Allocating Targets

I turned my head to say the final piece towards the Valkyrie. Mavislin had no hesitation when she firmly nodded, following my decision, which surprised me since Mavislin noted to take in prisoners if possible. And to my shock, it was Bryan who was protesting my choices.

"Why not? Shouldn't we give them a chance to join us? So we don't have to kill them all... Right?" questioned Bryan, looking mortified at the thought of killing all Five Ducklings.

"Can you confirm that they wouldn't kill us as well? Don't be absurd, Slayer! Weren't you an assassin before? If we gave them an inkling of a chance by saving them, they would jump on us when we turned our backs on them! If everyone's worth saving, then a murderer should be a saint!"

"Don't be so childish with your belief of everyone can be saved. The world is unkind and cruel. Those who cannot manage that fact would be snuffed even before comprehending what is happening. So do me a favor and don't ask that question again," I angrily scolded.

Bryan wanted to protest again, but one glare was enough to make the wolf's tail curl up.

"Forgive my Slayer for his rudeness as he followed my example from previous Missions. Indeed, I do have a habit of taking in prisoners and turning them into members of the Arks like Rina. However, Bryan, you must understand the gravity of the situation."

"Elizabeth's choice is not without reason, and she is right about not giving everyone a chance. The enemies of this Mission are far too dangerous to consider any candidate as a member of the Arks. And there is another reason for me siding with Lizzie in this matter," explained Mavislin.

"Lizzie, you are in command of this Mission. I'm only here as guidance and advisor. If your reasoning is strong enough, I have no right to intrude on your commands. From what I'm seeing, your judgments on the matter are worthy in my eyes."

"Another thing to note is that within the Founders' eyes, the Swordsman Pillar is the highest rank in the Barren Pillars, so the rest of the Pillars shouldn't be arguing against you on your choices. But to me, all First Seats are equal."

"The reason for having the highest rank is that when a meeting is called, only one representative from each Ark can attend, and they must be the leaders of their groups," said Mavislin, gesturing for me to continue with the briefing.

I checked this fact with Vania, and it would seem to check out on all sides. So by gaining this Swordsman Pillar title, I am considered the strongest in the Barren Pillars with the other Arks' eyes. I don't know if I should feel good about being so overpowered...

But what's done is done, I suppose. I then looked at everyone in the room before Tomoe raised a pale hand to say his piece on the matter.

"Since Raiyen has taken the challenge to take down Raijin, I would propose to go up against the Queen of Sands, Vastra Araakali. Even though Bryan may have some brief history with that Mage, I had encountered her before she gained that title," said Tomoe.

"Then why didn't you sound that out when we talked about her?" I asked, confused as to why Tomoe would withhold such a crucial fact.

"I didn't think it was such a big deal... She was noted to be the Queen of Sands quite recently, only for the past few years. And I couldn't confirm if she was the Mage that I fought against until I did some digging on my own. However, I have defeated her before, and I'm back to finish the job."

"How'd she managed to escape? Did she bribe you?" asked Raiyen, raising his eyebrows at his Familiar.

"I didn't get a chance to finish her off since she vanished after tossing sand into my eyes. I chased after her by tracking her Elemental Energy tracks, but it led me to a dead end. However, she wasn't too much of a fighter, so I understood her way of escaping despite only having half a leg and an arm."

Whoa there... This Kitsune was powerful enough to tear off limbs from a Mage?! I thought Familiars should only have a fraction of their Masters. Or could it be that Tomoe isn't a Familiar at all? If so, then Tomoe could be counted as a being like me, someone from another world.

Come to think of it, Tomoe didn't seem to be a Mage and was inferred by Bryan to use physical weapons instead of spells. I'm confused, but I have to move on to the meeting.

"Alright then, that's three spots taken," I said, giving into Tomoe's request.