It's Too Much

Turning to one of the jumbo screens, she saw Bakugou and Ochako's photos. Turning on her heels, she sprinted back to Class 1A's section and took her seat in the row with Midoriya and Iida.

"Where did you go off to?" the class rep questioned.

Isla shrugged. "I just needed to stretch my legs a little bit."

"Ribbit," came the voice of Tsu. "This might be the most disturbing matchup yet."

"Yeah," Jiro echoed. "I almost don't wanna watch it."

Out of the chute directly below where they sat, Ochako made her way to the ring.

"Hey Isla," Midoriya muttered. "Thanks for making sure I talked to her before she got out there. I don't think I would've forgiven myself if I missed out on that."

Isla smiled at her friend. "It's part of my job to help you all succeed, isn't it?"

"He was kind of a hot shot in middle school," Present Mic began, introducing her two classmates. "And just look at that determined face. From Class 1A, Katsuki Bakugou!!"

"Verses the one I'm personally rooting for! From the same class, Ochako Uraraka!!"

All of Class 1A was completely silent as they awaited the signal.

Iida broke the silence. "Midoriya. I'm curious. What was the strategy you were going to suggest for an advantage over Bakugou?"

"Honestly it wasn't even much a plan," he confessed. "Kacchan is really strong when it comes to close combat. He almost never has any openings."

"And the more he moves the more he sweats, which makes his Quirk more powerful, right?" Isla added. She remembered the one-on-one training with the blonde; the notes she took and the correlations she came up with.

Midoriya nodded. "Right. He's gotten really good at using his explosions to move around in the air, too. But if Uraraka is able to touch him she can use her Quirk to make him float. She'd be able to send him out of bounds."

"So the only way she's going to win this match is to –" Iida started

"Let the 8th and final match of the first round … BEGIN!" Present Mic announced.

"Strike first!" the three said together.

Ochako wasted no time and immediately began charging towards Bakugou, keeping her body steady and strong. Low to the ground. Isla never had the chance to see any of her physical fitness, but it was no surprise how fast she was.

"Woah, look at her go!" Midoriya cheered. "All she has to do is touch him once!"

Her opponent took a stance similar to actors in the action movies she would watch with her dad. He looked like he was about to throw a right hook, and it looked like Ochako knew exactly that. Isla wondered if she'd studied his fighting before the festival. When she got close enough, Bakugou blasted her with his left hand, catching her off guard.

"Looks like he'll focus most of his energy on counter attacking," Isla commented.

Midoriya watched her. "You really learned a lot from all the individual training you did with us, didn't you?"

Isla felt her cheeks turn warm.

In the thick plume of smoke, you could just barely make out Ochako trying to surprise Bakugou, taking advantage of the limited visibility. He was too fast, and immediately attacked again. He wasn't going to show her any mercy at all.

But from the opposite side, Isla could make out her figure. Without her jacket on.

Present Mic's voice cheered over the speakers. "What quick thinking! She flew her jacket by him as a decoy!"

In the blink of an eye, Bakugou released another huge explosion right by her.

"Look at that reaction time," Isla heard Kaminari said. "Seriously, the dude's insane. You can't get the drop on him.

Midoriya, having heard the electric boy's comment shook his head. "His lightning-fast reflexes put her at a huge disadvantage."

Explosion after explosion. Ochako kept charging and Bakugou kept countering. The force he used was almost enough to send her out of bounds, but the brunette got up just as quick as she was knocked down. She wasn't resting between his attacks, despite being hit, not only from his Quirk, but all the debris he was blasting right at her as well.

After a particularly hard fall to the concrete, Isla covered her eyes. "I can't watch this!" she yelped.

Then, slow at first, throughout the stadium, an echo of disproval, booing, and scolding moved through the spectators. Mr. Aizawa's voice resonated from the speakers, immediately quieting the noise. "Where is the person who started this uproar? Are you a pro? Because if you're being serious, you can go home and hang up your cape. I suggest you look into a new career."

Midoriya looked in the direction of the announcer's box. "Um. Do you know what he's talking about?

"Bakugou's fierceness is an acknowledgement of his opponent's strength," their homeroom teacher continued. "He knows she deserves to have made it this far, so he's making sure he does whatever it takes to keep her at bay and come out on top."

Isla didn't understand. If he's making sure to keep her at bay, does that mean he considers Ochako a threat? And if he did, why didn't he attack first, sending her out of bounds or knocking her out? It still seemed rather cruel and sadistic for him to drag this battle on the way he was. Anyone could see he has the upper hand with his Quirk. He was just showing off.

The two were at a standstill on their opposite sides. Ochako looked exhausted, while Bakugou looked like he was bored. Then Isla saw something. "Hey, look at the ring!" she yelled. "She kept low to the ground on purpose! His explosions completely tore up the concrete giving her an arson of weapons to use!" She pointed to the sky, far above the stadium.

Chunks of concrete began to rain from the sky. "Hey!" Midoriya stood to his feet. "She had a plan all along!!"

The blonde boy slowly raised his right palm and gaze to the sky. Ochako was running as fast as she could to reach him. She just had to touch him once. He'd float, she'd send him out of bounds and advance to the next bracket.

His palm began to crackle, and without warning a huge explosion erupted from his skin. The pieces of concrete shattered into millions of pieces, sending a lot of it into the crowd. Isla covered her eyes, not daring to take the risk of something getting in her eyes.

"What's happening?!" Jiro's voice cracked over the roar of the blast.

"Can anyone see anything?" Tsu ribbited.

The sandstorm he produced had cleared, and Bakugou stood completely upright. No marks on him whatsoever. Isla did notice him holding his

Isla noticed he looked uncomfortable. Almost in pain. He was gripping his right wrist.

On the other side of the ring, she could tell Ochako was exhausted. She attempted to charge him, but fell to the ground.

Iida's voice cracked next to Midoriya. "It's too much."

"Yeah," Midoriya agreed. "She's way past her limit."

Midnight then stepped in and held up her hand, signaling Bakugou to stand back. The audience was quiet as the chief umpire assessed the brunette. After a short moment she stood to her feet.

"Uraraka is KO'd," she announced. "Bakugou advances to the second round!"