Simi, Lauren, and Naomi were having cereal for breakfast at the dining table, eating quietly.
"I got a few gadgets to make today even more fun!" Kat said jovially as she approached the table with a little basket.
"You're the only one excited about this missy. Don't push it." Lauren said with her eyes fixed on her bowl of cereal.
"I got our phones connected in case of emergencies. With a tap on the screen, we can all get notified in case of an emergency." Kat placed a smartphone in front of each person and they all looked very alike.
Kat picked out an earbud.
"This must be plugged in and switched on at all times. I need to know you're all fine.." Kat pleaded with her eyes.
Kat will never forget that one mission they had in Italy where Lauren's earbud went off. They all thought she was dead until they picked on her signal two days later.
"Just put it down." Lauren said, rolling her eyes and Kat did put the ear buds down.
"The rest are in the living area. You're going to love it!" Kat shrieked in excitement as she hurried towards the living area.
"I will back out if she keeps doing that." Lauren threatened.
They all headed towards the living room to see a static board emerge from the ground beneath them. It had several weapons, some of which the girls had never seen before.
"Sweet…" Lauren said, walking towards the board. She picked a dagger and a thigh strap.
"Isn't that too much?" Simi asked.
"It's for the prince. Who knows? I might have to cut something open." Lauren said in a mocking tone.
Simi knew Lauren was holding on to that for a mischievous reason.
Naomi approached the board, picked a pen that was a knife in disguise and walked away.
"What are you going with Simi?" Kat asked, tucking a teaser in her bag.
Simi approached the board and found a fancy purse. She picked it up and opened it up like a book.
"Woah," Simi said.
It turned into a little baton.
"Great choice," Kat said "Come on! We're late." They head towards the garage together, strapping their school bags on.
Simi placed her palm on the security screen and the doors to the lot swung open.
"Awesome!" Kat said, staring at the pink saloon car in the furthest end of the room.
"I'm taking the motorcycle." Lauren said.
Kat shook her head.
Lauren just had to add a black leather jacket to her uniform. Her black hair was up in a ponytail, no time for cuties!
Naomi's hair was the same as always. A straight waist-long hair and a pair of bangs that seemed way to long.
Kat found it disturbing sometimes.
"There's a white bike and a black one.Who is taking which?" Simi asked staring at Naomi
Naomi walked towards the white and sat on it.
"That was unexpected." Lauren said, glad she got the black one.
"Come on!" Kat said, taking over the driver's seat.
They were soon on their way to school, driving slow and steady.
Except Lauren who drew out a racing match with Naomi.
Kat was struggling to keep up with them and Simi didn't seem borthered, being a passenger princess and all.
The school came into sight and Kat was too excited to drive properly. Simi had to hold on tight to her belt while trying her best to calm her racing heart down.
"We're here! I can't believe this is happening!" Kat said as soon as she got a parking space.
Simi stepped put of the car, holding on to her bag in horror. There's no way she's going to let Kat drive them both back to the mission house.
Luckily, Naomi and Lauren had stopped their competition. Simi didn't even bother to find out who won.
Simi felt her cheek grow red when she noticed all eyes were on them as they got down from their rides.
"Why are they staring at us?" Kat asked nervously.
Lauren shrugged nonchalantly. She couldn't afford to feel nervous on a mission she clearly gave no fucks about.
"Come on, let's head in."
Simi approached Lauren and Naomi and they all walked towards the main building.
"So much for not wanting to call attention to ourselves." Lauren said.
"We failed that one." Simi said regrettably. They were new students in rather flashy rides, of course everyone would look.
"Let's just head to class." Katoffered, despite feeling nervous herself.
"Of course."
They all walked towards school's main hall and tried to ignore the curious looks on everyone's faces.
"Oh my gosh! It's the princes!" A girl shrieked.
The once quiet parking lot got rowdy as every hurried towards the parking lot alongside the horrid shrieks from the girls in the lot.
Lauren rolled her eyes.
"Here comes our afult babies." She said.
The princes arrived in the most elaborate way possible. There were no entourage or security guards with then which Simi found strange.
John said they doubled security since Mark's incident. There's no security around them at the moment.
"Woah." Kat cooed.
Ryan arrived first on his motorbike and Simi found herself growing red in the face again. He was more handsome in person and those green eyes seem to pierce through the helmet and fix on her.
Jason followed suit in his motorbike too. He looked like the most gentle-looking quiet guy alive. He had an easy smile and a weird way of making the heart of any sensible girl race wildly.
Olsen was the only one in a car and the sweetest sports car to be precise. It didn't take too much time to know what a jerkface Mark was, flirting with all his female fans.
"Looks like Naomi is stuck with the jerkface." Lauren said.
Naomi looked unaffected.
The boys approached them, heading towards the main hall and walking side by side.
Simi realized they would be standing right in front of the princes if they kept approaching them.
"Let's get out of here." Simi said to avoid drama.
They headed into the school's building avoiding the boys and unnecessary attention as well.
The girls settled in the locker room, their lockers next to each other.
Lauren leaned on the locker, staring at the rest as they occupied their space with books.
"I wasn't thinking it would be THIS boring!" Lauren said.
"Come on Lauren, it's just the first day." Simi reasoned.
"And who are you guys?"
The girls turned to see a mean-looking girl and another one beside her.
"New students?" Simi looked puzzled.
"I can see that. Why are you making such a fuss about being new students?" The girl asked folding her arms
"I'm confused." Kat said.
"Let me guess, the dweeb is the nerd in the click?" The girl said with a mean smile.
"Dweeb?" Kat said in shock.
"Bitch, the only person allowed to call my cousins names, is me. Run along werido and pick on someone else." Lauren said, walking away from her.
"Bye!" Kat said, smiling as they all walked past the mean girl who stood there shocked.