Chapter 81: KKM Game 2

The duo exchanged meaningful looks, making whoever seemed to observe them, wonder if they were speaking an actual but unknown language to them.

"Enough with the stares, we are here to have fun and play interesting games, don't turn this into a fight for goodness same " Simi announced 

"The next KKM" Mark asked 

"I will kiss…my reflection in the mirror, Kill  Jason for being a jerk and marry….." Mark studied the girls in the room and gave a non-character shrug 

"None of you happen to be my type" he offered 

"And your type is? " Naomi asked,'' Let me guess, someone with a crazy view of life?" She asked 

"Someone who sees the humour in the craziest things " Mark offered 

"You want someone who would find a burial funny?" Oscar asked, making everyone laugh