna Li, they felt very extraordinary.