Ego Lullaby

By this time, the Time Mage had finally caught up to us.

"Are you sure about bringing her here? We might not know what she'll do if she gets into a fight with the children," whispered Raiyen to Mavislin.

I frowned upon hearing such words. He had every right to be wary about me but I had to be cautious around them as well.

"Well, there's a reason why I am here. Do you think I am not capable enough to handle a single enemy? Are you underestimating me?" challenged Mavislin.

Raiyen fell silent and shook his head vigorously.

"I did not mean for that to sound offensive to you, Lady Roydon. It's just that I worry that you have been tricked by an innocent face," replied Raiyen.

"Oi! I'm still here, you know," I yelled, waving my hands in the air.

"The same way you are distrusting of her, the same way she feels for us. I just invited her over to eat, she had every right to reject, me and yet she still came along. Trust and caution go both ways and one has to break the boundaries first," explained Mavislin, before turning back to me.

"Welcome to the Orphanage. Otherwise known as the Morning Star Home. This place was created in the aftermath of a certain mission within the human streets, resulting in many kids being displaced. Thus, Raiyen and I created this place for them to seek refuge in," introduced Mavislin.

The Valkyrie had a proud smile plastered on her beautiful pale face. Raiyen nodded in agreement with Mavislin's earlier description. They reminded me of the day that my parents brought home my little brother. He looked so frail and adorable yet my parents looked so proud of him.

"Despite all the odds... He survived the odds and came home," were the words that appeared within my mind, in my father's voice.

Ah, so the Orphanage part of the book did occur in this realm as well. And my wild guess for the mission she was referring to would be the Human Experimentation Arc. I heaved a sigh of relief of finally knowing which part I was at. However, the Words Of the World was still denying it.

"This realm does not exist anywhere else. And it is not from the novel you have known. Your actions can change the outcome of the beings around you, so be mindful of your next steps," ordered the voice, sounding rather pissed at me.

Alright, I will. She's right, things are going to go differently since I was in this realm as well. Meaning that I could change the fate of some of these beings. I hoped that it would be the case.

"But the kids aren't human, right?" I asked, pointing at a girl who had small feathery white wings on her back.

"Yes, they are known as the Fifth Generation of Mages. They were humans but they had blood transfusions from a Pure Mage. Thus, they became quite peculiar, growing wings and having powers. But they bear no hate to anyone and are as innocent as they look."

"They have been practicing hard to control their power and I would say that they are getting the hang of it. So do be gentle with them," explained Mavislin, heading into the area.

More like the other way 'round. Notes on their power levels popped out within my vision. Each of them had the power level of a second-rate Mage. Mine was sitting just above them. They have the power to kill me if they wanted to. I dared not harm the dwellers of this realm, lest I want to die.

Raiyen followed Mavislin while I was hesitant. I took in a deep breath and stepped in. Almost immediately, the atmosphere changed. I couldn't hear the forest noises anymore. The wind halted as if the area had its atmosphere. The smell of the area changed as well.

"Time stops in this area, so don't worry about aging in here. It is like a loop, the day rewinds itself after hitting a certain time. So the same day has been occurring for them for the past few months," explained Raiyen as I caught up to them.

The kids were very polite despite having fun and playing, going up to greet Mavislin and Raiyen. Their smiles and giggles were enough to make any storm go away. I smiled inwardly, relating the kids' smile to my baby brother's. A tinge of sadness brushed my eyes.

I know I'll never see that smile ever again. They waved at me but it was evident that they were more respectful towards the Valkyrie and the Time Mage. They bowed and curtsied to the Mages. But I wholeheartedly loved them. They looked so happy and unaware of the horrors of the world.