The Presence Of Death

'Trivrium, what happens if it sees me?'

[You die.]

The words from Trivrium appeared in a bright red color, as Trivirum tried to show him the severity of the situation.

'It already knows I am here. I saw it slightly move its head in my direction just as you sent me the first warning. The second I move, it will probably strike. If, or when it does, can you teleport me before it kills me?' 6 asked, his body remaining perfectly still. He had even ceased breathing for te moment.

[It should be possible. The presence is weak, very weak, so it shouldn't be able to interrupt the teleport.]

'Then in a second, I am going to move. If it strikes, teleport me immediately, even if you aren't sure the attack will kill me.' 6 said, not waiting to hear her response before beginning to move.

He turned around, immediately activating [Intensified Blood Flow] the moment he began moving, and began to run out of the cavern, back into the passageway he had just exited.

Just as 6 moved, Trivrium felt the presence grow stronger for a fleeting moment, like the flash of camera before it disappeared as if it was never there.

Behind him, the enormous spider turned its body with gargantuan effort, shockingly slowly in comparison to how much power a creature with its own presence should have.

When it turned its eyes upon 6, with just a small glance that shone for just a moment, he tripped as if something hit him. There was no pain, but something creeped into his mind, yelling at him, screaming at him that he had to leave, had to get out of here, go anywhere but here.

The voice in his head grew stronger, overpowering the constant chatter that he usually had going through his head, drowning out his thoughts.

Other than running, he had nothing on his mind.

There was no breathing, no asking Trivrium to teleport him away, no fighting back.

Sprinting down the passageway that led him here, 6 completely abandoned all semblance of grace as he tripped over his feet and stumbled constantly.

Worrying about being caught by any other spiders was completely gone from his mind. His feet slammed slammed against the webbed ground audibly and when he finally breathed again his gasps filled the passage.

When he looked behind him, terrified that he would see the face of the spider just over his shoulder, he saw million of tiny, red spiders chasing him, covering every inch of the floor like a plague.

Growing nearer by the second, the spider were each chomping their mouths, with a loud crunching noise echoing in 6's ears with his snap of their jaws.

Behind them, the walls began closing in, the webs growing and closing off the passage.

It was crushing and killing all of the spider that were slow enough to get caught within the maw of the now terrifying walls, and 6 was absolutely certain that they would pulverize him if he allowed himself to be caught.

As the spiders were crushed, their blood and bodies flew out of the webs that destroyed them, fusing with the tide of spiders as they grew with each corpse that become part of them.

Though they were hardly the size of a pea when they first appeared, they were now the size of a golf ball, and they were growing rapidly with each passing second.

The passageway that felt short when he first walked down it now seemed endless, like he would never leave its confines as he was forced to run from the growing spiders and the ever closing walls behind him until he died.

With each room he passed, more spiders rushed out from within, joining the army behind him and giving the wall more bodies to crush.

It wasn't noticeable at first, but as time passed, the walls were closing faster as well, as if the bodies not only made the spiders stronger but the walls as well.

Now full panicked and terrified out of his mind, 6 continued running, running forever, desperate to get away no matter how many hours, how many days or weeks or months it would take.

Years felt like they past by in a flash as 6 ran.

The hair on his head had grown down to his shoulders, and a thick beard had appeared on his face.

Still chasing him, the spiders were all the size of cars now, each as red as the blood dripping from the wound on his hand.

He was still in the same passage, but it was bigger, so much bigger. The walls were hundreds of meters wide. They slammed shut behind him, so close that he could feel the air as they closed, and the splatter of the spiders crushed by it hit his back.

Terrified still, of the spiders nipping at his heels and the walls that threatened to swallow him whole, but more so of the giant spider that set all of this upon him, it felt as though his heart had never once slowed or stalled its heavy, intense beating, the sound of his own blood rushing and ringing through his ear at every second.

The blood dripping from his hand seemed to get stronger as he heart beat on, and pushing through his terror, he realized he needed to stop the bleeding or he would die before the walls ever even reached him.

Focusing on his hand, 6 finally felt like a train slammed into his chest, like the battering ram of a spider that hit him so many years ago.

His wound shouldn't be there, it shouldn't still be bleeding after all these years. What had he eaten, when had he slept after all this time.

The blood rushing through his ears wasn't from terror, it was his skill. This was the sound of [Intensified Blood Flow], still active after all these years. He couldn't even see color inside of this nest, so how did he know the spiders chasing him were red?

As the reality of the impossibility of this situation dawned upon him, his entire body shook, as he shook awake and breathed in a deep gasp of air.

Above him was the same webbed ceiling he had dealt with in what he was assuming was a dream of some kind.

'What the hell happened? Where the hell am I right now?' 6 thought, now entirely convinced he was actually dreaming. He wanted Trivrium to explain what the hell he just went through.

Why was he safe in a room inside of the nest? He had been screaming and running in a terrified state in his dream, how much of that happened in reality? Why and how did he end up here without any spiders noticing him?

[The spider you came upon only looked at you, and then you began acting strangely. Aside from that, it took no action, and thus I did not intervene with anything that came next, as you did not seem to be in fatal danger.

'Oh, so you're using first person now. I can ignore that, but what the hell happened next?' 6 asked, deactivating [Intensified Blood Flow] as he applied pressure to the wound on his hand that was now bleeding again.

He had no idea how long the skill had been on, but it seemed that long term activation of the skill could cause the wounds he had that were already staunched to begin bleeding again. Unless something occurred while he was out that made it bleed.

[I suspect it used some type of skill that cause you to feel intense fear, or some kind of illusion on you.]

'Lets just go with a bit of both.'

[Following your strange behavior, you ran out of the passageway you came through to arrive there, and then continued running as if you were being chased. You continued like this for several hours, though things did occur during this period of time.]

Well, things happening during that period of time might explain the bleeding, depending on what they were.

'That checks out, I doubt I was paying attention to staying quiet and out of sight. So what 'things' happened?'

[You were discovered by multiple spiders, sometimes in groups, some times alone. Oddly, despite your frenzied manner, you actually killed every single spider you came across as if you had a seething hatred for them inside of you. You may like this, but the list of your kills include the spiked spider you fought.]

'Hahah! That's amazing, I have no clue how i did any of that, all i can remember is running, running for what felt like years. How'd I kill that thing? I couldn't even scratched it before.'

[You used its body in the same way an angry toddler uses a doll that it hates. By the time you finally let go of it, the guts of the spider were probably spready across at least four rooms and two different passageways, with all of its appendages lost along the way as well. More importantly, you eventually came here, passed out in the middle of the room, and somehow despite several spiders walking past with you in clear view from outside of the room, went unnoticed entirely.]

With a self satisfied smile on his face, pleased with the actions he unknowingly took while trapped inside of whatever the spider did to you, 6 rolled to his feet, stretching out his limbs.

[You should take note of something. Should you be affected by a mental ability which fully clouds your perspective, I cannot teleport you away.]

'What do you mean? You just said you only refrained from teleporting me away just now because I wasn't in fatal danger. What changed now?'

[The skill granted to you requires you to be aware of the fact that you are about to die. During that period, you thought you were going to die the entire time, and thus it was possible to teleport you.]

With a nob to confirm that he did in fact feel that, though he didn't agree with the actions he took within the dream, as he would never be that scared of dying in reality, 6 asked 'So if I don't know I'm in danger, you can't do squat?'

[Indeed. Anything which kills you before you can react or notice your impending death, or anything that makes you believe you will not die can prevent the teleport from activating. Prior to this, it was no necessary to warn you of this, but it seems that spiders in this nest have rare mental abilities which are not usually seen at a planet this weak.]

'So I'm really out of my league here, huh? No clue what this presence crap you're talking about means, but it seems pretty serious, and now I've technically run into it twice here. Boy, i really have some terrible luck.'

[You should have died the moment a single creature with even the smallest amount of presence set its eyes upon you.]