Rescue, Sort Of

In the viewing area, the researchers all remained shocked for several seconds, watching as 6 removed the knife from the construct only to reinsert it.

As the construct melted and returned to its original state, losing the power of the skill that granted it its form, many of the researchers felt a chill across their bodies.

As a rule, most prisoners used as test subjects were allowed to keep their weapons and all of their equipment on hand.

Being a facility equipped to handle intermediate adventurers, much less care had been given to the beginner adventurers that they focused on kidnapping and experimenting on now.

Seeing that the equipment of a beginner was able to deal with an intermediate construct that could deal with some of them with extreme ease, they couldn't help but think about what would have happened had they attempted to experiment on 6 without taking away his weapons.

"Ahaha! I like this one! A shame, he is just going to become like me." The large man said.

An awkward look flashed across the faces of the researchers in the room for a brief moment, before most of them hid it.

"No! Not like you! We'll test on him, test on him lots until he dies! Not as important as you!" The floating mouth began screaming, worried that the large man would be worried about being replaced.

"He will become like me." The large man said, a stern look in his eyes as he stared at the floating mouth.

As if frightened, the floating mouth shook in place before shrinking its entire mouth.

Before long, it disappeared from the room, running away as if frightened by the words of the large man.

None of the researchers mocked the mouth as they usually would.

The large man looked each of the researchers in the eye, as each of them nodded in both respect and fear.

The cuffs latched onto every section of the large man's body prevented him from moving from his seat, but the researchers knew from experience that when he became determined about something, he would not rest until he achieved it.

Even the ruler of this prison would make concessions for this prisoner at times, and there was a long list of researchers who had been killed or disposed of for not heeding his words.

"We'll talk to the Sor Acan for you, Delithe. We'll try to get him some better treatment." After looking among each other, the researchers all nodded in agreement, before one of the spoke up.

Seeing all of the cowardly researchers nod made Delithe feel sick to his stomach, but the restraints on his body made sure that this was the most help he could offer this beginner adventurer.

"Thank you." Delithe said.

While the researchers and Delithe were talking amongst themselves, 6 was having his own discussion with whoever spoke in his head.

"I don't feel very rescued." 6 said aloud.

"It will happen in a few minutes. If you'd like, you can patiently wait right here for it to happen. I guarantee that none of the guards will enter this room, and no further constructs will be created."

Though 6 was getting used to random voice or people speaking to him in his head, this voice was new.

It wasn't Trivrium, and it wasn't any other voice he had heard.

Trusting a random voice in his head in this situation was the most foolish thing he could imagine doing.

"I do find myself trusting random voices in my head pretty often these days." 6 said. "But I can't really think of a reason to do so right now. Would you mind giving me one? For instance, who the fuck are you?"

"I am the planet you walk upon."

6 had already had suspicions that the prison he was placed in was part of another Domus planet, as it was one of the only things he had learned of so far that he could imagine doing something like that.

The reason it was only a suspicion was because he didn't know enough about the universe to claim that he knew this had to be the work of a Domus planet, but the fact that the way he went to and from Trivrium and the way he was kidnapped to here were too similar to not notice the possibility.

"Cool! So you kidnapped me?" 6 asked innocently.

"I did."

"Got caught?"

"Yes. I did not expect your mother to be Trivrium. Or rather, I should say, I did not expect Trivrium to mother a weakling."

"Woah, woah. Triv is not my mother. Don't make it weird." 6 physically recoiled as he was called the child of Trivrium. "Just tell me what she's making you pay, whatever your name is."

"Pay? Whatever do you mean? I am The Untraced, and I do not pay."

6 threw his head back and laughed dramatically, stopping once he was satisfied with his taunting.

"Yes, pay, Mr. Untraced planet who definitely just got traced." 6 said. "Spit it out, no one comes yapping into the ear of someone they just kidnapped without a reason."

"Tsk. Trivrium is currently preparing to retrieve you. For now, I have allowed her blessing to pass through me into you, granting you whatever she has decided to give you. That is your business, you can look in your status page yourself." The Untraced said.

Looking at his own status page, 6 did in fact find two blessings, similar to the one he had been granted during the spider's nest mission.

[Extreme Protective Blessing of Trivrium] and [Trivrium's True Strength]

The extreme protective blessing was the same as what 6 had already experienced, though at a much stronger degree. It provided major defense across his entire body, though 6 had no way to gauge how large the difference between a major defense and the minor defense he was previously granted was.

Either way, it was definitely a huge upgrade for him.

The new blessing was the one that really caught his eye, however.

[Trivrium's True Strength: A unique blessing. True description withheld.]

While the name said quite a bit on its own, 6 had been hoping to learn a bit more from the description.

Trivrium was likely the one who chose to withhold the information, but 6 had no idea why.

"Until Trivrium retrieves you, you are free to do as you wish, limited to only this facility."

"Anything I want?"

"Anything." The Untraced said, annoyed by 6's attitude toward him throughout this interaction.

It was bad enough that he had accidentally kidnapped a child of Trivrium, the only Domus planet he wanted to keep his hands far, far away from, but then that child did not even have the decency to respect his status.

More than that, the child was directly taunting him, throwing his prestige into the dirt.

If word of this got out, he would hunt 6 to the end of the universe, even if that meant earning the ire of Trivrium.

"Got it, got it. So what happens if I try to take anything with me?"

The Untraced sneered. "It's yours."

There was nothing in this entire facility that was valuable enough to make him feel the pain of its lose.

This was a research facility, the only things of value were the research equipment itself, and the prisoners.

6 could take all the equipment from the prisoners he held here, but there was a reason the prisoners got to keep their equipment.

As this facility only captured beginners, the equipment was entirely trash.

It wasn't like he could take every single prisoner with him either.

And the research equipment here was cheap and easy to replace, if he could even take any of it with him.

The only thing in the entire facility that he cared for was safely hidden.

If 6 found it, he could only give it up, but even that would hardly bother him.

"Got it! You can shut up now!" 6 said, clapping his hands together.

6 broke into a run, heading straight toward the direction he entered the arena from.

He ran directly into the wall, slamming his shoulder into it with all of his strength.

A massive crack formed open, destroying a massive portion of the sturdy wall of the arena and revealing the hallway hidden behind it.

The crack extended up to the ceiling, shaking the entire room and threatening to collapse it.

6 fell through the wall, landing in the hallway on the other side as he slid across the floor, unable to stop himself.

He grimaced, looking back at the destruction he had caused by putting too much effort into his charge.

Reminding himself to be careful about using his entire strength, 6 ran away from the ruined arena.

Reaching out to the edge of the hall, he stuck his hand into the wall, mimicking the movements he had seen the guard do when he tossed him into the arena.

Unlike the guard, however, his hand wasn't sinking into the wall due to the unique effect of the armor they were wearing, but because of the blessing from Trivrium.

The true strength blessing was more than 6 had expected, even with the example of the construct he killed in the arena.

Sticking his arm into the wall took little more effort than raising it, as easy as putting a spoon through jello.

Once his hand was far enough into the wall, he began running, tearing open a huge section of the wall as he sprinted with more speed than he could have ever managed without the blessing.

As soon as he began running, he realized he was going way too fast, faster than he could keep track of.

He immediately tried to stop, but his foot plunged directly into the floor as he tried.

It tripped him, his body tilting forward as he lost control entirely.

His arm was ripped out of the wall, and his body slammed to the floor.

Bouncing up, his body continued to hit the walls, ceiling, and floor in turn as he flipped down the hallway with no control, before he finally slid to a stop with his head leaving a long skid mark through the floor.