Chapter 46

The Development of the new ship which has been named the Genesis class Titan has been going smoothly. And not everything is perfect so during the initial construction of the ship some things had to be reworked on but nothing too serious.

The ship took 12 months to complete and in those 8 Months some interesting things have happened in the Galaxy.

First of which a Senator of the Republic proposed that the Republic actually commits to making a standing army.

(I know the Republic has an army which is quite small and only used for peace keeping purposes such as trade disputes, hostage situation's, etc)

The Senator even managed to get a few other Senators backing him and the Chancellor, but the majority of the Senate was controlled by Emperor Palpatine in secret so the proposal failed.

The reason it failed besides the fact that the other Senators were corrupt and in the hands of Palpatine was because they saw no need to establish an army since that would only escalate the situation in the Galaxy.

Since if the Republic start's to build up a military than other independent faction's will as well such as the Hutt Clan and the Galactic Empire. And it will go against everything that the current Republic stand's for.

Most senators because of this thousand year peace have forgotten about the Old Republic which fought off the Sith Empire and only believed that the current Republic values Peace above all else.

Those were the word's of the Senator's and the various other faction's in the Senate such as the Trader Federation, and other trading faction's.

But this was only because the Trading factions didn't want the Republic to start building up a military, since if they do that then who will control the massive military and where will they get the money to fund such a large military in the first place.

There was only one answer and that was taxes. Taxes were already High enough as is in the Republic because half of the original territory of the Republic now belongs to the Galactic Empire.

This caused a major budget problem that took weeks for the Senate to fix. But the fix for the problem was increasing taxes and stopping the spending of other government projects and such basically things that affects the people and not the rich.

So unlike before where life in the Republic was pretty decent throughout it's territories now living in the Republic wasn't even a good choice.

And the Galactic Empire was no better since the Emperor using his supreme power over the people often exploited people and enslaved some races. But those were things that were not known by other people of the Galaxy and were kept a secret.

So by not knowing that the Galactic Empire was abusing its power and exploiting the people many went from living in the Republic to living in the Galactic Empire.

A small amount of people even went to live in Territories located in Wild Space while the majority of the people just had to deal with the increase in taxes and decrease in standard of living.

Once Alexander heard this from the many spy droids he had all over the Republic and the Galactic Empire he had the perfect plan.

Since his Empire was relatively known by now by both the Galactic Empire and the Republic he can start doing things publicly which will include attracting immigrants from those two Empire's to live in his territories.

This way he can both increases his population and help people live a much better life since in his Empire the Taxes were not even that much since Droids mainly did all the governmental work. So in the coming weeks he planned to announce that anybody who comes to Zakuul will be promised safe passage and a better life all paid for by his Government.

Now because his Empire doesn't have a reputation he probably won't get that many to actually come or might not even get any at all but this was a long term plan that he had established especially since he planned to be involved more in the Galaxies affairs both politically and militarily.

But back to the Genesis class Titan. Its size was massive and required a crew of over 25k people to operate it, and it could house 10k soldier's along with 200 fighter's. By itself it could probably take on over 10-Star Destroyer's at once.

It's weapon's just as mention before were a combination of Kinetic and Laser weapon's. The Kinetic weapon's could be switched out for laser weapon's at anytime while in combat. How this works is that the weapon's would retract into the ship replacing it with a Laser battery.

This was something that was still in development because of many things that could go wrong during a battle such as if the enemy hit's the weapon placement and the system malfunction's preventing the ship from switching between the two weapon's.

The overall color of the ship was made to be blue with the Terran flag on the hull of the ship. The ship had a hanger that could fit 200+ fighter's and two small corvettes to escape the ship should it suffer too much damage.

Overall Alexander liked the ship and could see it as his new flagship, but first he wants it to be tested during the combat and what better way to do that than fighting the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium.

And it was the perfect time to do that since in the last 10 months they have spent searching for the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium territory and have only just found the location of it only recently.

Alexander wasn't going to waste this chance as he already prepared a fleet to go attack one of their planet's with Aina as the Commander of the fleet.

Aina would be in the Genesis class Titan ship controlling the fleet from the bridge. This battle would be both a test for Aina and the new Genesis class Titan ship. Alexander already tested her Lightsaber and force wielding abilities, and he was satisfies since she was just as strong as Yrena and Yona.

Now all he wanted was to test her ability to command forces which was crucial to being one of his servants.