Jackal Vs Ryker

"Are you ready to despair?"

"Captain, are you alright?"

Ming rushed to Jackal's side.

The two glared over at Ryker. He was covered in his astral skin.

"Master Knight, Lady Ming. What is our course of action."

Jackal rubbed the spot he was struck earlier.

"Simple, we knock some senses into snow-white before he loses his mind completely."

He grins before unsheathing his sword. Ming had only just noticed the sword and gasps.


"Hehe, I didn't see Kris if that's what you want to know."

"I see..." She muttered.

"Well then, I'll have you two step back." Jackal grins as Ming and Aleister took a few steps back leaving him to face the berserk Ryker.

"Snow-white. I don't want to be the one to do this, but you better snap out of whatever it is that's going on in that noggin of yours. Or I might actually hurt you a little."