Chapter 15: The Perfect Plan

"Look who's gone profiling mode." Lauren teased as Simi stepped out of the kitchen.

"Who's going to ask the questions?" Kat glanced from Naomi to Lauren, clearly removing herself from the equation.

"Scared cat." Lauren mocked. She approached Simi slowly.

"Why us, Sonny? Why do you hate our guts?" Lauren asked, going straight to the point.

Kat picked up her phone to record Simi's reaction. She found it hard to believe how well Simi could fit into people's shoes and predict their actions as well.

And she'd never been wrong too.

Not even once.

"What my problem is?" Simi chuckled, fitting into the character of Sonny perfectly.

"I have had my eyes on Ryan for way too long, but you classless things walked in one day and took the seat next to Ryan! I've been eyeing that seat since the fifth grade, and you're asking what my problem is?!" Simi yelled.

"And you think bullying us is going to solve your pathetic love life?" Lauren chuckled.

"We are going to see who is pathetic when your lockers get trashed and thrown out, and you get detention Miss smart mouth!" Simi said smiling at Lauren.

"Watch your back. Make sure you are as strong as you claim to be. I'm sure the boys would love to put that to the test too." Simi smirked.

"What boys?" 

"The princes. You have no idea how much trouble you're in by pissing them off. You're going to leave our school humiliated when we're done!" 

"We'll see about that pretty face." Lauren assured

Simi exhaled, a wry look in her face.

"Was that good enough?" She asked.

"We have an idea of what they have in mind at least." Kat said waving her phone.

"Good. Let's watch that and come up with something good." Simi said resuming her cooking.

"There's no need to. We got it. They might trash and throw our lockers out, try to attack me in isolation, and possibly get us detention." Lauren surmised.

"That's a lot." Simi replied.

"We can't have you walking alone Lauren. If you get into a fight and the school camera records you beating them up.." Simi reasoned. 

"They'll ask to see our parents and we know that's not possibl." Kat reminded.

John told them to stay out of trouble and getting detention is the direct opposite of that instruction.

"And we need to find out how they are planning to get us into trouble"

"Sports." Naomi said.

The trio glanced at the mute one, not sure what to make out of that phrase.

"If you want to contribute to this, you might have to say more than a word, weirdo." Lauren snapped.

Naomi glared at Lauren; she'd been wanting to beat this girl up for a really long time.

"I think I get what she's trying to say,." Simi said leaving the kitchen.

"Which is?" Lauren asked with urgency.

"Sports happens tomorrow. The only way they can get us in trouble is if we don't appear in our gym clothes, get to the gym late or not attend the class at all." She pointed out.

" Yes. I read that on the school's website. Since we need to stay out of trouble, we will have to know what could get the school to involve our parents right?" Kat asked.

"Keep reading Kat. We need all you can find out." Simi encouraged.