Chapter 12

"Then, are you happy with following them?"



He walks out from my office and I grab back my phone. After 10 minutes of talking...I ended the recording and sent it to Yun.


He thought he was betrayed by Eun Ho. Let's help them with their problem and hope Yun won't divorce us.

Hee-Chul knocks on my door before entering and closing the door. He gave me a stack of papers and smiles.

"Since it's three companies handled by you, now you have more paperwork to do."


He walked out and closed the door to cut me off. Oh no, does this mean more paperwork so no more relaxing? But if no more relaxing means I can't spend more time with my family!

"Also remember that Madam has asked you to meet them."

"Yes~ She's just mad that I got another husband. I will promise her not to get more."

Not like I like more people. And beside no one else crazy enough to marry crazy old me. I started checking on the document but then, I got a phone call from Yun.


"Yes Yun? You're at work, right?"

"Ah, yes. I just the recording..did it happen just now?"

"I was mad so I accidentally kicked him but then I stopped before I did the worst thing. Then, he talked with me."

I could hear him holding back his tears. Must be nice knowing you weren't betrayed by your loved one but instead, it was fate that made his loved one have bad parents.

"I see. Thank you. I am sure once my popularity is no longer rising, he will need to look for someone else like how his parents want. Now that I am married, I can only wish him well so he could find someone that can both make him and his parents happy."

"I'll see you at home. Taejoon is staying home today, right?"

He hummed and we ended the call. You know, helping someone with some misunderstanding isn't that bad. Yato, don't you think this life of yours is better than before?

If you're reborn right now as another person, please be better.

I saw a file and flipped it open. Oh, oh my god of food. This is a file with a bunch of children in it. Adoption center files. Seems like all of these children are almost adults. They're in their teenage ages already.

One boy caught my attention.

"Shinn Go. He's 17 years old...His grade is better than my past life grade…

Eh he dropped out already? Isn't that a waste. One more year, right?


I pressed the call button and Hee-Chul entered the room. Before I could say anything, he saw the files and reached for the door to walk out.

"Nonono! Hee-Chul pleaseee."

"You can't adopt anyone. That file was supposed to show you what Mr Eun Ho's company is doing right now and he was giving funds for that place."

"Please! I found a boy to be Taejin's older brother!"

"You do not, have enough room in your house."

Right! The last room was taken by Yun. Hmm...alright! I have decided to look for a big house and move there with my family right away! I called Minato and he answered it.


"Look for a bigger house. I want to adopt another child."

"...are you serious?"

"Yes! Ask Lan and Taejoon to help too."

I ended the call and finished reading all the documents before signing some of it. Then, I ran out with my blazer in hand. I can't see Hee-Chul's face but why do I feel like he's actually not mad at me.

When I reached the house, I saw both Lan and Taejoon watching their computers intensely. Then, I finally heard it.


"Ah, welcome home." Lan greeted me.

"We're just bored. And we found what you ask for. A big mansion but you could say that it's closer to Yun's workplace than yours or Minato."

Aren't you guys just purposely choosing the place near Yun's workplace for his sake? Nevermind that. I read the info and wow, we don't need 10 bedrooms but sure I guess. Better prepare for guests maybe?

"When are we moving?"

"As soon as possible. Today is good too."

"Okay- wait what?!"

"You heard me! That boy dropped out because the place he lived can't pay for his school fee anymore! His grade is so good it might be a waste for him to stop!"

I ran out and entered the car. Pulling out my phone, I called the agent and we had a deal. He will send men to help me move today and I can live there! Yato, for once, I am glad to live as you.

I can imagine him hitting the real me.

I can't wait to meet this child who had the same name as my past name! Yun texted me about the thing he just heard and I told him the maid will help with packing.

It's not gonna be a long trip if there's more people helping!

Now, meeting Shinn we go!!


He doesn't look to...good?

Unlike the others.

His clothes are tattered and his face is a bit swollen. Did he just get into a fight? The lady in charge of this place introduced me to everyone and I stood in front of Shinn.

"Ma'am, could you leave both of us alone?"


We both sat down and he glanced at me. Why does he make me look like a bad guy here? Hmm...He's tall and quite fit so he won't have problems looking for partner.

" it?"

"What if I adopt you?"

His eyes wide and he kneels down.

"No! There's a better option! Didn't you see? I am ugly...the others should be a better option to be your child."



Boi, is the beauty standard they teach in this place that high? You're already a handsome guy! I bet if you become an actor, you would be on the rise every single day.

"Your grade was good. It's a waste that you drop out."

"They said…

They need to pay for Min Yeon's tuition."