Learning the Land

The building in front of 6 was annoyingly plain. It looked like a run of the mill apartment you'd get when you moved out of your parents house.

He didn't expect much, but 6 at least hoped to get one of the cool houses he had seen on the way in.

"It's not one apartment, you get the whole building. Trivrium hates worrying about where people will live, so she adds a ton of unnecessary stuff. You can change it however you want, she just chose a place you'd be used to."

"Jeez. No wonder people worship her. Is this free?"

"Long as you live on her."

"That's a sweet deal. Any catch?" 6 said with an eyebrow crooked.

"Keep working. Don't do enough and Domus quickly turns into Abiit. Considering you're eager to die, I doubt you'll have that issue."

With a laugh, 6 agreed.

Nameless began explaining the different facilities he would have available to him on Trivrium, just the basics.

There was a general store, this contained all kinds of general life goods and necessary equipment. Beginners were recommended to shop here before going anywhere else.

Aside from that, there was a combat facility, a library, an auction house, and a gambling hall. There were more, but to keep things easy Nameless only told him where these few were.

If he needed to know more, he could ask Trivrium.

As soon as Nameless finished telling 6 about these places, not even bothering to explain anything about them, he disappeared. 6 saw just one flash of him down the street before he completely vanished, leaving 6 in awe.

Walking up to the door, 6 reached to put the key into the doorknob when it unlocked before he even touched it. Upon closer inspection, although the key was a regular key, the lock itself was just a hollow area on the door knob, it had no mechanism whatsoever.

It was as Nameless told him, the key truly was just a formality, only serving to make him feel like the home was his.

It was impossible to misplace, as as the key would always appear on his person when he needed it again. He could also use it to let others into his place when he wasn't there, but theft was impossible. Even if they got hold of the key, it was still his permission that was needed to get inside.

The building resembled a regular apartment on the outside, the inside was much more akin to a suite. The entire layout was full of bits and bobs of antique or futuristic nature, and it looked absolutely terrible.

There was nowhere better. He didn't know what the fuck any of this shit and it was fantastic. He'd spend weeks just discovering his own house. Fuck earth, this place is the shit, he thought.

Aside from taking a look at the nearby facilities, of which the only one he entered was the library to read up about Trivrium, 6 spent almost the entirety of his time at home.

The screen that Trivrium provided displayed detailed information of every single item in his home, and he spent all day every day reading about each piece, basically serving as a portable database. It was much more efficient than the internet from Earth.

On the 6th day of this, Trivrium finally gave him some more information. Tomorrow, marking a week since he arrived, he could choose to go on a mission or take a job. If he wanted, he could put this off for up to a month, but 6 decided that wasn't who he was.

Although his home was interesting, it would be here anytime. Missions might not always be there, and he might find even more fun things than he could imagine.

Additionally, Trivrium mentioned something called an adventurer in passing, but the word caught his eye. It seemed like a specific job the way she spoke about it.

Putting that aside, he focused on what he had access to so far. He could learn more about adventurers later.

Having accepted the opportunity to choose a task, the next morning a full list of jobs was displayed to 6. Most were menial boring things, but a few had any merits to them.

[Assist the animal keepers.]

[Animal keeping is a full time job that requires extreme qualifications. It is full of danger and risk, and rewards in proportion to that. This job is to assist the animal keeps, easing their tasks and taking some of the dangers yourself. Provides important experience to becoming an animal keeper and information on all types of animals you may encounter.

Reward: 40 velvs]

This wasn't bad, considering the entirety of his allowance thus far was 60 velvs. Plus, he could learn alot and even see what his standing in this world was.

[Combat training]

[Report to the combat facility to work as a sparring partner. All skill levels are accepted, as suitable tasks will be assigned accordingly. Provides combat experience and helps you learn how to take a hit.

Reward: 60-10,000 velvs]

At least doubling what he had in his wallet sounded sweet, but he was willing to bet the "suitable task" meant ensuring you'd be against someone who could definitely kick your ass. Sparring partner was usually a fancy word for punching bag. Still, he was okay with that. This would definitely give him a reference point to base his strength off of, and he may pick up a thing or two. 6 didnt like to brag, but he did love to brag, and he was extremely talented.

Between the two, the combat training was definitely more in his favor, so he accepted that one.

The combat facility was a large, grey brick building. It was entirely square, with just a single large entrance, allowing at least 5 people to enter or exit at once. If asked someone to describe a government building in a dystopian world that didn't allow emotion, this building is what you'd get from their description. Above the door was a plain sign that said "Combat Facility".

There was a semi-steady flow of people entering and exiting. Those who were entering looked gloomy, and those who were exiting were covered in bruises and other light wounds. None of them had any serious wounds, which was heartening.

Inside, surprisingly, was absolutely nobody. 6 was alone in an entirely blank room when he entered, greeted only by another prompt appearing in front of his eyes. The prompt told him important details about the combat facility.

Firstly, everyone was protected here. It was impossible to die, and serious injuries were prevented as well. In the event of an accident, the Domus planet would compensate you accordingly. Most importantly, it told him that the combat facility wasn't exclusively connected to Trivrium, but to every Domus planet. Whoever you meet in training may not be from your own Domus planet, so discretion was advised.

[Close Combat Training]

[Ranged Combat Training]

[Magic Combat Training]

[Theoretical Combat Training]

[Comprehensive Training]

[Work as a Training Partner]

Barring the final option, each of the others cost at a minimum 150 velvs, more than 6 could even afford a single time so far.

Choosing one the options brought you to a menu that expanded on more choices, including sparring in your specific group, tutoring, dummy practice, and even allowing you to pick specific weapon or magic groups.

The two options that were not as clear, theoretical and comprehensive training, were helpful as well. Theoretical training was essentially strategy and hypothetical training. You could choose to be thrown into different assorted situations that you would have to fight your way out of, and you could also take on different mock missions that were focused on commanding and leading groups.

Comprehensive training was basically a mixture of everything, and it also included a random match up function that allowed you to meet with other combat trainees in 1 on 1 matches.

Pressing on the work tab brought him to a screen to enter all of his combat specifications that he was comfortable training with.

6 could choose to expose as little or as much about himself as he wanted, and aside from the trainee he was with, it was guaranteed to be confidential. Lying about his abilities was possible, but the only thing it would bring was trouble. If he said he could do something he wasn't capable of, and it was revealed during training, not only would he lose his pay, he could also be responsible for the fees of the other person.

For now the information he revealed was his proficiency with daggers, his stealth abilities, and his proficiency with firearms from Earth. He also added that he was okay with bare handed combat. He decided it wasn't worth hiding much when he didn't really have anything special to show.

As soon as 6 entered all of his information, the screen changed to display a loading symbol.

Stunned, 6 blinked at it, thinking was identical to queuing up for a game back on Earth. The loading symbol was identical to the most common one, and it even said if it took too long he would be considered for more options.

Unfortunately, it looked like it would come to that, as even after 10 minutes he was still waiting. Luckily, he could choose to spawn training equipment around him so he could warm up while he waited.

Half an hour passed before he finally got a hit. It was a sparring session, one on one with bare hands. Everything except weapons were allowed, but the setting was just a plain open area, with nothing to utilize for stealth or tricks. It basically forced him into a direct conflict. The goal here was not to win, but to make it difficult for his opponent to win.

The two appeared on the grassy field together, with a bright blue sky free of clouds above them. The man, who appeared relatively humanoid, was wearing a bloodstained shirt with multiple holes, and loose fitting pants.

Both of them stood motionless, staring at the display in front of them. On it, it stated that due to their lacking abilities, both workers would fight each other. The pay would be halved, and the winner would receive an extra 5 velvs. The two gazed at each other with the same look in their eyes, helplessness.

6 nodded at him, the man returning the gesture as the display screen began counting down.

Immediately after it hit one, the two began fighting. The man was stronger than 6, but 6 was significantly faster than him. It was obvious that the man had some combat training, but even for 6 who did not specialize in barehanded combat, it was easy to keep up.

6 relied on quick jabs and fast movements to wear out his opponent, while the man was aiming for big blows to take 6 out in one go.

Numerous blows, feints, and dodges were exchanged between the two over the course of several minutes, ultimately ending when the man got impatient and attempted to tackle 6 to the ground. 6 easily sidestepped the tackle, kicking the man's knee from behind causing him to fall.

He leaped to land next to his opponent's torso with his leg winding up for a kick aimed for the head, before he appeared back in the starting room of the combat facility, gracefully landing on his ass.

Congratulations, you've won the training competition. 35 velvs have been deposited to your wallet. You have 2 more opportunities to compete against fellow workers before you will be forced to wait until you have grown strong enough to train others to work here again.

Being weak was an odd feeling for 6, but it excited him to no end. The idea that he would be able to become stronger to an extent that he had yet to see left him shaking. He queued up for his two final matches, resulting in one win and one loss, bringing his wallet to 190.

As he received the unfortunate news that he could no longer work here at his current capability, he decided to see what he can do to get stronger.

The 3 fights didn't take very long, only eating up about 2 hours of his day. Most of that time was spent on the second fight, the one he lost. His opponent was significantly stronger than him, but had absolutely no skill. It was easy to dodge their blows, but a single mistake would take him out, whereas a strong blow from 6 hardly even left a mark.

Eventually he got tired and made a mistake, causing his loss after an hour of fighting.