Volume 1.5 Another Normal Class

Another week had passed since the club activity, it was early in the morning when Estelle arrived at the school, her classmates were giving her weird stares which she just ignored. She already got the feeling about it, but it was not really that huge of a problem right now. And this happened quite a few days now.

'Who knows I'll be this famous already this time around in high school.'

"Hey, Queen of Delinquents!" Estelle frowned with the term she was given to her with the running Cathy towards her.

"Queen of delinquents?" Estelle said. "Stop that cringed nickname or I'll puke. And if someone heard you, they might really thought that I'm a delinquent and get into trouble."

"Well everyone in our grade calls you that, after hitting those two in the clubroom." Cathy laughed it off. "And besides. there is nothing we could do about that. Look at your right side."

Estelle did what Cathy had said and the students who were there immediately looked away and scattered away, like they were afraid of her.

"Almost everyone were scared just by you looking at them." Cathy laughed even more. "I wonder where is my best friend who couldn't stop crying because she doesn't want to be part of me. You really are growing into fine adult now, Es." Cathy said while wiping some imaginary tears in her eyes.

"Being a delinquent is not a good sign of being a fine adult." Estelle rolled her eyes and just walked away ignoring Cathy.

"Hey!" Cathy followed after her. "Alright-alright, I will not call you that. How can her highness forgive me?"

"Treat me some cola," Estelle said as she opened the door to her classroom. Everyone in the class became quiet looking at her then she simply ignored them and walked to her chair.

"Cola again? You really love that stuff, that's why you are not growing taller." Cathy seated beside her and continue the atmosphere like she didn't sense the atmosphere. And she really didn't sense it because she was quite dense.

Well, though not everyone in their class remained quiet but there was one who walked towards them. it was no other than Al Buendia the one who introduced himself first in the class.

"Hey, Queen! What's with the sour mood early in the morning!" He shouted from his chair earning the look of pity from his classmates.

"Al, she doesn't want to be called like that!" His other seatmates whispered but he simply looked at him confused.

"Huh, it is what everyone calling her, nowadays."

Everyone in the class remained silent, when Estelle brought out a paper and a pen. Then started writing towards it. In their eyes, except Cathy and Al, she was already preparing how she would tortured Al.

'This kids, with those pitiful eyes looking at Al, kids imaginations are really something.' Estelle stood up then walked towards Al's seat that was on the opposite right back side of the classroom.

Each of her classmates were quite nervous but yet anticipating what Estelle might do to Al.


Albert frowned hearing his full name being called like that.

"You don't want hearing that, so don't call me queen either." Then she placed the piece of paper in front of him. "Bring this requirements to the club room too later. You said the other day you wanted to join and yet you didn't submitted your club application yet."

"Ah right!" Al scratched the back of his head and laughed heartily. "Actually I lost the application form hahaha!"

"Then you should have asked Miss Jenny about that. The class press, kept pestering me to tell you to submit your application form!"

"That's right! Al!" The door suddenly opened revealing another lively person in class.

Monica Chavez, the class president of their class who have one ponytail tied at the back of her head. She had this huge spectacles but it didn't gave her much of a nerd and smart type due to her bubbly persona.

'And did she just really enter just the time I call out to her?'

"Four eyes, you have arrive!" Al said as he waved his hands.

"Don't call me, four eyes, you moron!" Monica walked to him and gave him a crisp smack on his head.

"That is physical bullying, pres and that one is verbal bullying Al. You earned each a ticket."

The auditor of the class, Ashley Tan, also just enter the room and stuck two yellow smiley face at Al's and Monica's hands. She had a bob cut hair cut and had a expressionless face.

"Wow! I received a sticker again!" Monica said delighted.

"I also have a sticker! hahaha!" Al said as he admired the smiley sticker in his hands.

Estelle just shook her head, and walked back to her seat. 'How come, I didn't notice this kind of bunch when I was high school. Ah, right I'm busy being a loner and dealing with more personal problems of life, that's why I didn't notice this kind of things. Just remembering my past life, I truly realized how I miss so much things that I failed to see.'


"Estelle, your mind is flying again." Cathy said with a pout.

"Ah, sorry, are you saying something to me?"

"No, never mind," Cathy just sighed then Estelle just look at her. Before she could speak anything, Miss Jennie already entered the class holding a bunch of papers. After the usual starting greetings, Miss Jennie went straight to her announcement.

"Listen class, since you have submitted all your club application well except for one,"

"I lost it ma'am! Can I ask for another copy?" Al raised his hands.

Everyone laughed at Al's antics again. "Yes, you may have one. Look for me at the faculty during the morning break."

"Yes, ma'am!" Al agreed with enthusiasm.

Now that the situation was calm, Miss Jennie went on to her announcement. "This is the monthly schedule for the month of June and July. Just submit the reply slips tomorrow with your parent's or guardian's signature to the Secretary. Then Miss Secretary,"

"Yes, Ma'am?" Cathy answered while straightening her back in her chair.

"Submit it to me tomorrow when class was over."

"Yes, Ma'am!" Cathy answered.

Miss Jennie then distributed the schedule to the whole class. When one copy reached Estelle, her line of sight immediately went to the month of July.

"Club Introduction Performance: July 16, 2010." She muttered to herself.