Welcome Home

Halfway to their new home, Isla feel asleep while re-reading through the student files. A figure with a menacing glare from a red-eyed boy invaded her subconscious. He stood motionless before her, hands out and feet spread apart. An orange glow appeared from his palms, and before Isla could process what was happening, explosions erupted before her.

She jolted awake at the sound of her dad's voice. "Isla! Wake up sleepy head! We're here!"

The apartment building was longer that it was tall. If you included the ground floor, there were only 4 levels. Each unit had a small walkout balcony and if you were lucky to live on the top floor, you wouldn't have to worry about anyone stampeding above you. Lucky for Isla's family, they were on the top floor; once again the school administration pulling some strings to ensure the most comfort for their new teachers and student.

Isla stepped out of the car, taking in the scenery before her. There was a park nearby with some local children playing, swinging and sliding. She could make out some of their playful conversations, proud of herself for being able to understand them. A young couple walked down the street, holding hands and giving little kisses on the cheek to each other. In front of the apartment were three girls, looking to be right around Isla's age. They were giggling, talking about the boys they had crushes on. It made her heart ache for Amy and Laura so bad. She'll schedule a video call with them as soon as possible. The street was lined with perfect rows of trees and impeccably kept greenery.

The car door shutting jolted Isla out of her reverie and she went to the trunk of the car to get her duffle bag and suitcase out. She still had her messenger bag slung over her shoulder, so the sight of her trying to stay upright with her duffle bag and lifting a heavy-duty suitcase were quite funny.

"I AM HERE!! TO HELP WITH YOUR LUGGAGE!!" a voice suddenly exploded from behind her. Isla yelped, swinging her duffle bag, directly hitting the source.

Her eyes went wide. "You. You're. You're ..."

"All Might, I'm so sorry about that," her dad continued with a nervous chuckle. I think she's just a little jet lagged is all."

"Please don't worry about it! I tend to surprise people ... er ... scare people with my sudden appearance." He chortled heartily, shaking John's hand and kissing Catherin's cheek. The colossal man then turned to her, bent down at the waist, and slowly extended his hand. "You must be Isla," he continued, his voice more calm. But still powerful. "I am very grateful to meet you."

She had to pinch herself. It really was All Might. Shaking her hand. "It's – it's a pleasure," she stuttered "to make your acquaintance."

"No need to be so formal like that!" He beamed, swinging Isla's duffle bag over his shoulder and lifting the family's three (very large) suitcases under his arm as if it were nothing. "I'm just your friendly, neighborhood Symbol of Peace here to help wherever I can!"

She couldn't help but giggle at his genuine happiness and enthusiasm for helping people. He didn't even look to be troubled by it at all.

They all made their way into the building to the top floor unit Isla and her family would make into their new home. Her dad already had the key and as he disengaged the lock, Isla was holding her breath; almost bracing herself for something to happen.

She walked over the threshold into a small hallway with a built in closet for coats, shoes ... your basic outdoor gear. She was the first to slip off her turquoise converse shoes; wanting to explore the layout immediately. Right off the hallway was a simple kitchen; dark wood floors and stainless steel appliances. Walk through the kitchen into an open-floor concept dining and living room. The dining table was made of clear glass and dark stainless steel legs; 4 grey cushioned chairs set neatly around it. The living room had big windows to let in as much light as possible, two beautiful potted greenery sat on either side of the floor to ceiling glass panes. Lighter wood floors covered the area. A grey sectional couch was centered perfectly across an entertainment center with a T.V. A simple ivory colored area rug sat between the couch and the entertainment center.

Back down the hallway to the first bedroom, which would be Isla's. Again, there were large windows and the same light wood floor. Her bed was barely off the ground and the layout was simple. Quaint. She had her own closet and plenty of space to make it her own.

Immediately off Isla's room was the main bathroom; a full one with a shower/tub. The walls were painted light blue and the features were bright white. The sink vanity had a light grey granite countertop with stainless still fixtures. Around the corner from the main bathroom was her parent's room. The master bedroom; again with large windows, more plants, a larger bed and closet. They had their own full bathroom with the shower separate from the tub and a double sink vanity. Everything in their bathroom was painted and colored the same as the main bathroom.

She made her way back to the main living room of the apartment where her parents were talking with All Might. He was the first one to notice she'd rejoined them and gave her his winning smile. "Well, what do you think?" he asked, voice booming naturally. "I hope it's up to your standards."

Isla found herself smiling, all the while feeling homesick and scared out of her mind at the same time. "It's beautiful," she said. "Thank you so much. For all of this. For making us comfortable."

All Might put his hand on her shoulder. "I know it must have been hard for you to leave everything and everyone you've ever known. It's a very heroic gesture of you to come here with your parents as they take on their new roles."

Isla blinked. It was the first time in her life anyone described her actions as heroic. And when you're Quirkless, those words aren't mentioned a whole lot.

Before she could think what to say, All Might clapped his hands together with such force, Isla's auburn hair blew in her face. "I'll let you all get settled in then! You're joining us just in time; the UA Sports Festival is coming up in two weeks! It'll give all three of you plenty of time to get to know our teachers and students!" His watch started beeping frantically. "I actually have an urgent meeting with one of those students now, so I best be off! Please don't hesitate to call if you need anything!"

He dashed out the door and was moving so fast, Isla couldn't even see him out the window as she searched for him walking down the street the apartment was on.