
My name is Shinn and I just graduated! I wasn't your typical smart student or popular guy in school but I am decent and had few friends and a good relationship. My girlfriend is the best woman you could ever have! She's a wife material no matter what!

And I'll let you know something! My sister is a popular web novel author! I was never interested in guy and guy relationships novels but since my sister insisted on me helping her with her novel, I am her first reader! I read the novel and wow!

I never knew that kind of relationship exists!

Maybe my bro is secretly like that behind my back!

I even told my girlfriend about it and she became my sister's fan! When we heard some guys are in that kind of relationship, my girlfriend would drag me to watch them! Honestly, she's just too cute which is why I didn't stop her!

Right, I talk too much about our high school time!

Now, we're all gathering for our last meeting before parting ways with each other! My girlfriend got an offer to study overseas so we're okay with a long distance relationship! My friends had good grades enough for them to enrol into a good university. Me?

I got an offer from one of the top universities! I don't know how but I thank god for giving me good luck! When we're all done, we parted ways finally and my girlfriend walked next to me. Our houses are fortunately the same way so this is a good time to spend time together.


"Hmm? What is it?"

"I was thinking about it all night…"

I stop walking and look at her. My smile fell when I saw tears falling down from her face. Why is she crying? Did I do something wrong?

"The reason my father sent me overseas is to marry his friend's son."


"I am sorry for lying! I even promised to stay in a relationship with you but I thought, if I were to marry someone while being in a long distance relationship with you…I'd be a cheater right?"

I knew deep down, she doesn't want to go and marry him but her father…Is someone I can't fight. I had to let go of her. I don't want her to be sad and so, I approach her with a big hug. She cried in my arms while my smile slowly formed a gentle smile.

"Hey, murder is okay-"

She hits me and smiles a bit. Alright, suggesting her to murder her fiance is obviously a joke and she knew I try to live up the mood. It was not funny but I guess at least she's smiling.

"If I murder him, I will tell the whole world that my ex boyfriend ask me to do so."

"And the whole world will call you an idiot for listening to my idiot suggestion."

We parted ways and when I reached my house, everything became dull again. There's also something that I haven't revealed yet. Because my sister wrote such a novel, she was kicked out by my parents and the only way I communicate with her is through the phone.

Also, my parents found out that I read her novel and accuse me of being…gay. Thank god for my girlfriend, they immediately acknowledged my sexuality. But, that didn't stop them from hitting me when they're pissed because of my sister.

Did she know?

No. I mean, why should I let her know? She has been through a lot!

I take the hit for her! She needs to continue being the sister that I am proud of! I won't let our parents stop her from being successful! Right now, I am facing my mother who's gripping her hair furiously.

Well, there's also some people who are literally trying to add more fuel to the fire. Her friends were exposing her everyday by spreading the news that my mother's precious daughter is writing a disgusting novel about that kind of relationship.

When she saw me, the first thing she did was lift up her hand and slap me as hard as she could. Not only did it leave a bruise there but also, a small cut from her long nail. No matter what, I can't fight back. She's also my mother and I refuse to hurt someone who has raised me.

Without realizing it, she hits me again and my body falls backward. Soon, my head hits the table and I feel something.

Is that liquid…?

Why do my head feel….light?

I finally closed my eyes and let God decide whatever happened to me.