Chapter 28

"Welcome to the Merchant's guild on Coruscant my name is CT-418 and I will be the one helping you today, so before we begin can I get your registered I.D. with the Merchant's guild or if you are new I can register you for one right here" Said CT

"I am new, so I will need to register for one, and I would also like to register for the creation of a ship building company" Said Alexander since he was planning to first start a company that will over the years transform into a massive corporation.

"Well, first I need to see a schematic of the ships that you plan to build so that we can determine whether your business will be lucrative for the Merchant's guild to invest in and if it is then you can receive a small starting investment from the Merchant's guild that will help you start your business but you will need to buy or build your own shipyard" Said CT

Hearing what the droid said, starting a business would be harder than he thought unless he can find a way to get a lot of Credits that he can use to build his own shipyard. Of course, he can build his own with his droids, but how will he justify the money used for building the Shipyard.

Thinking about that, Alexander thought that instead it would be easier to just create his own Corporation without the supervision of the Merchant's guild and start trading with various planet's in the Galaxy and expand his influence.

And instead of focusing on just ships, he can expand to other areas such creating things that can improve people's daily lives. He can even make a space hospital that can cure any disease in the galaxy.

With Cortana his options were many, and he didn't need to join some merchant's guild to do that, so instead he will do it his own way, which is much easier anyway.

"I see, well I don't have the schematics with me right now, so I guess I will put off that until later for now though I need help finding some medical ingredients and was hoping the merchant's guild might have knowledge of them" Said Alexander as he showed CT the list of medical ingredients that he needed.

CT searched for the ingredient's in the Merchant's guild database and found a place where he can get them all within 30 seconds.

"After searching throughout the various guild members, I have found 4 possible people who are here on Coruscant with the ingredients that you need, but first a meeting time and place will have to be set first, and the guild member must approve" Said CT

"How long does this generally takes" Asked Alexander

"Well, the Ingredients you asked for are currently in low supply and hard to come by so not many are selling it for a low price or even selling it at all and since you are not a licensed member of the Guild some members won't even agree to meet with you to discuss a mutual exchange so the time all depends on the Guild member" Explained CT

"I see then I guess I will find another way, but thanks for the help anyway CT" Said Alexander

"No problem, the Merchant's Guild is always here to help"

Alexander turned around and walked away with Yrena and Yona behind him. Instead of their normal clothes, they were wearing robes which covered their bodies, hiding their lightsabers and armor underneath.

While they were walking away, Alexander looked at his wrists as Cortana appeared, "Did you get the information Cortana"

"Yes I got the names and location of all 4 of the people that the droid found now all we need to do is pay them a 'Friendly' visit, and we can get the supplies" said Cortana with an emphasis on friendly

"Yes, have the assassin droids keep tabs on all 4 of these trader's and make sure to inform me if something important happens, but for now I will explore the city a little since it is my first time seeing an entire planet that is one giant city" Said Alexander

"Also Master if you need money to start a company I could just hack into the Merchant Guild and transfer over any amount that you need to your account and nobody will ever find out" Said Cortana

Hearing that, Alexander had the most perfect plan that he was going to use Cortana for and for starting his corporation. It involved what Cortana just said about hacking into the Merchant's guild and transferring money to his account.

After she does that Alexander can send some clones to pose as traders and begin trading with other trader's eventually growing big enough to where he will have influence in the galaxy and his corporation will be known.