Fayanna Li frowned casually. Those beautifully curled black eyelashes fluttered softly with a touch of tenderness.

Her eyes became even more dazzling. Making those beautifully arched eyebrows furrow hard before finally waking up with her eyes wide open.

Immediately waking up from her sleep, Fayanna Li looked around the room with sharp eyes. Right now, she was in a strange room. Blackish grey colour dominates in every corner of the room.

Lowering her feet to the floor, Fayanna Li saw no house slippers. Seeing that, Fayanna Li couldn't help but sigh lightly. She put her feet on the cold, dark marble floor and immediately stood up.

Her eyes were still staring intently, but the scent that came over her made her understand. Currently, she was in Long Yi's room.

His olfactory ability is very good. Feeling a slightly familiar scent, Fayanna Li immediately noticed it.

Lowering her head, looking at her hands intertwined with the intravenous fluid hanging by the bedside, Fayanna Li gently pulled her up.

She was looking at her reflection in the big mirror, seeing that the beautiful young woman's face had returned to its usual freshness. The view is shifted to the transparent glass window. Making the sun's rays enter the cold room.

'Did I take too long to fall asleep?'

Fayanna Li tilted her head, no longer confirming whether she succeeded. Due to her memories, she learned that the two brothers were really fine now.

Raising her hand, she saw the white hand that had promised herself. Fayanna Li's black eyes became deeper. Remember, it comes once again.

At that time, where she was standing in the bamboo forest. Watching Long Yi leave with big strides, looking at the man's lonely back. Fayanna Li lowered her head:

"Maybe I can't return your love, but I will repay you with something else later on for that, Long Yi."

Successfully remembering this, Fayanna Li smiled faintly. Ah, finally, she can keep her promise. The debt she had been carrying for a long time, she finally managed to pay

Walking towards the bedroom door, Fayanna Li's footsteps stopped when she heard the sound of a baby crying.

Her cry sounded so pitiful, and it made her mother's heart move as a big rock had hit it.

Holding the doorknob, Fayanna Li turned it quickly and walked towards the sound source. Her footsteps were very clear, her gaze serious and deep.

Looking at Long Yi, who was walking towards her with a complicated facial expression, Fayanna Li looked lightly at him. "Whose baby is that? Why is crying so pitiful?"

Long Yi's words were stifled by Fayanna Li's words, seeing this woman's face, which made his heart uncomfortable. As he watched her faint, the sudden worry made him a little weird.

With quick steps, he sent to his residence. Called their Long family doctor to examine this woman anxiously.

"This lady is not sick, just a little weaker due to her young pregnancy. Other things, no need to worry. It's enough to eat nutritious food and get enough rest," said the doctor, as if it hit his heart very hard. He looked at the beautiful face sleeping peacefully and looking at her flat stomach. Long Yi couldn't help but tightly clench his fists.

Thinking that Fayanna Li was pregnant, Long Yi racked his brains. Considering the man who came with her to the Qian residence back then, if I'm not mistaken, his name was Mo Yanyue.

Out of curiosity, Long Yi asked his men to check who the husband of Fayanna Li was. And the result came out, and Long Yi felt his heart slightly relieved for no apparent reason.

She doesn't have a husband beside her.

Looking back at that beautiful face, Long Yi hooked his lips, "That is little Long Feili, my brother's son."

"Oh then why is she crying so hard?" Fayanna Li asked sharply, looking at Long Yi as if looking at the man who had abused children viciously.


Seeing that gaze, Long Yi quickly explained, "Little Long Feili has been sick the first time he was born, lately a bit more mischievous."

Hearing that, Fayanna Li stepped past Long Yi. I passed through several room doors with a flat expression and finally arrived at the room where the voice came from.

Seeing Fayanna Li passing by without hesitation, Long Yi didn't feel any impoliteness. Letting Fayanna Li walk freely in her residence.

The man's gaze fell on a pair of small white feet, which stomped on the cold marble floor. Seeing that Fayanna Li was not wearing house slippers, Long Yi turned to get the slippers in the closet. Before following Fayanna Li to give the sandals.

"Put it on."

Fayanna Li saw Long Yi looking down, holding white sandals with soft feathers. Placing them inside her feet, Fayanna Li put on the sandals without the slightest bit of awkwardness.

She reached out her hand and opened the door. Fayanna Li saw a room that was quite large, filled with sophisticated equipment and a transparent glass incubator, storing a tiny baby inside.

Long Yueli heard the sound of incoming footsteps, frowning in displeasure. Seeing Fayanna Li who came in, the woman's eyes fell on the baby with a very gentle look.

Is this gaze the gaze of a mother for her child?

Recalling her mother's gaze when she looked at little Long Yi, Long Yueli immediately eased the air pressure trying to scare Fayanna Li. But seeing that the woman remained unresponsive, Long Yueli couldn't help but feel a little confused. Isn't he scary enough now?

Fayanna Li didn't care, stepped into the incubator, and looked sadly at the cute baby. My little heart is so depressed.

What disease does this little one have?

Turning his gaze to Long Yueli, those black eyes shone, "Can I check it out?"

Fayanna Li did not explain that she was a doctor. Because when he fainted, Long Yueli must have checked his true identity. And of course, she found out that she was a famous genius doctor.

Long Yueli looked at Fayanna Li and looked back at his little brother, Long Yi, standing beside Fayanna Li. Seeing his brother's confidence, Long Yueli nodded in agreement.

Fayanna Li quickly smiled. She reached out her hand to take the crying baby and held it in her arms comfortably and very skillfully.

Patting her little ass a few times, the little man's crying finally stopped. Seeing his little mouth twitching, Fayanna Li smiled faintly, knowing it:

"This baby is hungry. Prepare the milk."

Long Yueli and Long Yi looked at the naughty baby who was now calm in Fayanna Li's arms with rich facial expressions. Frown his brow,

This baby stops crying with a few claps!?

Does the clap spell stop naughty babies from crying?

Oh, it looks like it's worth a try.

Fayanna Li didn't know, and her steps made her father, Long Yueli, misunderstand. Oh, what a pity little Long Feili seems to be often mistreated by his young father