Reaper's Storm

"Reaper's Storm!"

"Incredible..." Ryker was fazed by the sight in front of him.

Kinkaid had created what looked like a storm of purple-coloured astral blades with his scythes.

The blades aimed at Ming and the android takes off dashing around the room in a desperate effort to avoid the attack.

"From a single swing of his scythe, he created this devastating attack... Astral could be used in a way like this as well." Ryker finds himself learning more about astral as their fight progresses.

The blade storm ended with Kinkaid laughing maniacally. Ming stood across the room with several cut marks.

"Even the bot couldn't dodge'em all," Ryker said nervously.

"Kikikiki." Kinkaid snickered. "You managed to dodge over a dozen of those blades. Yes! It won't be fun if the prey doesn't put up a challenge." He wore a malefic grin as he spins his scythe over his head.

"Reaper's Storm!"

He swung his scythe once again firing another wave of astral blades all aiming at Ming.

The android clicked her tongue and dashes around the room maneuvering through the blades.

'Those blades of his are troublesome. They drain my energy with the slightest touch, I can't take this fight lightly anymore. But I can't use my full powers without the captain's permission...'

She runs in the direction of the scythe-wielder. "The best defence is a good offence!" Stretching her hand forward, she fires a beam of astral energy at point-blank range at the face of her opponent.

The attack connected blowing the hunter all the way to the other side of the room.

"She did it!" Ryker exclaimed. His excitement was instantly washed away as he heard the recurring maniacal laughter from the hunter.

Kinkaid gets back up, this time he had a darkened look on his face as opposed to his usual grin.

"He's mad."

"Hahahahaha!" He breaks out into another stream of uncontrollable laughter. "Yes! Yes! Yes! More! More! More! The blood! Make me bleed more!"

'Tck, it took me everything I've got to make that last attack. I'm running low on astral energy and I can't use that without the captain's permission.'

Ming glances over at Ryker. 'Perhaps...'

"Ryker!" She shouted.


"What do you think you're doing slacking around while I do all the hard work?" She snapped at him.

"What!? You want me to fight that loose screw? I haven't even finished my lessons."

"Doesn't matter, you only have one basic to master. And from the looks of it, you can use that attack of yours now." She pointed at him.

"I can?" He looks at his hands.

"You couldn't before because you had poor astral control. Learning astral projection alone could guarantee you'd be able to use the fight to certain degrees. I can't fight at full power without the captain and as much as I hate to admit it. It'll take the both of us to bring him down."

Ryker silently nodded his head.

"Plus, watching us fight for almost an hour have sharpened your senses. Your reaction time will improve from tracking our movements since the beginning."

Ryker gasped. She was right. When they started clashing, he could barely keep up with their speed. That was about an hour ago. He didn't know how it happened, but after a while, he finds himself able to keep a lock onto them regardless of them moving at nearly the speed of sound.

"Fine," Ryker said. "I'll help you out. He's a part of the BSA, taking him down will bring me a step closer to my goal."

"Oh," Kinkaid exclaimed. "Is the black astral user finally going to join the fight?"

"You've got that right," Ryker answered.

"Great!" The scythe user grinned. "The more things I can slash open, the merrier. I can now double the enjoyment, kikikiki. I'll be sure to keep your heads clean for your captain to see once he gets back."

Ryker clenched his fist. "Our captain?" He smirked. "You're lightyears away from reaching that man."

"Ryker, be careful of those astral blades of his. They drain the astral particles of whatever they touch even the slightest cut could be troublesome."

He scanned the android's body. Ryker counted 8 cuts all over her body. "That didn't stop you from charging into the eye of the storm now did it?"

"Just be careful, the last thing I want is for you to hold me back."

"Hold you back!? Yoy Fucking asked me to fight just a minute ago! If you're so confident why don't you fight him yourself."

"Just don't hold me back."

She dashes forward leaving a cursing Ryker behind.

"I hate that bot." With that, he leaps forward as well. "But, we're still a team!"

"Hahaha! Yes, come. I'll be having your heads soon. Reaper's Storm!"



"Hello there, beautiful." Jackal rested his elbow on the desk of the attendant.

"Hy there." The attendant who was an elf greeted back with a smile. "Welcome to Elfiem's Magic Tower where magic is researched by some of the cosmos most renowned elf mages, how may I be of assistance?"

"Right, I'm looking for a Kristian Kelsey."

The woman raised her brow. "I'm sorry, but Kristian is not associated with the tower anymore..."

"Ohh..." The captain of the black stallion rubbed his chin. "Well, could you get me an appointment with the new head of the tower?" He asked with a grin.

"Sure, take a seat at the lobby, the Grand Mage will be informed of your arrival, Mr... Uhm..."

"Jackal, Jackal Knight." The woman gasped. 'It can't be...'

"Very well." She quickly regained her composure. "Mr Jackal Knight, the Grandmaster is currently in a meeting. He'll be down the moment he's done."

"Thank you, beautiful." With that, Jackal made his way to the seat he was offered."

'Who would have thought that Kris would cut ties with the tower. Oh well, I hope my item is safe.'