Chapter 2

Minato fed me until my food was finished and then Lan and Taejoon visited me. It was a surprise knowing these two hate me- I mean, Yato the most. Ah right, this is probably about their monthly money! Yato even promised to provide them money every month just to make them stay beside him his whole life.

"Hey, you didn't lose your memory about how to make money right? We can't afford to live without money."

"Ah, don't worry. I will ask my assistant for help."

"You sure? Because the all mighty Yato never asks for anyone's help."

When Taejoon said this, I am sure now that it would be hard for me to even ask for anyone's help. Yato is the CEO of two top companies. Which is why, out of those four, he's the richest one. I would have to be ooc to survive!

Yes, that means, there would be a butterfly effect but surely it won't be too bad! My three husbands will marry Yun and then I could build a new life while watching them live happily ever after!

Good idea!

I saw Taejoon and Lan hold out their hands. Ah yes! I have to look for the credit card! Is it somewhere in the drawer-

"You usually put it in the third drawer."

"Got it!"

I gave it to them and they walked out without saying any thanks. What's up with that kind of attitude? Famous people these days. But since my body feels better, I better not waste time like the original owner and just check on my company.

I checked out the closet and wore random clothes I grabbed. Finally, I am ready! Right when I was about to open the door, Minato grabbed my collar.

"Hey-!! Let go!"

"Where are you going?"

"To work…?"

His face almost looks like a disappointed wife. Except that he's a husband in this case. He brought me back to my room and gave me a proper suit. I refuse to wear such clothes! I can't even tie my own tie!

"Can't I just wear this?"

"Do you intend to tell the whole world that you lose your memory and get into trouble?"

So this is a crisis. I need to act like the real owner or else his enemy will take advantage of me. I wear it and let Minato help with the tie. He was stunned when I asked for his help but knowing my situation, he just kept quiet.

Minato is the CEO of another company and it was an entertainment company. Lan and Taejoon work under him. Those three wouldn't have jobs by now if Yato didn't support them. Wrong way to help people but he did help them so eh.

Finally, Minato let the driver bring me to my new workplace. Ah, this would be harder considering the fact that I, someone who just graduated high school, will be leading two big companies.

"Sir. I heard your problem from Mister Minato. I am your assistant, Hee-Chul."

My sister needs to decide whether this world is in Japanese or Korean. But she did say that it's Korean and those who have Japanese names are just a mix. Example, Minato and Yato, aka me. My mother is Japanese while my father is Korean.

I guess it makes sense considering every country has more mixed people.

"Ah yes, what…am I supposed to do now?"

Hee-Chul sweet drops before leading me to the way to my office. We enter the room and boy oh boy, the office is bigger than my past life house. Yato is a scumbag with loads of money. I don't even mind marrying him if I were his husband.

Well, since now that I am him, I will be a better person!

After a few minutes, I am feeling exhausted from signing these documents! A knock disturb my thoughts and I let them in. It was Hee-Chul with…a child? Now, I don't recall my sister saying that there's a child in her book. He even had a lot of bruises!

"Sorry to interrupt, sir. The school called me about your son's…behaviour."

"...Wait, wait. Repeat."

"The school called me about your son's behaviour. He fought with three classmates."

'I even have my own son?!'

"Ah I am sorry. I forgot about your situation. Well, you hide this from your other husbands knowing they won't accept this but you adopt a son and ask me to take care of him. I brought him here because you will have to meet the teacher. They wanted to speak with his parents, not some…lowly babysitter they said."

Oh my god, what even happened to the child? He was never mentioned in the story! He even had the worst adoptive dad. The teachers are also terrible. Is it that serious if they wanted to see the parents instead of the assistant.

"I will go."

"Then, we will take our leave-"

"Wait, you continue work. Let…"


"Let Taejin stay."

He bowed down and left the child in the office alone with his father. He even looks scared from glancing at me. How terrible of a father am I!? I gave him a small smile and reached my hand out. I was surprised to see him trying to defend himself…?

I slowly pat his head which makes the boy look at me curiously. After I was sure he's okay with me, I brought him to the couch and sat down next to him.

"If I told you this, promise not to tell your friends."

"I don't have friends."

"Ah, don't be too blunt. Well, I actually lost my memories. If you don't mind sharing what kind of person I am in your perspective, it would be helpful. Don't worry if you describe me honestly. I won't be mad."

The child looked a bit nervous but slowly, he started to spill everything that the original owner did. Not only did he abandon the child to his assistant, he even refused to meet this child and had high expectations without supporting him mentally! I feel like ripping his face! But it's now my face so no.

"Taejin, I am sorry."

I pull him into a hug and slowly, the boy starts crying in my arms. If he's younger than 10 years old, I am going to hell just to kill the real Yato. It took a few minutes before the boy fell asleep in my arms. I make sure he lays down comfortably on the couch and continues my work. Hee-Chul entered the room silently and gave me another document.

"Sir, I am not trying to put more burden but before you…regain your memories and push him away again, I want you to bring him home with you and spend time with him. He's still a child. It would be best if he lives with his father."

"You're right. I will bring him home tonight. You may send his stuff to my house."