Getting things done, Fayanna Li didn't want to stay too long. Swear that this room stinks!

Turning her Flying Sword swiftly, Fayanna Li immediately left the room. The sword flew steadily, passing several tall office buildings with ease.

- Flying Sword ( fēijiàn) - a magical sword that can fly through the air and be directed to engage in ranged attacks. Perhaps the most iconic cultivator weapon. Cultivators stood on their flying swords and rode them as a form of transportation.

Throughout the trip, Fayanna Li always smiled faintly. Phoenix's black eyes were very sharp, and every lyric was full of careful calculation.

On the following days, Qian Moyu would not calm down. After all, Qian Moyu was very daring to hurt her with that cunning trick, and she was not the Mother Mary who had a kind heart and great affection. Dare to offend her, then must be prepared with the consequences.

Gu is a legendary venomous parasite. Very deadly and rare. There are many types of Gu. But very few and rare.

In her second life, Fayanna Li had dealt with a man who had Gu in his body. That type of Gu was a Cold Gu. It would take a while before she could get rid of the Cold Gu.

Fayanna Li also took over all the Cold Gu in the man's body to get rid of the Cold Gu. I was thinking that wasting good stuff is a stupid act.

Because the existing Cold Gu was Mother of Gu, the man's body was full of thousands of Cold Gu. Fayanna Li had to sacrifice a spiritual spring to keep the Cold Gu under her control to control the Cold Gu.

Luckily, even though he only had one type of Gu, he had thousands of Gu of the Cold Gu type in his collection cupboard.

But in Qian Moyu's case, Fayanna Li didn't want to waste her Cold Gu. Using a parasite that was almost the same as the trait of Gu, Fayanna Li was quite satisfied.

The worm parasite has the same effect as an Aphrodisiac. Make someone who is the host will be affected and very excited.

• Aphrodisiacs are chemicals used to stimulate sexual power. This word comes from Greek mythology and is associated with the goddess of love, Aphrodite.

The difference here is that Fayanna Li added some ingredients to make Qian Moyu have a strange Sexual Orientation. Qian Moyu would have a sexual inclination towards men with ugly faces.

• Sexual orientation or sexual inclination is a pattern of sexual, romantic, or emotional attraction (or a combination of these) to people of the opposite sex or gender, the same sex or gender, or both sexes or more than one gender.

Who made her send ten ugly men to her that night!?

Taking a deep breath, Fayanna Li smiled lightly. The needle camera would later become his weapon to control Qian Moyu. If Qian Moyu once again boldly framed her with those sneaky tricks, don't blame her for being rude to her.

Is she that cruel? It's not cruel because true cruelty is not this trivial matter.

Spinning several times in the night sky, Fayanna Li sensed something of an extremely high spiritual energy frequency.

Only a few people who have the same magnetic field can feel this spiritual energy. For that matter, Fayanna Li has a magnetic field with this spiritual energy.

Sensing a strong spiritual aura in the air, Fayanna Li raised her head to look at the sky. That's when Fayanna Li finally realized that the sky was covered by thick clumps of cumulonimbus clouds that had a bright light like a burning fire.

The flames within the cloud continued to swirl before finally gathering together and slowly forming into something very like a beautiful and charming Fire Phoenix bird, with its wings spread wide and very full.

This was an extremely beautiful sight to behold and so beautiful that it caused countless pairs of eyes to freeze in amazement.

• The legendary phoenix has the shape of a large bird, such as an eagle or peacock. Sometimes the nimbus will surround it, illuminating in the sky. Her eyes were very beautiful and shone like sapphire.

Fortunately, this phenomenon could only be seen by a cultivator with a high level of understanding or one like himself who possessed the same magnetic field.

Imagine if everyone could see it, the government would be very troublesome to explain.

Much like Fayanna Li, several cultivators who had reached a high level of comprehension also started the countless unnecessary fuss.

"Luck that comes from heaven! Those are the signs of a Sacred Beast that is about to be born!"

"Look at that cloud of blazing fire! Lord! It's a picture of a phoenix! For heaven's sake! It was an ancient Beast, the legendary ancient Fire Phoenix! Hurry up before someone takes it!!"

The cultivators from the various families had recovered from the shock, became as excited as monkeys getting a banana, and happily headed towards the approximate place where this ancient Fire Phoenix fell!

Fayanna Li was still quite calm. There was no particular expression on her face. But that didn't mean he didn't want to deal with this Fire Phoenix. Something good, will it be wasted?

Seeing the Fire Phoenix still above the sky, Fayanna Li began to think back to her first life. It seems that this happened at the time. Thinking where this Fire Phoenix fell at that moment, Fayanna Li immediately smiled faintly.

The small mountain behind N city! That place was where the Fire Phoenix fell!

Fayanna Li didn't wait any longer, moving her sword very quickly. Fayanna Li drove at high speed.

Although this Fire Phoenix looks very beautiful and is full of strong spiritual energy. Fayanna Li knew that this Fire Phoenix had just been born!

What it means is, This is a Fire Phoenix baby!

According to some ancient books, the Fire Phoenix baby has a beautiful and cute face! Can she add a few more babies?

Come on, and she's not short on food at home. The more children, the more prosperity

Moving at great speed, Fayanna Li finally arrived. Seeing where it fell, Fayanna Li immediately took out a spiritual net.

As soon as the Fire Phoenix egg was about to land, she would instantly tug at it with a network before hitting the ground! If she could capture this ancient Fire Phoenix, there would be no trace of it at all!

Seeing a golden red light appear and move at high speed, Fayanna Li immediately caught it with a spiritual net before hitting the ground!

Seeing that it was an egg, Fayanna Li immediately smiled happily. Oh, almost jump happily.

She immediately threw the Fire Phoenix into her spiritual space without further ado. Fayanna Li excitedly patted her butt to turn away.

Oh, get out of here before someone finds out!