An Althian

As soon as 6 disappeared from the surface of Trivrium, the small granule of Trivrium's presence left with him felt wrong.

As if it wasn't entirely connected to her anymore.

Presence was an integral part of her, as if it were her fingers or toes, and Trivrium immediately noticed when something felt wrong in part of her.

The sensation was faint, so faint it was nearly imperceptible, but once Trivrium's presence felt this change, alarm bells rung throughout her being.

She could feel the grain of presence in 6, and knew it was unharmed, yet for some reason it was unresponsive.

Slowly, the feeling of uncomfortability grew, as Trivrium dedicated more of her presence in an attempt to accurately sense what was wrong.

She felt the teleportation, felt that 6 was successfully sent away, and that he safely arrived on the alchemy planet.

Then, something happened as soon as he arrived.

Her presence had visited the alchemy planet many times in past, and she knew the feeling of the world. She knew the feel of its air, the emptiness that the soulless planet gave off.

Yet once the presence attached to 6 entered the world, the feeling it gave her was that of an advanced planet, one where the presence of a Domus planet was blocked, where the adventurers would be on their own, isolated from their Domus planet.

As an abandoned vassal planet with no soul, that wasn't possible, not in the short year that it had been since one of Trivirum's adventurers had visited the world.

Once Trivrium's presence had amassed to a certain extent, several times larger than the amount that 6 had ever hosted previously, she finally locked onto her presence once more.

From 6's perspective, when he accepted the mission and chose to teleport to the alchemy planet, a brief flash occurred, his eyes saw nothing but darkness for less time than it would take to blink, and then he found himself upon the surface of the alchemy world.

But like Trivrium, he too immediately felt that something was wrong.

It was only a gut feeling, as if something was creeping up behind him, waiting for its moment to pounce.

Unlike Trivirum, 6 was unable to do anything about it.

No sooner than 6 arrived on the planet, the feeling overtook 6, the hair on his arm rising.

As it did, he disappeared off of the surface of the planet, just as he arrived, only the footprints left behind serving as proof that he had ever been here.

With an nearly identical flash, 6 saw himself arriving in another place, an enclosed room.

It was a large, empty room, with plenty of place to move around.

There was only one entrance, a single large door, 20 feet tall and 15 feet wide, large enough to fit an elephant and then some.

The door was made out of a sturdy metal, and there was no handle on the inside.

"Hey!" 6 shouted as he banged on the door. "Is this a kidnapping?"

Rather than busy himself pointlessly looking for a route out, 6 began attempting to gather information, as he was sure that he wouldn't arrive in this room by random chance.

While shouting and banging, and generally doing his best to annoy whoever was outside of the room, 6 was also trying to talk to Trivrium in his head.

Though he got no response from her, he continued doing his best to annoy her as well, attacking this issue on both fronts in a attempt to get any information.

No matter what he said, however, Trivrium didn't respond. In fact, he had no way of confirming she was there at all.

He could still access the various status pages and the log which record general as well as combat information within it, but nothing gave him any hint about what was going on.

6 quickly gave up on trying to annoy Trivrium, as he knew her well enough that if his annoyance hadn't gotten a response out of her so far, then either she couldn't respond, or annoyance wouldn't cut it.

Ater several minutes, a voice entered the room.

"Yes, you goddamn heathen, this is a kidnapping. Shut the hell up and wait your turn." The voice said.

The voice didn't come from outside of the room, but from within it, as if someone was standing next to 6, speaking to him just an arms reach away.

When the voice spoke, 6 whipped his head to the direction the voice came from, his head cocked to the side like a confused puppy.

He sat still, staring at the spot that the voice originated from without moving.

"What a fucking mindless fish. Wake up already." The voice said.

Just as the voice finished speaking, 6 lunged in the direction of it, drawing his knife smoothly and swiping it vertically through the air.

Feeling nothing as he swung, he activated [Intensified Blood Flow], strengthening himself and preparing for his next attack.

"What the hell-" Raising its voice, whatever was speaking was surprised by the lightning fast attack that came out of nowhere.

With no hesitation, 6 began swing and stabbing his knife rapidly, aiming to hit whatever was speaking if it was at all possible.

"What is it, hm? Are you invisible, really tiny, is your voice just projected here?" 6 spoke calmly as he attacked the air, despite hitting nothing.

"I'm none of that, you crazy fuck!" The voice shouted, still slightly panicked, and sounding less powerful than it had a moment ago. "Stop it, stop that!"

Hearing the voice speak once more, 6 felt that it was coming from slightly higher and just a bit further back than it had previously.

In response, he began striking that area instead, seeing that his attack was having an effect somehow.

"Fighting and killing in the cells is strictly forbidden, cease this or the guards will punish us both!" the voice blurted out, seeing that 6 had no intention of stopping so far.

"Is that right? Seeing how heartless and hopeless you seem, and your pessimism, I'd guess that you've been here for quite a while." 6 said confidently, not letting up his attack in the slightest.

"So if the guards are keeping us here but don't want us to die, then there is naturally a purpose we serve. You said no killing in the cells, so its acceptable somewhere."

"What's your point!" The voice was getting weaker and quieter each time it spoke.

"My point is that if we're needed, and we can kill outside of here, then you have survived by one of two ways. One, you're very good at fighting." 6 said.

As he spoke, 6 eased off his attacking just slightly, as he felt that if he was too intense, the person he was speaking too wouldn't survive long enough for him to get the answers he wanted.

"But clearly, that isn't the case. So we're left with the other option, and that is that while I and others that have been made prisoners here may be useful to the guards in some way, you do not share that quality." 6 said.

After he finished this sentence, he deactivated [Intensified Blood Flow], hoping that anyone watching close enough would assume the buff skill he used had a short time limit, misleading them.

"Wha-" the voice began to say, before it was cut off by 6.

"Meaning. You are not useful." 6 said. "Which means they probably won't care much even if I do kill you. Right?"

"Okay, enough, enough! I'll tell you whatever you want to know!" the voice weakly said, defeated entirely.

6 continued striking for several second, though his blows seemed to have a trace of hesitation behind them now, as if he was considering whether or not he would stop.

In his mind, 6 was weighing the pros and cons of killing this creature, whatever it was, as well as if he could even guarantee he could.

His attacks were clearly doing damage by some means, but that didn't necessarily mean he could kill this thing.

And with no corpse to verify the death, 6 would have to keep his guard up at all times, else the creature may attack him in revenge while he was sleeping.

Making his decision, 6 ceased his attack, sheathing his knife.

"Alright, then go ahead."

A faint whistling noise rung throughout the room as 6 felt a very slightly breeze flow over his skin, heading to the location of the voice.

Raising his guard, 6 began preparing to draw his knife once more, not intending to let himself be caught unaware by whatever the creature was planning

"I'm not attacking, I promise. This is just how I recover, I cannot stop it." the voice explained.

Though 6 didn't fully doubt him, he also didn't fully trust him, keeping guard up and his hand on the hilt of his knife.

"What are you?" 6 asked out of curiosity.

Looking at the innocent face 6 was wearing, the creature was baffled at how someone who had been so ferociously attacking them just a moment ago could suddenly look so dainty.

"I am not a what, firstly. I'm an Althian, an elemental race of air. I am comprised of two parts Purl air, one part Nais, and one part negative air. I am non-combative currently, and my birthline is dedicated to-"

"Okay, honestly, all I needed was that first bit and a name, but thanks for the other stuff, very cool." 6 interrupted.

"Oh. Vian."

"Well then, Vian, where are we, and why are we." 6 asked.

"You have been kidnapped and brought to a prison to serve as both entertainment and as an experiment subject."

Vian looked at 6 through its intangible eyes, waiting to see his reaction.

For the several months Vian had been here, the only source of pleasure they had was watching their cellmate's reaction as they learned of the situation they were in.

They knew it was wrong, but they couldn't help it. They would likely be trapped here until they died, so they gave in and turned against the strangers that they once would have treated with kindness.

"You'll die here, its only a matter of time. I've been here for months, and tens of beings stronger than you have arrived and died, not to mention those on your level."