Chapter 78: Game night 2

Simi was sure Lauren wasn't happy about her having a point though. She knew her to be very stubborn and might not want to agree with Simi on this.

"What are you now? Some relationship coach?" Lauren tossed a throw pillow at Simi.

"Not necessarily. You might need to think about it seriously. What do you have to lose?" Simi shrugs 

"Simi? Little help over here?" Kat cried 

"Coming!" Simi heads to the kitchen, leaving Lauren to her thoughts.

Lauren sighed, Simi had a point.

What exactly does she have to lose? Jason is being as sincere as he could and he's even told her he was ready to talk about it if she wants to talk about the US part of their relationship.

Lauren groaned into her pillow.

That would mean she would accept her fault and maybe apologise. That would mean she agreed to her fault and then….
