The Four Horsemen 3


Inside the office of the Flag master was August having a smoke while looking over a paper.

He hears a knock and puts out the smoke. 

"Come in." 

A man walks through which made August wear a disgusted look.

"What are you doing here?" 

"My my, is that a way to talk to your fellow Flag Master, August?" 

The man standing in front of August was none other than Flag Master Leonidas.

"You may wear the uniform of a Flag Master but mind you," August adjusts his monocle. "You're still the same criminal scum who got involved with Jackal Knight." 

Leonidas walked closer and seats at the desk. "If I recall, I wasn't the only one who had a history with Jackal." 

"Grr, our cases are different. He was my mentor and friend before he defected. You were his vice-captain before you changed sides."