Chapter 71: The Sucker For Flings

Mark groaned as they approached the living area. Not only did he have to carry the bags, but he was also the perfect punching bag for a very vicious Naomi at that.

Why on earth would she have been assigned to him and not Lauren? 

He would match her energy any day anytime but Naomi? 

She's like a vicious tiger! 

Ready to devour her opponent without our ounce of mercy or whatsoever.

Life could be unfair most of the time and this would be one of those times.

"You're quite early today. Naomi" Simi smiled as she helped herself with a can of soda. 

She tossed the can to Naomi who caught it in the air.

"Woah!" Mark muttered "with that distance, I couldn't catch a sock thrown at me" he adds 

"It's not that hard," Ryan offered.

He pushes Simi aside by placing a finger on her forehead and walking closer to her.

And of course, she moved back.