Night Fury


"I couldn't believe it when I heard that the notorious Jackal Knight was in my tower."

A young man with blue hair running down his back clad in a dark blue cloak approached Jackal.

"Ahh, " Jackal exclaimed as he examined the man. "Who would have thought that such a young fella would become Kris's successor." He said stretching out his hand for a handshake.

"Pleased to meet your acquaintance." The man accepted the handshake.

'For an elf, he has such a firm grip... Hehe, you're strong alright, I'll give you that.' Jackal thought to himself.

"I've heard so much about you from Master Kris, Master Knight."

"Master Knight huh?" Jackal rubs his chin. "I like the sound of that!" He stated with a grin.

"My name is Aleister Reigns, student of the former Grandmaster of the magic tower, Kris."

"Hmm, I knew that pretty face looked familiar, I haven't seen you actually. But, Kris would not stop talking about his beloved protégé. Hehe, nice to finally meet you."

"The honour is all mine, Master Knight. The stories my teacher told me about your adventures together... They drove me into becoming the man that I am today." Aleister smiled. "How may I be of assistance to you sir?"

"Right, you don't happen to know where Kris is do you?"

"Master Kris is somewhere surfing around a black hole. That's all we know."

Jackal laughs.

"Yep, that sounds like Kris alright. It's a bummer, I was hoping we could share stories about what we've both been up to."

"Before he left, he mentioned that you would come here one day, he didn't say when. But he was certain... 'Jackal Knight, he will come for me one day, give him whatever he asks for.' Those were his words before he retired."

"Is that right?" Jackal rubs his chin before wearing a mischievous grin.

"Yes sir, I, Aleister Reigns, current Grandmaster of the tower will earnestly listen to your requests."

"Kris sure raised a good one. Alrighty then, I'll take you up on your offer. First things first." Jackal paused before taking a look around the tower. He crept closer to the Grandmaster to whisper in his ear.

"Did Kris ever mention a magical item?"

Aleister's face lit up. "Of course he did!" He turned to the women wearing identical uniforms behind him and nods his head. They quickly rushed to a room and came out a little while later carrying an item covered with a piece of cloth.

"Here," Aleister gestured to Jackal. "Master Kris said that this sword belonged to you, you loaned him this sword the day the Black Stallion crew all separated." He stated while removing the clothing to reveal a sword before giving it to its rightful owner.

"The Night Fury has been kept in perfect condition for all these years as we waited for your arrival, Master Knight, please, take it."

Jackal reached out and grabbed the sword that belonged to him originally. He unsheaths the sword to reveal a blade black as night with strange writings on it. They were magic symbols.

"Ahh," Jackal exclaimed. "It's good to see you again, old friend." He sheaths the sword and straps it around his waist. "Thank you."

"No Master Knight. We the elves of Elfiem are grateful to you for lending our saviour that blade. If it weren't for you, our planet would have died from the civil war with the druids."

That was the case. Drasil is one of the largest planets in the entire universe. However, its only intelligent inhabitants were Elves and Druids.

The two races occupied only a fraction of the entire planet and have been at war with each other for decades. That was until Kris ended the war with the help of the S-Grade Magical item, The Night Fury.

The druids decided to live in the near forests in hiding while keeping a check on the wild animals that roamed the forests. While the elves lived in the only city on the entire planet.

"I only gave him the sword. He did all the work."

"That's true. But Master Kris would always say that he won't have become the man he was if he hadn't met you and the other stallions."

"Who knew Kris would ever become a softy hehe."

Aleister and the uniform-wearing elves bowed at Jackal. "The Tower of Elfiem will always stand in support for you and your crew. Regardless of what the rest of the universe thinks of you. I swear to uphold to whatever request you may have, for the glory of my Master and our saviour's name!"

Jackal snickered. "Well, in that case..."


The door leading to Kinkaid's cell room opened as Ryker walked through carrying a tray of food.

The S-ranked hunter had regained his consciousness a little while ago.

"Here," Ryker pushes a button on the wall behind him and a small compartment opens up where he then places the tray in. A wiring mechanical noise could be heard as a similar compartment opened within the cell.

Kinkaid chuckled. "You're being awfully kind to the person who tried murdering you a couple of hours ago."

Ryker clicked his tongue. "Trust me, I don't want to be in this situation more than the next guy. But, I have to admit, the intel we can get from your head will be worth keeping up with your psychotic presence for a few more days."

'Until we have Zera pick your brain for us. And then, I'll end you myself.'


Ryker widens his eyes.

"Thank you for the meal." Kinkaid thanked him while rubbing his belly.

"How could anyone eat that fast? Do you have a black hole for a mouth!?" Ryker exclaimed.

"Kikikiki, Your food was just nice. That's all." The Hunter admitted.

"Tck, stop that." Ryker clenched his teeth.

"Stop what?"

"Stop talking like we're pals!" He snapped.

"Ohh, somebody woke up on the wrong side of the galaxy today."

"Grr, you think everything's a joke don't you!?"

"Easy there tiger." Kinkaid noticed Ryker's astral skin fluctuating over him.

"I tried keeping my emotions in check. But, I simply can't stand your presence. You and everyone associated with the BHA were involved with the blind masquer of innocence. And for what? To save face!"

"Are you done?" Kinkaid asked nonchalantly as he finished picking his ears.

"Argh!" Ryker slammed his fist against the wall. Panting heavily, the ex-hunter rushed out of the room.

"Hehe, you're not the only one who lost something from the association."