Murder Can Be Helpful, Except When It Isn't

It wasn't like 6 had anything against Plono.

In fact 6 thought she was a well meaning, sweet girl. As far as teenagers go, with their rebellious instincts fresh in their minds, she wasn't half bad, and she knew when to shut up, a trait which 6 couldn't claim to have.

Cypius was obviously on a different scale, as the question with him wasn't what effects killing him would have on the ring, but rather if 6 could even kill him at all.

The man was strong, and he had more than just simple brute strength. He had that ability that made his hands go white and chilled the room, which was surely more than just simple air conditioning.

And he was smart.

It was clear just speaking to the Lord of Folrost that he had brain behind the massive amount of brawn. That would make fighting him all the more dangerous.

Plus, by his own testimony, he was the only person to survive the trip to the spiders nest that wiped the rest of the conscious townsfolk out.

Even if they did sacrifice themselves to ensure his escape, it still spoke volumes of his own strength to be able to run from that horde of spiders when it was already upon him.

From what he said about their little adventure, it didn't go the way 6's did. The spiders set upon them before they managed to attack at all, as if there was a horde just waiting for them.

If 6 had to wager a guess, the spiders knew they were coming in advance because of how many there were.

The spiders were supposed to be able to feel when people touched their webs, amassing to deal with potential intruders when alerted, so it wasn't a shock that they noticed a massive group earlier than they noticed 6, being alone as he was.

His stealth was one of the reasons he was confident in finishing this mission.

If the spiders couldn't feel when he made contact with the webs, then it should be easy to sneak into the nest for some reconnaissance.

Had he been with a group when he first approached the nest, its entirely likely that he wouldn't have had the chance to take out the spiders that he did.

They would've noticed him earlier, and in turn the spiders would've gathered in massive amounts before he even reached them.

Unless whoever went with 6 could be as quiet and stealthy as they walked as him.

But from what he'd seen in Folrost, no one like that existed, and he wasn't keen on heading to other towns just to find teammates that would probably just end up perishing.

In the end, inflitrating the nest was even more guaranteed to be a solo mission, even if he did find someone willing to go with him.

Not that 6 ever counted on outside help.

Finding someone ridiculously strong to carry him through the mission would be cool and all, but that isn't what he wanted.

It would be boring.

His goal was to become that ridiculously strong person to carry other people, and have museums built in his name.

That didn't happen by counting on others.

Besides, what kind of super cool deadly adventure would it be if he ruined it by adding someone who's too high leveled for the area?

He was already past the tutorial in his own mind, he couldn't rely on others to power level him.

Sure, he did that on games back on his home world, but this wasn't his home world, and if he ruined his character by speed running the levels here, there was no redo.

Unexpectedly, 6's contorted world view causing him to be mostly detached from himself left him with the mentatlity to chase strength for himself, a trait shared by all the strongest beings.

Not one of the most poweful inhabitants of the infinite worlds got that way by relying on others.

Some people may have had a higher starting pointing, as all things in life, but no one starts at the very top.

A human may start weaker than a dragon, but that doesn't make the dragon one of the strongest beings.

It just makes it stronger in that very moment, and of that dragon lazed around all day, content with its given strength, it won't be long before one of those humans beneath it becomes a valiant knight, riding on a silver war horse to slay the dragon.

That knight, despite their weaker starting point, would not only go on to slay the dragon, but the mind set of gaining their own strength would only feed themselves further into the future, becoming a facet to the warrior they become.

The rule of the universe is that everyone is not given the same opportunity, nothing is fair, and people will be better off than you are, no matter how lucky one is.

But on the flip side, though the opportunities given to you may be lesser, you will be given opportunities, and it is what you do with them decides your fate.

Having the mindset of the knight, even if your starting point is as low as a child compared to dragon, will always lead you to more success than the dragon who doesn't sieze the opportunities given to it.

The collection ring was an opportunity to 6

The way he handled that opportunity would turn into his strength.

If killing someone he didn't hate meant it would become an amazing opportunity, he would claim that, damned be the consequences.

Of course, if the consequences were too much for the value of the ring to compensate for, it would be a moot point.

But here, he was already leaving town.

The only real consequence would be needing to find a new place to stay.

The odds of Cypius leaving town to chase him to the spiders nest was next to none, even if he did kill his daughter.

He had an entire village to look out for here.

But in the end, there was no point in wondering.

Plono wasn't here, and the only opportunity available to him was the spiders.

He would have to bet his luck on getting a useful effect from them.

Anything other than poison would be enough.

He was careful on his way through the forest to avoid stepping on even a single bug; the wording of the effect of the ring said any being, and he wasn't about to waste his precious ring on some crappy bugs he stepped on while walking.

Otherwise he'd end up with the absolute worst item possible.

Right now, he needed something to make a difference when he needed to go into the nest.

The webbed area in front of 6 once more, this time in the opposite direction he had walked previously, aiming to avoid the area he already killed spiders at just in case an ambush was prepared for him there, had some distinctive differences.

Though the ground was still covered in the same webbing, it wasn't as even.

There were lumps and hill-like structure beneath the webs, limiting visiblity and complicating the area.

6 could tell the landscape would be different long before he reached the webbed area. The area he approached previously started in grasslands, like an overgrown lawn, before it turned into the webbed area he met with.

But here was different.

There were trees here, shrubs, and the land was uneven.

You couldn't see the trees themselves, but the outline of the tall webbed structures couldn't be anything else.

Now that he had a chance to look at the webs on something other than the ground, it highlighted how strange they were compared to regular spider webs.

They were thick, the web strands themselves were individually massive, hundreds of times thicker than normals ones.

And they were layered, far more than they needed to be. It was more than just covering the ground and the trees with the webs, it was like they were entirely burying them, doing their utmost to ensure they'd never emerge from the webbed prison they were trapped in.

But more than the trees, more than the shrubs and the hills, there was something else.

Like warts covering the surface, there were oddly shaped bumps as far as the eye could see, oblong webs covering them.

The webs themselves didn't look the same either.

Where the rest of the webbed area was like one large, connected blanket of webs covering the ground and all of the features on it, the lumps were almost disconnected.

Like they were covered up after, as if once the area was covered in webs, something else appeared on top of them, forcing the spiders to work over time covering these new additions to the landscape with a second blanket.

Some of the lumps were larger than others, some being just a tiny lump on the ground, to the height of 6's shin, shorter than 6 was tall, but others were several feet across in all directions, and rose as high as his waist.

It wasn't a lack of curiosity stopping 6 from investigating what exactly the bumps were, and why the spiders made them, what they hid underneath, but necessity.

If he cut open the webs here, it would send that vibration to any spiders nearby, alerting them to his presence. He could move without disturbing the webs, but cutting them without alerting the spiders was something beyond his level.

He was here to collect enough special energy to fill his ring, and he couldn't do that if he was discovered before he even killed a single one.

The bumps would have to wait until he had less pressing things to do.

Making a mental note of them, 6 moved on to observing the various spiders in the area.

There were at least 4 times the amount compared to how many he encountered last time, in just the small area he could see with his restricted visibility.

They covered the webbed trees, the hills and the bumps.

They didnt act the same way either.

All of them were active, either messing with the webs, producing more, or walking around constantly. not one spider remained still, as opposed to the dull meandering of the spiders he killed before.

All these things implied that this fight wouldn't be on the same level as his last.

These spiders had areas to jump from, objects to hide them, their movements and attack wouldn't be nearly as limited.

There were more of them, more varieties of them, a more complex and dangerous terrain, and less of a guarantee of privacy before he could manage to wipe them all out.

The smart thing to do would be to explore in each direction, ensuring that there wasn't large amounts of spiders nearby, available to assault him when he least expected it.

The smarter thing to do would be to find a safer area, then do the same thing to ensure there were no large areas of spiders there either.

The smartest thing to do would be to not attack the spiders at all, turning around and leaving.

The least smart thing to do would be to utilize the more complicated terrain to sneak into the midst of the spiders, to the area which had the most dangerous grouping of them, in order to immediately wipe out the biggest portion he could right off the bat, without checking the rest of his surroundings at all.

But as 6's knife split through one spiders head before he turned, jamming it directly into anothers in one lightning fast motion, as his other hand scooped a third spider up, it became obvious that the smart option was not what 6 cared about.