Nytherate, And Macason's World

In the end of the mad alchemists reign, he committed one final detestable act, the one that gained him his infamy that spread to other planets.

Utilizing a previously unknown method, the alchemist destroyed the budding soul of his world, halting its growth and blocking it from any further growth for centuries. Of course, no planet who heard about this would let the matter rest without uncovering how exactly the alchemist killed the soul of the planet without killing the planet itself, so vigorous investigation was conducted on the planet, and its dead soul.

What they discovered were traces of a type of poison in magma chambers, oceans, rivers, and forests spread across the world. This poison was relatively harmless to a living being, to the extent that a regular human could drink it like water and be unaffected entirely. However, the story changed when it was put into or touched a spirit or soul.

When in contact with a spirit or a soul, the poison was shockingly lethal. It would corrode and eat away at the intangible body of whatever it came into contact with, and if they could not separate them selves from the poison, even a few drops of it could kill weaker spirits.

But this was a planet. It was not a weaker spirit, and even though it was a budding soul, it was still the budding soul of an entire planet. The amount of spirit poison required to kill a planet's soul in this manner would be enough to fill a massive lake, if not a small ocean.

Spirit poison was difficult to make, and the ingredients were extremely rare as well. By all accounts, it should have been impossible for the alchemist to have made this much spirit poison as he did, unless he came up with his own way of creating spirit poison that didn't have such high demands on its manufacturing process.

It was in this way that the investigations were concluded, with no one finding any further information about the manner by which the alchemist managed to create his spirit poison.

In the notes regarding the mission, it actually stated that it was not recommended to attempt to locate any information about the poison, and in particular, that finding the method of creating it would likely put a large target on your back that a massive number of people would attempt to claim.

6 believed that it was likely that further information about the poison had already been discovered, but that the details about it had been hidden. It wasn't even beyond expectations to believe that the poison doesn't exist to begin with, and that it was just a cover-up for the real method by which the alchemist destroyed the soul of the planet.

As far as the current world went,6 was once again lucky. It was developed to a similar degree as his own homeworld. Public transportation, cities, vehicles and modern weaponry, he could find it all there. Though he would have to get adjusted to using new kinds of weaponry, as their firearms and even cold weapons were much different than what he was used to.

Alchemy had taken steps back from what it had once been in the years before the mad alchemist, but it hadn't regressed entirely. Before that time, this world was actually slightly more advanced than 6's own.

This meant that the danger level 6 would experience would be tolerable.

There was a final note on the mission description, this time from Trivrium. In her own words, she said that this world was much more documented, and there was a much larger amount of information that 6 could easily find about the world, but that unfortunately, as the world has to consciousness, Trivrium herself cannot verify any of the information.

This also meant that once he arrived in the alchemy world, he wouldn't be able to get as much information from Trivrium as he was able to get during the spider's egg world.

She would still provide support where possible, but it would be limited.

"Hey, where can I go to get a drink?" 6 said.

[There are multiple-]

"Not you, Trivrium" 6 interrupted before the message could even full display itself.

The seven foot tall armored woman in the direction 6 spoke toward slowly turned after 6 asked his question, taking her time.

After waiting for a several seconds, the woman finally finished turning her tall lanky body, and began speaking to 6.

"There is a good tavern. It is just down the street. Would you like to go? I can bring you there." She said painfully slowly, every word being carefully enunciated.

Cheerfully, 6 nodded as he began speaking. "That'd be great, actually. I'm new here, so I only really know where the shopping district and the library is."

The tall woman nodded, just as slowly as she spoke.

With no further words, the tall woman began walking, not even checking to see if 6 was following behind her.

"I'm 6." 6 said, deciding to keep his words short as that seemed to be her style.

"Nytherate." She responded.

'Hey Trivrium, make a note of that name for me, will you? Label it "The coolest name ever".' 6 thought to himself.

Not longer after they began walking, Nytherate and 6 arrived at a extremely colorful building, with a sign above it that said "Macason's World". The building was basically the only one 6 had encountered on Trivrium so far that was lively, and seemed to be full of people actually talking to each other.

It was nice to see that the world wasn't entirely automated.

Once they arrive, Nytherate turned around and began walking once more, leaving behind only a few words as she left 6 behind.

"Here is the tavern." She said.

Watching her leave, 6 wondered how strong the woman was. Physically, she definitely seemed much stronger than himself, and he had no delusions about being able to take her on, but he also knew that he couldn't always judge based upon appearance.

But unless he followed her and asked, he wouldn't get the chance to know any time soon, and he didn't find himself caring enough to take the time to do so.

Walking into Macason's World, 6 found the building to be a bit bigger on the inside than he had been expecting. On the outside, the colorfully decorated building was one story tall, and though it wasn't small, it couldn't be called large either.

However, on the inside, it was two stories, and each floor was bigger than the outside led him to expect.

There were tables all over the place, most of them populated by all manners of people, as well as bars with surprisingly few people sitting at them, most of them conversing with the bartenders, of which there were too many.

Heading toward one of these bars, 6 walking confidently, only to see something red flashing towards him out of the corner of his eye.

The moment he saw this, someone shouted "Fruit test!" from across the room.

Though 6 noticed the fruit coming toward him, he wasn't able to easily dodge it, as it was moving much too fast for his reflexes. With it aiming directly towards his head, he did the only thing he could do in such a short time.

He thrusted his head toward the fruit, headbutting it as hard as it could as it neared him. Whatever fruit it was exploded on contact, turning into a misty splatter of fruit that covered the area surrounding 6.

Groans erupted from the people around him as the brushed off the juice and fruit bits on their skin and clothes, and laughter erupted from the people that were lucky enough not to get hit.

Jeers and cheers came from people all over the tavern, but they quickly ended as they went back to their own conversations, and the few people sitting at the bars looked on with a face that could only be called sympathy.

Across the room, a lone bartender at a comically small bar with an equally comically large amount of bottles behind him beckoned to 6 when he glanced his way.

On the side of the bar, a container full of an assortment of fruits sat, nearly full to the brim.

6 made his way there, for curiosities sake if nothing else, as he wiped the fruit off of his forehead.

"That was good! Aggression when no other options are presented to you is a perfectly respectable response, very good my friend!" The bartender said as 6 neared the bar. "I am Macason, welcome to my world."

The bar Macason had to himself was in one of the corners, nearly hidden compared to the rest of the bars in the building.

"Its very cute, especially on the outside. I'm not keen on the fruit to the face, but I can learn to deal with it." 6 said.

"Ah no worries my friend, no worries at all. The fruit test is only on very special occasions, such as your first visit, congratulations on making your way here!"

6 had nothing to complain about with that, he had been to bars that had ever worse traditions for welcoming newcomers, including one that involved far too many teeth for 6's liking.

"Anyways, if I'm not mistaken, and I'm usually not as long as I'm within my world, your next fruit test is due upon your awakening, so you can look forward to that." Macason said. "The fruit test, I mean. I can't tell you to look forward to your own awakening, who knows when that'll happen. Certainly not I, not Macason."