Wen Renchen just smiled faintly, those beautiful eyes looking at Fayanna Li,

"You don't agree, but God has agreed. Oh, isn't this common thread a real clue, right?"

Wen Renchen glanced at Fayanna Li with a gentle expression. The look in his eyes seemed to be a very subtle mystery and difficult to translate.

Wen Renchen also didn't know why God made him bond with this weak woman of the human race. There was some reluctance in his heart.

He saw Fayanna Li dripping her blood on her Fire Phoenix eggshell. Wen Renchen didn't pay much attention at first. Because when he was thrown into this world, God had said.

There was only one person who could make it break from its shell. That person was the woman who was destined to be his wife.

Thinking that Fayanna Li would fail, Wen Renchen was shocked when this woman's blood managed to pierce through his shell. Thinking that this beautiful young lady was his destiny wife, Wen Renchen was a little excited.

Fayanna Li bit her lip, staring intently at being unable to refute Wen Renchen's words.

Perhaps, some people only know that the red thread is one of the ways to tie someone under the ropes of marriage. This is a common thing known by many people.

But they forgot something, and the divine thread can change one's destiny. When a God binds someone with a common thread tied to the same person, they are a match destined by heaven.

Heaven blessed the relationship between the two and paved the way for their relationship with the light of heaven. Those who have this bond have a destiny that has been united for a long time in several lifetimes.

"Huh, it's possible that God made a mistake, correct?" Fayanna Li asked herself, half confused. A slightly reluctant expression of hesitation made her red lips slightly pursed and pouted. Looks very beautiful and cute.

Wen Renchen chuckled lightly at his hesitation. Putting down Li Yuan and Li Yuhan, Wen Renchen walked in front of Fayanna Li. He reached out his hand gently and touched the small face that dropped by the size of his palm.

His handsome face, those green eyes shone brightly as he lowered his head. Fayanna Li was mesmerized by this man's good looks.

She could not come back to her senses as those thin red lips lightly touched her forehead.

"Wife, you don't even know this husband's name yet, do you? Yes, this husband's name is Wen Renchen. His wife can call you whatever name you are comfortable with." Wen Renchen said like Celo's melodious voice.

Stroking Fayanna Li's black hair, Wen Renchen narrowed his eyes sharply. What a soft and beautiful black hair.

"Think of it as a gift from our marriage, my wife." Wen Renchen said with a faint smile hiding his deep thoughts.

Fayanna Li: "...?" What wedding gift!?

He stepped back and looked at Li Yuan and Li Yuhan. "Let's take a shower with daddy."

Li Yuhan immediately jumped up and down with joy, walked over to Fayanna Li, and shouted, "Niangqin! Come take a bath together with me, Father, and Yuan'er!"

The corner of Fayanna Li's mouth twitched, her red lips quivered, wanting to say something, "Honey, that..."

Wen Renchen smiled casually as he picked up Li Yuhan, tapped the little head gently, and said,

"Yuhan'er doesn't need to invite Niangqin because Niangqin is a woman. Unlike the three of us who are boys."

Li Yuhan tilted his head in confusion. In the end, Li Yuan nudged Li Yuhan's little body, "Niangqin can't bathe with us. Niangqin can only bathe with Father!"

"Oh? It turned out that then when Dad took a bath, Niangqin also took a bath with Dad," Li Yuhan said excitedly. "Isn't that right, Dad?"

Wen Renchen smiled carelessly, glanced at Fayanna Li, who already had a dark face almost blackened, immediately nodded, adding some fuel,

"It should be like that, but it is a pity that your Niangqin is so shy."

Fayanna Li: "…" This man has a handsome face with a stinky mouth

Seeing Wen Renchen's strong back slowly disappearing among the medicinal herbs' branches and looking at Li Yuhan and Li Yuan, who were following excitedly.

Fayanna Li lowered her head. The black soil at her feet seemed to make her mind open. It was impossible to avoid when they saw their two children, Li Yuhan and Li Yuan, who were excited to mention a father.

Fayanna Li suddenly realized something. She may not need a companion to accompany her with the status of a husband. But she forgot one thing: her beloved children need a father beside them.

She may be wrong, or maybe she is quite selfish. She doesn't need this, but that doesn't mean her beloved children don't.

Fayanna Li knew that the heavens formed the bond between her and Wen Renchen. If she was the old Fayanna Li, she might have rebelled against Heaven to change her destiny and destiny.

Heaven (tiān) is where the Heavenly Emperor reigns at the head of the Heavenly Court.

But Fayanna Li realized that during these three lives, she was always accompanied by heaven.

Wherever she went, even when death was a few steps away from her, the heavens always saved him in the last seconds of her life. It was like they were paying for the torture she suffered in her first life.

Even though Fayanna Li didn't want to believe in Wen Renchen, she still had a little faith in the will of the heavens.

Ah, since it happened, there's nothing to be sorry for.

Letting go of her thoughts, Fayanna Li walked to her usual place of cultivation.

Sitting in the lotus position, Fayanna Li focused the Qi Circulation (xíngqì) to control the Qi flowing from within the dantian, connecting it through the meridians, and gradually returning to the dantian, which had undergone one repeated cycle.

Clears more of the inner Qi in her body in one fell swoop. Fayanna Li also realized that her body was still very weak, not to mention her pregnancy.

By doing Qi Circulation (xíngqì), Fayanna Li hopes that this can help her replenish her stamina, purify her inner Qi and strengthen the meridians in her body!

While refining her inner Qi, Fayanna Li saw a golden light appear and enter her meridians. The light was so bright, making Fayanna Li almost scream out loud!

God, I'm going to be rich now!!!