Chapter 37

Alexander was sitting in the deck of his ship while outside his ship dozens of soldier's and droids were surrounding his ship protecting it from the enemy attack.

Alexander had the Gunships circle the area scouting for the enemy and report back what they saw.

The resistance soldiers were preparing their defenses for the battle ahead. All over the base one could see resistance soldier's running around the base getting into their defenses while the base alarms were going off.

After a few minutes the first line of defense was successfully set up which contained resistance soldier's mixed in with Alexander's droids.

Almost 20 minutes had passed and there was no sign of enemy movement around the base making some doubt whether or not the enemy was coming.

Unfortunately the timing of the soldier's thinking wasn't the best since the frontline had started getting attacked by enemy soldiers.

While above in the sky the enemy fighters were escorting bombers in to bomb the resistance base but the Terran fighter's that were stationed in the area were already heading to intercept them.

And they arrived just in time as the enemy was nearing the resistance base.

The enemy tried to distract the Terran fighter's in order to get their bombers through, but the sheer number of Terran fighters were overwhelming plus with the support from the resistance anti fighter guns the enemy fighter's and bombers were stopped from completing their mission.

On the ground at the frontline, the resistance soldier's mixed with Alexander's droids were holding against the enemy attack which had intensified since enemy shock troopers had started attacking the frontline killing a lot of resistance soldiers and destroying a lot of droids.

The frontline wouldn't last that long against the enemy since some of them started to retreat to the second line of defense.

But luckily they wouldn't need to hold out any longer since approaching from the east were hundreds of Terran transports, fighter's, and gunships that were coming from a nearby city that they conquered.

Commander Gilsom was already told by Alexander that those were his reinforcements, so he told his resistance soldier's to not shoot the incoming reinforcement.

But the transports were still a few seconds out so the Terran fighter's and bomber's rushed ahead of the transports breaking their escort formation and started supporting the frontline.

At this time a fresh wing of enemy fighter's had made its way to the battlefield and started dog fighting with the Terran fighter's that were already there.

And within seconds the reinforcing Terran fighters coming from the east had made its way to the frontline and started supporting their allies.

While the fighter's began fighting with the enemy fighter's and the bombers started bombing the approaching enemy troops, the Terran transport's had made their way to the Resistance base and started to land all around the base where there was space.

The gunships went to the frontline and started offloading small amounts of troops, and after they offloaded these troops the gunships started supporting the frontline destroying the enemy heavy vehicles.

So far the enemy hasn't been able to send out their own gunships since the Terran fighter's currently maintained a heavy air presence over the battlefield preventing enemy gunships from reinforcing the frontline.

The battle started to turn in the favor of the resistance thanks to the support of the Terran army. The General of this Terran army had immediately gone to report to Alexander who was still on his transport ship watching the battle.

And since he was a General he was allowed aboard the transport, and he walked to the bridge of the ship where Alexander was at.

"Your Highness the 15th Legion has arrived and are supporting the front lines as we speak, and we should have control over the battlefield once our heavy artillery and vehicles get off loaded from the transport's" Reported General Zeed

Alexander, who was looking at the many screens in front of him which showed the battlefield, had turned around in his chair facing the General.

"Very good General Zeed you have arrived on time" Said Alexander

"It would have been sooner your highness but after liberating the city east of here it took us some time to load all of our troops back up and make it over here" General Zeed was really rushing once he heard that the Emperor was under attack even leaving behind some of the slower troops to stay in the city.

"It's fine General Zeed, my safety was never at risk anyway" Said Alexander since it was true that his safety was never threatened.

"Of course your Highness I was just being cautious since you are the most important person on this planet right now so your safety is our top concern" Said General Zeed

"I know that's why I appreciate all the soldiers and Leaders in the army for putting my safety above all else even if I am the most protected person on the planet but forgetting about small talk General we have a battle to win and a planet to liberate so let's get back to it" Said Alexander

"Yes, your Highness I will return with news of our victory soon" Said General Zeed as he bowed and left the transport ship to the frontline to start pushing the enemy back.

While on the enemy side their General has been furious since they are losing the battle both on the land and in the air, and he has lost thousands of troops already. But he has a trick up his sleeve that will turn the tide of the battle.