
"Well, not exactly. Folks over here are more impressed at those who break the system and go against the grain. However, in other Domains, things are different. Like, for instance, in Albion, it used to be a male dominating Domain, since the one in charge was a male."

"Albion has always been known as the richest Domain with the main highlight of the Domain is their Red Light District. However, with the Baron's wife taking over, the Domain has taken a step forward to help females as well."

"Both the Urnsfield and Briton Domains are ruled by females. Especially in Urnsfield, where the highest-ranking of the Five Kings is at. The Duchess, Vernice Midford. Over in those two Domains, women are seen as the most powerful there."

"All in all, if you head to Briton to live, you'll be alright, swinging your sword around. But if you stay here, within the Campania Domain, you'll be the happiest, female Mage, swinging around an oversized sword," explained Verna.

"And why would you say so?"

"Well, you've only asked about how the Domains treat females but not how they treat Mages. It's a completely different attitude. Urnsfield hates Mages, that place was the first to start a riot with the Mages there. And Briton is still coming out of their shell."

"Teuton doesn't believe in Magecraft for some weird reason so try not to pull off too many stunts there. Like, the Mages were there once but it's like they don't bother too much. And I can't blame them, Teuton is the largest Domain in terms of land size. They are known for being cold."

"Albion wholly welcomes anyone who knows Lady Roydon and Raiyen, since the two of them saved their lives countless of times. But if you don't keep your guard up, you would turn into a Flower Girl within an hour. So watch out if you are there," warned Verna.

Flower Girl... That was slang for prostitution. Well, I guess this world has some shady stuff going around as well. Again, men are still men. So even if you are a Mage, you aren't left out from being one of those Sing-song girls. Domains were like different countries in this world.

But the way he described it is like a few worlds coming together. Each Domain had its special niche to mark them on the map.

"I am warning you about the Domains but you have to understand that each of them is good in their ways. Don't just get from my views, go see the Domains with your own eyes. Like, I may not like going to Albion but Lady Roydon loves to go there for the food."

"And just because they're vastly different from each other doesn't mean that they have a conflict with each other. Each Domain has signed a non-aggression treaty with each other by the ones in charge of their respective Domains. And those leaders are known as the Five Kings."

"Marquess Minwoo Dalles of Campania. Baron Gabriel Tuazon of Albion. Earl Asriyan of Teuton. Viscountess Li Ling of Briton. And last but not least, the Duchess Vernice Midford of Urnsfield. Minwoo had gathered the rest and got them to work with the Mages."

"Before the agreement, each Domain had a leader but they were always in conflict with each other. After the Five Kings rose to power, gaining respect from the majority of the people, the leaders were killed off. And then, the Five Kings ruled each of their Domain with the Arks."

"I wish my previous world was like that. In the end, I wasn't able to see the peace that we strived for. It was getting more like Hell itself when I left. We were so advanced, having everything given to us. But we still couldn't figure out the basics. Working together," I said, with a forlorn tone.

"Leaders focused on boasting about how big their military strength was. How much money was the country making? But never on how to end poverty or starvation. The poor get snuffed out. The rich become richer and the poor are left to rot," I added as Verna patiently heard my woes.

If my world had Magecraft... Would we still have the same problems? Or will we be as peaceful as the sunset that I was walking in right now? Would the sky be blue once more instead of the smoky grey I saw every day? Will the animals that we killed off be alive and thriving with us again?

There was a lot of wishing in those words but I can't help but wonder. Why could other worlds thrive like this but ours chose the worst way to treat the planet we stood on? I can't think about that now. I've already died, there's no need to ponder about it.