VK Offers Vincent A Job

"The girl I was referring to was your family member back in our previous life. But if you can't recall her, I will not press further about it because it will bring up painful memories... And I know how much it annoys you to reopen old wounds," I said solemnly.

"Depends. If that old wound is going to help with my new life, then I'm sure I could bear to shed some tears for the painful memory. Other than that, the information would be useless to me."

"Perhaps now isn't a good time for you to know. Maybe something would trigger it... But I'm still curious why'd you chose violence over negotiations?"

"Well, things change when it comes to a new body and life. Unfortunately, I woke up and chose violence, so I stuck with the pattern. Anyways, VK helped me to dispose of the bodies while I cleaned the place up for the poor cafe. Once we were done, VK approached me."

"He offered me to be his underling to some company he was doing that helped the nation's affairs. When I asked more about his position, VK answered Civilian Servant. But my System was hailing warning signs on me about the man, so I asked him to confess his true self and motive."

"Eventually, after a merry-go-round of lies and foolery, I broke VK's patience and forced the truth out of him. And when the cafe prepared its nighttime shift, VK spilled the beans about being the Mafia Head of the Five Domains. I was confused, so he explained everything to me."

"VK said he needed someone who knew how to move around the Five Domains without drawing too much attention. Someone who can gather information without being seen or need to use the cover of night to get around," explained Vincent.

"Yep, that sounds like you, alright. I've always respected that about you, the skill to be so transparent that you can get valuable information by passing by. So then, how did you tell him about your true form?"

"Oh, that? He found that out by accident, and I didn't know that the Mafia disliked working with Mages. So it was an honest mistake when VK took me out on my first rodeo. I used the Gate of Enki on a barren land during a drought within the Briton Domain."

"He didn't react too positively, but I was already halfway through with the spell. It wasn't too flashy, just a land sprouting a few dozen trees and green plants. I also added a pond in there and a wheat farm. They were delighted when the humans found it and set up their homes there."

"And VK was alright afterward?"

"Begrudgingly, yes. He had no choice but to accept me into the ranks, especially when the next quest required me to quell the Kraken from Albion's Western Coastline. It wasn't an easy task to do because that thing was bigger than the Five Domains."

"How'd you manage to pull that one off? I thought you hated seafood..."

"That's the most surprising part. I told VK I wouldn't say I like seafood. He sent me on the quest straight away. I can't tell if he was angry at me for not saying that I was a Mage, or the guy's got too many things on his plate and had forgotten about that fact."

"Bro, I think it's the former reason."

"Anyways, that was the first time I used the Gate of Ishtar since the Words of the World suggested it. Unfortunately, it freaked more people out, and VK was forced to silence the witnesses so panic wouldn't spread throughout the Domains. And VK awarded me with a pocket dagger."

"He noted that the blade was a welcome gift and I should always have it with me to show that I was part of the Mafia. One thing led to another, and I embarked on more quests with and without using my powers. I'd choose physical combat if the enemy weren't too powerful."

"But for things like quelling an Elemental Beast, I instantly use my Magecraft, but I hide my dagger so it won't cause nasty rumors," replied Vincent, pointing to a dagger sitting in his belt holster.

"That sounds like a good way to rise the ranks and not cause a commotion. So how did you earn the title?"

"By pure luck because the Mafia had lost a few high-ranking personnel during the small conflicts and the giant problem of the Umbras. I have pushed up the ranks by going on more dangerous Missions and handling more matters that required physical labor."

I began to ponder more about what Vincent mentioned. The Mafia and the Arks were almost the same, with them doing certain things differently. The only difference would be the type of problems the two organizations handle.