Chapter 103: Storm Is Almost Over

As John had promised, his men came in twenty mintues later, taking over protective defenses. That was tge least of their problems as Samuel was yet to call. John was a visual with them, thinking about Simi's hypothesis seriously…

There was a chance she was right but would have to be very sure of this….

He had her send a video copy of Samuel's call so they could run a few analytics on it just to ascertain her claim…

Now all they were doing was wait for Samuel to put a call through to them once more. The men at the Palace started to give them updates about what was going on in the palace.

There's been no report of Suda getting hurt and that was good news for the princes.

The girls knew that the team meant that Suda was still breathing and he was dead….


There was an internal tension amongst the girls and they weren't about to the princes and made them even more nervous that they already were.