Chapter 9

"What do you mean…boyfriend?"

"Yun Reita!"

"But…he wasn't in a relationship before I married him."

If I didn't count Lan and Taejoon in this conversation…

"We are still boyfriend until I decide to break it off!"

"Ah! You're his ex boyfriend! He told my two husbands that you already asked him for a break up though!"

Eun Ho grab my collar and dang, don't be too rough! This attire is more expensive than my life cost!

"I was drunk! It didn't count!"

My sister said drunk people tell the truth! That means you want to break up with him! And now, since he's married to a rich guy like me, you thought he's worth something and want him back don't you?! I will burn your purple hair, you grape!

"I will hit your head!"

Eun Ho stares at me as if I had gone insane. Does being threatened by getting hit on the head doesn't sound scary?! God heaven, creator of the all mighty Yato! Please help me! What would real Yato say?!

"Seems like the rumor about your maniac attitude was wrong-"

"Who says so? After I hit you, I will chop it off and sell it on the darkweb. But I am sure no one want your stupid brain or head."

I ask for help not insulting someone! What did this mouth of mine just spurt out?! God is cruel! Eun Ho let go of my collar and walked outside. Huh, at least he let go. When he's back with the assistants, he slams a paper in front of me.

"You like money don't you? I am the CEO of one of the top 5 companies. With my help, your company will stay at top 1! In return, you can't hurt me and have to divorce my boyfriend."

"Aha, Hee-Chul, did you hear something? Let's go back to work-"

"No wait! You can even be the CEO for my company! But divorce him!"

"Hee-Chul! I want another child-"

"Fine! Don't divorce him and don't hurt me!"

"^^ accepted!"

I think Yun is so lucky for not marrying this guy! He's a total dumbass! He ruined his own company's image! Now that they're gone, I can feel Hee-Chul staring at my back. I turned around which startled him a bit.

"So…You want another child?"

"...Yes. Can I?"


This guy is ruining my mood! I went home and was met by the smell of muffins! I know who is baking! It is my lovely Minato! He's back and this is fixing back the mood that I lost. Oh my god, out of all Yato's choices, he made the right choice marrying this guy.

"Welcome back. Change first."

"Yes sir!"

I went to my room and got change before appearing back at the kitchen. Everyone is already there, even Taejin! I sat down next to Taejin and Minato gave me the muffins. I used to eat this with my sister. She's a great baker too.

Sister of the year don't you think?

While munching it, I feel a stare from a certain someone whose name starts with L and ends with an. Did I bother you with my existence or perhaps you are daydreaming??? When I look at him, he looks away quickly and starts feeding Yun.

Why doesn't he feed our son with love too!?

He is really playing favourites right now.

"Dad. Why don't you get fed by anyone?"

"Because Dad doesn't want to get poison!"

If Lan or Taejoon suddenly wanted to feed me, I am sure that food is poison. Their only objective is probably getting rid of me by now! I don't know, okay?! It's not like I asked to be reborn as the villain (¬_¬;)


"Aha, your dad is joking! See, father is feeding him!"

Lan said and shoved one of his muffins inside my mouth. I cough because this man is trying to kill me by shoving them like that! If he wanted me to die by choking instead, give me a head up! I need to die in a stylish way this time!

"Dad is choking."

Yun quickly grabbed a glass of water and gave it to me. Taejoon and Minato are just watching from the side. A good comedy for this fine evening don't you think? NO! I LITERALLY ALMOST DIE!

We're done eating and Taejoon prepares everyone his special tea! The teabag he bought from overseas and honestly, who is he trying to impress? It's just a teabag. If he buys something like a child then I would be impressed.

I sipped it and my eyes lit up. Okay, it's not that bad! I can drink this instead of coffee. We heard Yun coughing and Taejoon throws away the tea. When I say throw away the tea, I mean, he throws all of them, including in my cups and other's.

"...what are you doing?"

"Yun clearly hates it-"

"You wasted my money to buy it and you wasted it by throwing it all away! It was even good that- I- Oh my god!"

They could hear me screeching while whining about Taejoon wasting the tea. If I were his dad, I would've spank him for wasting! Did his parents not teach him not to waste?! Let me meet my parents in law right now. It's a serious matter.

"Whatever you think makes you look suspicious. Please refrain yourself from hurting normal human beings." Minato whispered.

"I am gonna go meet his parents and ask what they taught him!"

"His parents are overseas though."

Screw this! I am making another cup of tea to calm my stressed mind. No one can stop me. I felt a hug at my side and saw Taejin with his cute pleading face.

"Dad. I want a cup of tea too. Father throws mine away."

"Dad will make it for you!"

My husband saw me run to the kitchen and watch me mixing tea. This is commoner tea, stay away, rich peasants. When I served it to Taejin, he looked so happy that he asked for a second cup.

"We want some too."