Chapter 17

"I WOULD! Who wouldn't want to marry the most successful person in the country!"

"That's a bold move kid. Keep dreaming though. I am too old for you."

"You're only 34 and I am 22! 12 years apart is not too old!"

Am I that old?

"...I don't marry people randomly."


My lovely fan saw my husbands and quickly went away before he might be the next person to die today. They all sat down and relaxed with the drink I bought.

"You sure are popular now. Even that young guy wanted you." Lan glared at the guy who flinched and looked away from them.

"It's about time I marry someone who loves me first." I said jokingly but they all looked at me with a dark expression.

I see...

It's not funny.

I sips my juice and look at the guy who talks to me just now. He smiles and hides before he could get more glare from any husbands.

They're adorable.

Yun drinks his milkshake and gets some on his lips. Both Eun Ho and Taejoon offer him tissues before glaring at each other.

╮(^▽^)╭Being main character is a blessing.

Lan took this chance and tried to wipe Yun's face with a smile but Hee-Chul already gave Yun a tissue which he accepted kindly.

This is…

A mess.

Should I run away?

"Why are you making a move on him?!"

"I am not. I am just helping."

"You are! Yato! You saw it didn't you?"

Why am I getting dragged into this situation? I look away but the person next to me, Minato, looks me straight in the eyes. It surely means I need to solve this.

"Okay. No one is in the wrong. Stop fighting and let's relax."

"You tell us right now! You bring us here to get along with him so that he can marry us all!"

Don't you understand I am just trying to liven up everyone's moods.

"Uh no. Besides, what else can he gain for marrying me other than being with Yun? Nothing. He would probably gain more fights with you guys though."

"There's one more thing he would gain…"

When Lan said that, everyone looked like they knew what it was. Bitch, what? Tell me! Sorry for my cursing, I have committed a big sin.

"...we will just go home. I have made it clear that I won't marry Eun Ho."

"It's fine. I have someone else to pursue now." Eun Ho said and looked seriously at me.

Did I even introduce him to anyone? Why is he looking at me like that?


They all facepalm and I am just here, standing, being oblivious. Seriously, is it someone I know?

My father?

"It's not your family member."

Hee-Chul said, right when I was about to ask them. Alright, not my father. Then….


They saw me looking at Hee-Chul and once again, facepalm. Okay, not dumb so I know it's not Hee-Chul. So…

"You. Yato.

It's you.

But don't worry.

Me too."

I didn't think I was awake. I am still dreaming, right? Hee Chul didn't just say that he, himself and Eun Ho are after me right? Yes. I am sure it's just a dream. I can just choke on air and still be alive in this dream right-?

"You're not dreaming."



It's already been 5 hours since the incident.

Taejin and Shinn both stay in my room, watching over me while I lay down on my bed. It's. It's shocking. Why can't I be this popular in my previous life?

This is why Yato should've been nicer. Now people love him- no wait, I am Yato so people love me? I am confused. But then, I would be honest, now I do love my husbands but to think they're gonna pursue me…

Do I just say okay or

Do I just day no thanks?

"Dad. I am worried."

"Don't be. He's just confused right now. Be ready to welcome our two more dads soon."

"There's more?"

"Yes. And maybe, you can just call them by name at this point. We can't just look for a new oord for dad to call them-"

"I am not marrying anyone."

I finally stop Shinn and sit up. Taejin brought a cup of water and I thanked him. He sat back down on the chair in my room. Finally, two chairs for serious talk.

"So, dad. Are you sure you're not marrying more people?"

"Shinn. How did you change this much?"

He had a big smile while patting Taejin. His face clearly shows he had a good brother. Yun enters the room and Taejoon follows from behind. This makes both of my sons leave the room.

"Are you okay now? You space out for too long."

"I am…

Just surprised."

"Me too. To think that…You can seduce them in no time."

Yun thinks about what Taejoon just said and clicks his tongue in confusion.

"I think Hee-Chul had a crush on Yato for a long time based on how he looks just now."




She did say that she wanted to make a special chapter for her reader! It's about Hee-Chul, the unknown assistant.

After Yato got divorced with his three husbands, he just watched from the side as Yun enjoyed his life, but Hee-Chul finally confessed his love to Yato.

He actually fell in love with Yato the moment he became his assistant. He thought, since Yato was married, he wouldn't make any move but now, he had his chance.

He doesn't even care that Yato did bad things to Yun. His love for Yato is unbelievably incredible. Yato was gonna use Hee-Chul to make his ex-husbands jealous but soon gradually falls for him.

Happy ending for both sides.


"Don't marry them."

Taejoon said with a pout. Yun and I were both stunned at his claim. He even approached me and sat on my lap while his arm wrapped around me.

"If you marry them, consider that I am no longer your husband."

"But- that's for Yato to decide-"

"No. I love him and don't plan to share him with anyone else other than us."

That's pretty cute.

And scary at the same time.