It's Simple Enough




The planet Drasil is the largest and most populated planet in the Eleven Galaxy. Its size is nearly half of that of planet Jupiter but unlike the gas planet, this planet does contain lifeforms.

Drasil is home to thousands of unique species of plants not seen on any other planet in the cosmos. Because of this, the inhabitants of the planets were known throughout the cosmos for producing renowned doctors and healers who could heal almost all diseases.

"Finally landed." Jackal's Mini cruiser had just landed in a forest.

The stars were like lucid snowflakes of silver as they sprinkled the night sky.

The captain of the Black Stallion exited the cruiser carrying a bag around his shoulder.

He awed at the serenity of the forest.

"This place hasn't changed one bit," He said grinning. "It's as beautiful as ever."

Using leaves that he gathered around him, Jackal covered the mini-cruiser. "I doubt anyone from the city will come all the way over here. But, one can never be too careful." He muttered.

Laughing triumphantly as if he had just returned from a conquest, Jackal placed his hands around his waist.

"Now, to get to the city and find that person."


"Ebon Bash!"

"Another dud. Try again."

"Argh!" Ryker yelled from the bottom of his chest.

He had resumed his training with Ming. The android saw the need to advance his training further.

"Concentrate, gather your astral energy to your fist and punch forward."

"I can't," He clenched his fist.

"We've been at this for 3 days, how slow are you in grasping something as easy as that?"

A vein popped on his head.

"Some words of encouragement you've got there."

Ming ignored his comment as she rubbed her chin.

'I don't understand. He has the black astral, it should be easy for him to expand his astral energy. Something's blocking his mind.'

"What?" Ryker asked nervously as he cringed over the way the android was staring at him.

"Stay still." She crept closer and grabbed his hand.

"What do you think you're doing?" Ryker flushed.

"That's it!" Mind exclaimed.

"Gosh, would you tell me what's going on already?"

"The reason you're unable to expand your astral energy from your body... Your mind is unstable."


"I can read a person's emotions, especially when a certain dominant emotion rises. Like rage or sadness."


"Whenever you use your Black astral you were always in an angered state. Like when you beat up those Hunters."

"You're saying the reason why I can't expand my astral is that I'm not angry?"

"Yes," Ming replied. "However, I don't condone fighting in an unstable emotional state like rage. So, whatever it is that drives you to concentrate properly. You'll have to get a grasp of it soon or you won't be able to keep on in a real fight."

"I'll just get angry, problem solved. All I have to do is channel my anger towards the BSA in a fight."

"How narrow-minded can you get?"

Ryker flinched at her question.

"Listen here. In a real fight, one has to be level headed or they'll make rash decisions. Being angry all the time in a fight will prove to be your undoing even if it appears to be the only way for you to use your astral properly."

"So, what are you suggesting?"

"You start from the basics. Creating an astral proved to not be an issue even in your current state meaning you can expand your astral even when you're not angry."

"So, teach me already," He said nonchalantly. "I'll do anything it takes to get stronger."

"What have we been doing these past few days?" Ming facepalmed. "Honestly, you humans can be so tiring."

She sat down with her legs crossed and gestures for Ryker to do the same.

"To perfect astral control, you have to learn three steps." She stated as she raised a finger. "The first is how to generate your astral skin. That has been covered and as much as I hate to admit it, you've shown an impressive feat by keeping your skin active for over 24 hours when you started training with Jackal."

"So that leaves two steps."

"Yep," Ming nods her head. "The second is the astral projection. I believe learning this will allow you to perfect that move of yours."

"Right!" Ryker pumped his fist.

'He's annoying but he knows to listen attentively especially... I still don't like him.'

"If you want to be able to expand your astral and have it thicken around your fist like so..." She demonstrated by enveloping her fist with her green astral.

"I'm an android with a green Astro rock for a heart, hence why I'm able to use astral, the power of living things."

She continued. "To project your astral is to channel it not from your skin but from within you." She held out her palm and releases a beam of green light."

'Amazing. She's very competent and reliable... I still hate her mechanical guts though.' Ryker thought to himself.

"That shall be your task for now. Until you can release a beam like that, you're not allowed to leave this room." She said getting up.

"Wait, that's all?"

"We're forced to take things slow because obviously, you need to first learn the core methods in using astral before you can use or combine them into attacks like your failed Ebon Bash. After you learn astral projection, the final step will tie the three methods which will allow you to control your astral at will."

"Fine," Ryker said. "All I have to do is release a stream of light from my palms, it's simple enough."

Ming smirked as she makes her way to the exit.

"We'll see about that."

A day later...


Nothing happened...

"Argh, not again!" Ryker was on the verge of yanking his hair off.

"Your 1486th attempt was a failure," Ming's voice echoed all over the room. She was keeping an eye on his progress from her room.

There were several devices and monitors depicting multiple parts of the cruiser.

"Huff. Huff." Ryker pants. "Stupid bot! At least get me some food."

"You will eat once you get it right. I told you, you're not leaving that room until you do."

"I hate you," Ryker grumbled. He shrugged and stretches out his palms once again.

"You can do this, Steele. It's just a light show." He took a deep breath and pushed his palms further ahead while yelling with all he's got.

"Your 1487th attempt was a failure."

This went on for a while...

"Your 1490th attempt was a failure."

"Your 1494 attempt was a failure."

"Your 1498 attempt was a failure."

"Your 1499 attempt was a failure."

Ryker plopped to his knees.

"Giving up so soon?"

"Shut up." He snarled.

"As I said, you humans are feeble."

Ryker gritted his teeth. "What was that?"

"You heard me. It took the captain 10000 attempts before he cracked it. I don't see you making it until you reach twice that number. Someone who couldn't even get the basics of using astral should give up on their revenge."

Clenching his fist, Ryker got back up. He was oblivious to the smug expression ming was wearing in her room.

'You humans are feeble. But your pride drives you to go past your limits. The only question here is, how solid is your pride, Ryker?'

She glued her eyes to the monitors as Ryker stretches his palm forward.

"Give up you say?" He clenched his fists. "Listen here and listen well, you stupid bot. I will not stop until I see the association perishes before me!" With a mighty war cry, he finally released the stream of black astral.

"Huff. Huff. There you have it." Ryker plopped backwards due to his body finally caving in.

Ming smirked.

"Your 1500 attempt was successful. Nice work. I'll get you some food."

Meanwhile... A mini-cruiser had just space jumped behind the Black Stallion.

Piloting the cruiser was none other than the S-grade hunter, Kinkaid.

"Kikiki, time to play."